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Found 6 results

  1. xX_Lol6_Xx

    Alien Vendetta

    Awesome megawad, cool maps and cool music. I like the intermission screen music (Heretic E1M9) Excellent. Good job
  2. Guest

    HUMP mini



    _______ _______ | /|| /|( )( ____ ) | ) ( || ) ( || () () || ( )| | (___) || | | || || || || (____)| | ___ || | | || |(_)| || _____) | ( ) || | | || | | || ( / | ) ( || (___) || ) ( || )-MINI- |/ |(_______)|/ ||/ / heretic upstart mapping project 2018 Made for Chocolate Heretic, zdoom or GZdoom (3.4.1) +------------------------------------------+ ***IMPORTANT*** This project uses a "short" episode 2: E2M1 leads to E2M9, which leads to E2M5, E2M6, E2M7, E2M8. So maps E2M2 - E2M4 will be regular heretic maps. +------------------------------------------+ To run with chocolate heretic: Copy the hump_mini.wad and hump_mini.hhe files into your chocolate heretic directory. You will also need the usual heretic.wad in that directory Make a shortcut to the chocolate heretic .exe file, in the "target" section of the shortcut, add the following: -iwad heretic.wad -file hump_mini.wad -deh hump_mini.hhe The .hhe file has the map and episode names for this project. For zdoom / GZdoom, map names are done with MAPINFO, so no need to run the .hhe file +------------------------------------------+ Project Lead: SOSU Idea Base: DUMP Projects by TerminusEst13 Special Thanks: Mikolah, HexenMapper Titlepic / title music: HexenMapper Playtesting: HUMPmini Crew +------------------------------------------+ NOTE: All maps are designed to be wand-started. They have been arranged roughly in order of difficulty, so continuous play will also work. To wand start: When you enter a map, type "engageXY" where X is the episode number and Y is the map number given below (So type engage11 for E1M1). This will restart the level with only your wand, staff and no items. Jumping and Crouching have been disabled in this wad. You will not be needing them. Maps Included (13) MAP E1M1 Name: Canal Author: PerfectionismTech MAP E1M2 Name: The Doorway to Hell Author: Repugnus Music: Guardian of Fire, Hexen:Beyond Heretic, Kevin Schilder MAP E1M3 Name: Coast Town Author: Jthom MAP E1M4 Name: The Wharf Author: Mikolah MAP E1M5 Name: Resurrection Author: SOSU MAP E1M6 Name: The Black Heart Author: ETTiNGRiNDER MAP E1M7 Name: The Inner Sanctum Author: Xindage MAP E1M8 Name: The Tomb of Xerxes I Author: Xyzzy01 Music: ??? MAP E2M1 Name: Twisted Spire Author: Whirledtsar MAP E2M9 Name: Praevus Smeltery Author: riderr3 Music: Yew.mid, Ben Wachal MAP E2M5 Name: Cave of Damnation Author: Skeletonpatch MAP E2M6 Name: Cultist Crypt Author: HexenMapper MAP E2M7 Name: DEEP BLUE Author: Walter confetti Music: Omnious, Jill of the Jungle, Dan Froelich MAP E2M8 Name: Danke Schoen Author: HexenMapper MAP E1M9, E2M2 - M4 Name: Nexus Author: Mikolah
  3. galileo31dos01

    The Realm of Parthoris - 2015

    Done with these settings: - ZDoom 2.8.1. plus a DECORATE that twists some RNG values. - Thou Art a Smite-Meister (skill 4) - Continuous combined with a wand start mindset. - Saves every 10 minutes or so. Super fun episode as expected. This is the second Heretic pwad I've played, and I truly enjoyed it from start to end. The visual side is absolutely great, it's notable that the authors designed their maps to fit the new textures in the best way possible, and make each section distinguishable and memorable. Dynamic use of lights to add difficulty in traps, slippery snow that messes up with your dodging, lite platforming on lava not inescapable, varied geometry that aren't just corridors and rectangles, are among other things what the wad offers in terms of details and layout. Besides, custom music, and very enjoyable ones, particularly E1M5's midi which fits perfectly with the start of the map. While the maps don't have any special sort of connection with each other, thematically speaking, they do offer a cohesive style of combat that isn't seen in the iwad. It's very trap based, but also has a lot of incidental combat that can easily overwhelm a careless player. The enemy placement isn't just there for cleanup, despite the differences of RNG with Doom monsters, on wand starts you have to cross through the crossfire to find your weapons, which can be tricky here since the more you advance, more enemies will teleport in and cannot be simply ignored forever. TROP also comes with its own puzzles courtesy of an author who I read is a fan of them (Obsidian ahem...), his E1M9 is what I would consider the "infamous" map of the set, as it requires an unusual approach to reach the exit, plus some quite interesting hazards like automatic exploding pods. The rest of the maps don't have any cryptic clues for progression, they can be linear or non-linear, but since their general size is big (except E2M1 which is clearly a speedmap), exploration is an important feature. What else?... oh yeah, crushers, good old crushers just when you didn't expect them! Hopefully all of these things will catch your attention in a positive way, as much as they did to me. Secret-wise, I'd actually recommend to find them as some will contain a powerful weapon, so the gameplay won't be crossbows-only. They aren't so hard to find, given the new textures it just takes some careful observation. There is one unreachable secret in E1M5, a hidden switch that doesn't work will prevent you to grab a visible item from another room. I also found some HOMs here and there, but nothing that affects the gameplay. No favourite maps, because I enjoyed them all pretty much the same. Overall, no gripes, no dislikes, the mapset is a must-play even if you're only keen to Doom. My rate is 9/10.
  4. galileo31dos01

    Heretic Treasure Chest

    Done with these settings: - ZDoom 2.8.1 - Bringest Them Oneth, aka skill 3. - Continuous combined with a wand start mindset. - Saves every 10 minutes or so. This is the first Heretic pwad I've ever played and I enjoyed it a lot. It brings some classic scenarios and a lot of stuff you don't get in the iwad. Visually, well it's multicolored, it's Heretic after all, some nice designing and recolored textures, not much to say. I liked the usage of different themes in a same map, like in E1M9. The third episode has the best looking maps in my opinion. Ok, there are only 3 episodes but plenty of maps of varied length and gameplay. I'd say, in terms of gameplay, it's a mixed bag actually, there's many maps that follow the style of the iwads, meaning packs of the same type of monster in corridors, or a very little traps, specially teleport traps. The ones present are quite good, involving moving a lot to avoid high damage. Infighting is possible in almost every map, and some of the later ones have the best scenarios. There're also maps where enemies will start to infight before you even do something, which is not so fun. You'll also get completely long straightforward maps without a chance to return to previous parts, a pet peeve of mine but whatever... A few of my favourite encounters include a massive infestation of nitrogargoyles in a cave, a tricky trap with lots of disciples and iron liches, and a wave of disciples against a malotaur in a ring (I use a decorate to make any monster able to target the malotaur). And more and more. Secret wise, given that, even the original game is really hard to spot the secrets, I won't complain too much here, but I'll add that in some maps I had no idea how to get their secrets, like not a clue. Wall hunting is needed in several cases. The rewards are good though. Music wise, apart from iwad tracks, there also some nice new midis and Doom tracks too, particularly in E2M5, if it's not remixed though. I found several bugs that I won't specifically mention because I doubt an update would ever be released... HOMs, monsters that fail to pop up, items that cannot be grabbed, doors that open from one side but not the other side, and particularly in E3M8, you can exit the map without releasing D'Sparil, and if you decide to fight him and company, you can't get out of the arena as nothing is triggered after his death, at least it didn't happen to me, and ended up using kitty to exit. Favourite maps: E1M8, E2M5, E2M8, E3M2, E3M3, E3M7. Least Favourite maps: E1M6, E2M3. The other maps are very good, good, and so so. Overall, enjoyable mapset, goes quite on par with the iwad and outside of the box too. Give it a chance if you like Heretic. I'll rate this 7/10
  5. Guest

    Hordes of Chaos X



    Well, it's been quite a journey. Hordes of Chaos is finally done, with 25 maps. HOC X has all 4 previously released HOCs, plus the all new HOC 5. HOC has been changed to HOC Death Edition. It's got 2x the monsters and alot less health. Good luck playing this one! :P These maps are meant to be a challenge on Skill 4. If you play on Skill 4 and die miserably, don't be surprised. And don't complain, either. Play it on Skill 3! :P After each map your weapons and ammo are taken. You get to keep your items. This is intentional. Each map was taken from another project and worked on considerably. Here's where each map originally came from : E1,E2 All Maps Dark Heretic E3M1 Monster Mash Vermil's Maps E3M4 E3M2 Painville ZUUL E3M3 Hidden Temple Vermil's Maps E3M7 E3M4 The Four Rooms Black Fortress X E3M5 D'Sparil's Sauna Dark Heretic E1M4 E4M1 Painkiller Vermil's Maps E3M5 E4M2 Tomb Of Naughtyness Crimson Tomb E4M3 The Black Bog Vermil's Maps E3M6 E4M4 Crypt Of Crispy Critters VOL R2 E4M5 D'Sparil's Tower Tower of Pain E5M1 Hell's Belly Button Trails of D. MAP02 E5M2 Emerald Passage The Lost Gate E5M3 Fortress Of Fortitude Steeple Chase V1.3 E5M4 Catastrohpic Finale Vermil's Maps E1M9 E5M5 Obligatory Secret Map Vermil's Maps E1M1
  6. Guest

    The History of Fruit

    Hooray, all that nagging finally paid off...now others can see what I saw in that ZDS months ago - a brand new Heretic episode! Not only that, a pretty damn good one too with some great set-pieces (notably in E1M9).