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About Vermil

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  1. Vermil

    LEGACY OF RUST - overall thoughts?

    NRFTL and Sigil are just map packs. But Legacy of Rust featuring new content, but still being for one of the original games, is a bit confusing IMO.
  2. I know this is a longshot, but I was wondering if anyone here knew how the below three old FPS were originally packaged in their English releases? I.e did they come in big boxes with manuals, just in jewel cases etc? Forbes corporate warrior Island peril WWII GI
  3. Vermil

    Anyone Else Remembers Twisted Metal?

    There was a PC port of Twisted metal 2 back in the day.
  4. Vermil

    Blasphemer discussion

    I believe the issue with the Iron Lich sprites is because June gloom was running Blasphemer as a Pwad to Heretic in ZDoom: https://zdoom.org/wiki/Sprite#Conflicting_sprite_names
  5. EDIT: Please delete me.
  6. Vermil

    What are your collecting hobbies?

    My collecting hobby is physical video games. I've got about 8000 now.
  7. Vermil

    The BradyGames Witchaven Strategy Guide?

    EDIT: Please delete me.
  8. Vermil

    Doomworld's thought(s) on Red Faction?

    Destructible walls ala Operation body count or Catacomb, would be easy in Doom ports with XG, ACS etc etc. Might even be able to fudge it with vanilla Doom actions? Indeed I've done OBC style destructible walls using XG before for instance.
  9. Vermil

    Hexen Hack Editor (HEX)

    Not quite; as a port fully supporting Heretic and HeXen (as opposed to most other ports partial support), there was/is Doomsday in between Vanilla (HHE and HEX) and GZDoom; Heretic Doomsday supported near all of Doomsdays modding features from mobj defs to XG etc etc. But no non-visual mods (i.e model packs etc) were ever released for Doomsday Heretic. HeXen Doomsday didn't support XG (though naturally it supported Vanilla HeXen ACS), but it did/does support mobj defs, infine etc. Again no -non-visual mods were ever released for it.
  10. Barron's already do up to 80 damage in melee, which means it can kill a 100% marine in a couple of attacks, if the RNG goes that way.
  11. Vermil

    Blasphemer discussion

    The vampire graphics are good, but it looks a bit odd that the attack sprites don't match the state that spawns the projectile/does the damage? Also, quite a big jump to the position of the first death sprite?
  12. Higher resolution's Uncapped FPS Infinite height removal Full screen hud
  13. Spidie actually uses the same attack as the Shotgun zombie. The Doom2 manual describes the Spiders weapon as a super chaingun.
  14. Maybe try using the Cyber demon's missile action, rather than the player one?
  15. Indeed, the closest to in game map editing classic Doom has got is probably Doomsday's inbuilt Bias light editor: