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About RataUnderground

  • Rank
    Abstract mapper /I\

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  1. RataUnderground

    I Can't Get Excited About (AAA) Games Anymore

    I think I've been in a state of complete apathy for the triple-A video game industry for more than fifteen years, with the addition that I'm not too excited about the indie scene either, even though I eventually play things that I enjoy in both sectors. Sometimes I think if I even like video games anymore, beyond the theoretical concept, and even though I have never stopped playing my favorites.
  2. RataUnderground

    How To Team

    I haven't been very deep into it and its use is certainly very advanced, DoomMake is designed to develop in doom using a modern workflow. You know, put the project stuff in folders, have a git repository where several people can collaborate, build the project.... It might be worth a look.
  3. RataUnderground

    What Kind Of Metal You Think Doom Is?

    I think its eurodance these days, mostly.
  4. RataUnderground


    At this point I would prefer a realistic game with sci-fi touches than the evolutionary dead-end street that is this over-the-top, cartoony style of Doom Eternal. I'm not exactly thrilled.
  5. RataUnderground

    Eureka fountains [MBF21]

    Thanks for playing! I fixed the softlock and some other things that bugged me. Version 2.0 is out! https://mega.nz/file/EbJBQYSY#6epYUreEJQH7fnGCp-bmsT86HIjCy9kkiBZ_GExVp60
  6. RataUnderground

    How do I install and run wads on Vanilla or GZDoom?

    The simplest way is: -Download a sourceport that suits you. Some of the community favorites are GzDoom, DSDA, Nugget Doom, Doom Retro... -Install it in a folder and copy DOOM.WAD or DOOM2.WAD to that folder (most mods work on Doom 2, so I recommend the latter) -Download any mod you want and simply drag it onto the sourceport executable. There are other more advanced ways that offer better control (such as using a launcher), but that's the basics.
  7. Not very roman, but very cool map! I especially appreciate that you used the cyberdemons with reduced health.
  8. New version of Map12 - Bath - -Added detail -Fixed softlocks -Balanced skill levels -Aligned textures RataUnderground-Bath-v0.2.wad.zip
  9. RataUnderground

    Does UDB have "sketch" lines?

    No, and it's something that I already mentioned at the time that it would be great to have. There is a close solution, which is to use a background image and draw on it in another program.
  10. RataUnderground

    Rate my Doom PC.

    Windows? bad. At least its not windows 11.
  11. RataUnderground

    Noob mapper needs help with teleporting monster

    Also, don't forget this texture : )
  12. RataUnderground

    Eureka fountains [MBF21]

    Thank you very much for playing! It was a pleasant surprise to see your video appear in my YouTube inbox. Answering some of the questions you ask in your video, I haven't stopped to add different levels of difficulty because I finished this map at two in the morning and I was really eager to release it to Doomworld now. The reason I tried to do it in Eureka (although I had to end it in UDB) is because Eureka is supported on Linux and UDB is not, and I wanted to see if it was possible for me to make the switch without having to go through the hassle of loading UDB with Wine. Regarding creating textures, I used to use aseprite for it, but I use Krita just as much. Both are good applications. Something I should perhaps mention is that I have been a professional artist for 16 years and six years of experience as a 3D artist in a video game studio. I practically never map unless I introduce some of my own textures to give it a different flavor. Maybe it would be of interest to the community if I explained my process? Let me know. Anyway, I really liked your gameplay, you have defended yourself very well, even though you haven't found any of the secrets :)
  13. Every day I am more convinced that Dead Internet Theory is less of a conspiracy and more of a reflection of reality, but not because bots are becoming more and more human-like in behavior, but because humans are becoming more and more like bots.
  14. RataUnderground

    Eureka fountains [MBF21]

    Actually, the MBF21 format changes were made in UDB. I only made about 75% of the map in eureka before been done with the experiment and switching. Eureka has some nice things. The simplicity of some of the ui and the workflow is nice, but I cannot deal with the sectors broken when merging and other QoL issues. Maybe if I make an attempt in the future to make a "shovelware aesthetics" map I'll try again.
  15. RataUnderground

    Eureka fountains [MBF21]

    It is ill-advised to press buttons while running in the middle of a fight, but I admire how you handled such decisions xD