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Collections of new graphics, sounds, music, and/or .exe patches, without levels or a clear theme that warrants them their own themes subdir.

489 files

  1. Marathon Ally Pfhor Items ACS Enter Script

    You and your cadres set out to embark unto the maps of doom! Adversaries are aware of reinforcements. May the Hindmost Creche (including the Pfhor High Council) be with you.


       (5 reviews)


  2. MDK Armory

    MDK Armory is a dumb weapon pack inspired by the ZDoom console command/cheat "mdk," which deals 10,000 damage to whatever you're pointing at. As such, every weapon deals 10,000 damage. It's a jokewad that will hopefully provide catharsis and might prove fun to anyone who wants to experience slaughterwads extremely casually.


       (1 review)


  3. lilith.pk3 resource wad

    glitchy textures from lilith.pk3 and solid.pke including a bunch of new unused ones! includes PLAYPAL, ENDOOM, ANIMATED, ANIMDEFS, and DECALDEF. The UI and sprites from lilith are also included. As well as the plasma sound.


       (0 reviews)


  4. Soulbruiser of Hell

    The Soulbruiser of Hell is a custom monster that uses Vader's Bruiser Demon sprites and core concept (i.e. a strong mid-boss Baron-like creature that hurls fireballs).

    It's made with a DEHACKED patch (well, a BEX patch to be more pedantic) and replaces the Commander Keen thing.


       (0 reviews)


  5. Gasoline-Powered Chainsaw 1.1.1

    This is a small Doom/Doom II gameplay mod that utilizes ZDoom derivated ports' DECORATE functions (GZdoom, Skulltag, Zandronum, etc.) to change the behaviour of the Chainsaw. It includes .pk3 files for Vanilla Doom as well as popular mods (currently Beautiful Doom Zandronum, Beautiful Doom 6.3.2, Project Brutality 2.0.3a, Project Brutality 3.0[Jan 21, 2018] and Brutal Doom v21[Apr 25, 2018]).


       (1 review)


  6. Necrodoom

    Gameplay modification for Doom(2).

    You're the pilot of the experimental AS-66K Necrosuit, an assault exoskeleton developed for heavy- duty military operations. Asskicking and name-taking are your daily duties, so when the Union Aerospace Corporation wisely decides to open a gateway to Hell one fateful day, you decide to do what you do best: suit up and kick some demon ass!

    The mod serves as a 'conversion' of sorts of the arsenal from Raven Software's obscure car-combat shooter "Necrodome," featuring a stylish set of suit-mounted guns loosely inspired by their Necrodome counterparts. Melt the competition with laser cannons, heat-seeking missiles, twin chainguns, and rocket scatter pods. Kablooey!

    See the "Gameplay Notes" section below for a breakdown of the mod's more subtle features, like entering/exiting the Necrosuit and inventory basics.


       (2 reviews)


  7. Woah! Crash Bandicoot Doom (unofficial redux)

    I decided to make this after seeing Nitroactive's take and being disappointed by the fact that Crash didn't animate. I also went a little overboard along the way so there's a Crash variation to replace every monster.


       (2 reviews)


  8. Beautiful Doom (version 6.2.0)

    Beautiful Doom is the grandfather of enhancement mods, born in 2008, updated multiple times, and finally updated again in 2015, after a long silence. Version 6.0 was an ultimate update that took it to the next level.

    It's a mod that keeps original Doom gameplay unchanged but introduces lots of special effects and visual enhancements for deeper and more thrilling Doom experience. Practically every single object in Doom was remade and updated, and many effects can be controlled while using the mod.


       (2 reviews)


  9. Big Fucking Speech 9000

    Is violence against Nazis justified, or is the solution to hate speech more free speech? Now's your chance to find out.


       (0 reviews)


  10. NAM Ally Green Beret Items ACS Enter Script

    You and your cadres set out to embark unto the maps of doom! Adversaries are aware of reinforcements. May God be with you.


       (6 reviews)


  11. Run For It!

    A gameplay mod, it adds legs and ability to run to a lot of objects that never asked for this.


       (8 reviews)


  12. Weasel's Mixed Tape Vol.3

    Constructed primarily from the ruins and remnants of mods I didn't get far enough to release, Mixed Tape Vol.3 is very much a "throw things at the wall" kind of mod. No major gimmicks or anything, just a set of guns, pretty much.


       (4 reviews)


  13. Ancient Aliens Textures

    Resources from the Ancient Aliens megawad.

    aa-tex.wad contains textures and flats. aa-mons.wad includes the custom monsters and custom decorations used in Ancient Aliens.

    playpal-aatex.png is the Ancient Aliens palette. You can use it as a base to create your own palettes with additional ranges: it should be clear which ranges are not native to Doom and can be changed to whatever you want.

    phu_big.bmp is a bitmap font to be used with Bitmap Font Writer.

    alnarch1.xcf is a GIMP image file for the arch textures. You can use it to make variants of the arches with alternate background textures (a different set of bricks, for instance).

    See aa-tex-info.txt for some additional instructions if you're unfamiliar with working with custom palettes. You'll need to follow the included steps to import and reindex some IWAD resources into your project.


       (7 reviews)



    This is an unofficial patch for Heretic: SOTSR 1.3 It will essentially port the levels to Doom II so they can be played with Doom monsters and weapons. This patch creates quality Doom levels featuring very good classic style gameplay. The necessary Heretic resources (levels, musics, sounds and graphics) are extracted at the user's computer Both full registered versions are required



       (48 reviews)


  15. COD ray gun

    This is the first known COD ray gun recreated in Doom. I dunno if it's been done before, but have fun with this, and use it for whatever...

    I made this as accurate to the COD ray gun as much as I could. Like I said, if you wanna use it for something or modify it, do it. Credit me though and link the download (aka this page).

    The weapon is in slot 6 and it comes after the plasma rifle.


       (6 reviews)


  16. Beeeeees

    Replaces every single vanillia d2 enemy with lots of bees.

    Includes a whole new Icon of Sin behaviour.


       (16 reviews)


  17. Beautiful Doom (version

    Beautiful Doom is the grandfather of enhancement mods, born in 2008, updated multiple times, and now in 2015 it received the ultimate update. Since then it has improved a lot.

    It's a mod that keeps original Doom gameplay but introduces lots of special effects and visual enhancements for deeper and more thrilling Doom experience.


       (205 reviews)


  18. Guns Akimbo!

    2 guns are better than 1 gun. So I've just made this for Doom.

    Weapons include alternate attacks for more fun.


       (7 reviews)


  19. Meme Jon Doom

    A gameplay mod which replaces all the non-weapon/music sounds with Meme Jon, and all the monsters with an overpowered Meme Jon monster.


       (18 reviews)


  20. Half-Life Blood Effects

    Blood effects from Half-Life to be used on both Singleplayer and Multiplayer.

    UPDATE: I've made some changes to the graphics, and after a intense session against bots, i've realized that 3 minutes of duration is WAY too long to be a default value, so i reduce the duration to 63 tics.


       (4 reviews)


  21. InstaDoom WAD Of The Year Edition

    If you just can't get enough of taking pictures of your food and making it look more magenta, InstaDoom is for you! Play Doom with any of the 40(!) official Instagram filters! Memento Mori with Mayfair! Requiem with Rise! Icarus with Inkwell! Alien Vendetta with Aden or Valencia!

    ALSO INCLUDES: Selfie Doom: Buddy Adding Edition! Indulge your narcissistic urges even in the deepest corners of Hell! With the new multiplayer compatibility, take group selfies in front of famous landmarks! As seen in Le Monde!

    Note that in any non-ZDoom-based port, the Selfie Stick replaces the BFG, and all chainsaw and BFG item placements are swapped, so you can pick up the Selfie Stick on Map01 ASAP. (Since the Doomguy doesn't have to worry about lugging around the BFG, he can also carry 50% more plasma ammo.) In ZDoom-based ports, the Selfie Stick is a special extra DECORATE weapon bound to the 7 key.

    ALSO ALSO INCLUDES: InstaDoom DLC Pack 1! Is Instagram too "mainstream" for your tastes? Do you need filters -- er, I mean, "presets" -- that really scream, "I am a hipster"? Do you not care about usability? Then you'll love the new VSCO Cam DLC pack!

    17 new filters (er, I mean, "presets") that emulate each of the currently-free filt- uh, presets in the VSCO Cam app! Most of them look like garbage, but they are painfully hip! Sneer at the basic bitches on Instagram with such purposely-obtusely-named presets as A4, B5, M3, and the ever-popular P5!!


       (48 reviews)


  22. Final Fantasy Spells!

    Mainly the spells from Final Fantasy 4 in the doom perspective.


       (11 reviews)


  23. gib

    Quake-inspired spraying gibs mod.

    BONUS: green.wad, a red/green palette swap, created by accident. (Try them together!)

    This is the GIB.WAD/DEH that was distributed in 1999 but never uploaded to /idgames. There has been one modification in 2015: GIB.DEH has been loaded into the WAD as a DEHACKED lump as a convenience for those ports that support it. This text file has been written fresh for the /idgames upload. The original is included as gib.orig.txt.


       (6 reviews)


  24. Blood of Bin Laden Ally Imperialist Items ACS Enter Script

    You and your cadres set out to embark unto the maps of doom! Adversaries are aware of reinforcements. May God be with you.


       (10 reviews)


  25. M51 Rifle

    A new weapon I created.

    Fire rate: Full auto Replaces: Chainsaw Damage: 3 Fire speed: Slow Slot number: 2


       (6 reviews)


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  • File Reviews

    • By Cottonmouth0309 · Posted
      One of the more underrated doom mods out there. The levels have a lot of detail and great use of 3D sectors, used for railings and other things. Not a lot of mods that I know of has these attentions to detail back then other than KDiZD. I like how the first gun, not weapon, first gun in the mod is a quad barreled shotgun. This might be bias but I don't see any other mods or games give the player a quad barreled shotgun as a starter weapon.

      The cutscenes and artwork used for them are REALLY well made. I like its story and the protagonist John Logan. His design looks like a cross between Daniel Garners from Painkiller and the Doom Marine from well, Doom 3.

      Speaking of Painkiller, the mod uses tracks from Painkiller, which is a nice touch. Admittedly, there are things in Legacy of Suffering that I don't like, such as the Painkiller/Serious Sam arena wave sections. Not all of them are bad, but the later levels that uses them are the worst offenders. Often spawning mancubi, pain elementals, and revenants that just makes the fights more tedious.
      In conclusion, Legacy of Suffering is a really well made mod and I really want other people to try it out. I would suggest to start on the easiest difficulty, do NOT get fooled by the normal difficulty Ultra Violence, it will kick your ass, and anything higher will probably break your soul. Other than that, I would highly recommend you to play this mod. It can be played on GZDoom, Zandronum, and Skulltag. That is the end of the review, have a nice day :)
    • By Bitofu · Posted
      Enigma is not exactly my cup of tea; the mandatory secrets are a bit annoying and the confusing layout of the maps doesn't help much. Still, the maps are fun to navigate and they feature some great architecture that lead to unique gameplay encounters. Overall, it's decently fun.
    • By Bitofu · Posted
      Nothing better than baiting the Bazooka Man into blowing himself up! Obituary doesn't pull any punches; you'll be facing tons of hitscanners and plenty of nasty traps, but you'll get to appreciate the fine work the Möller brothers did with this WAD. The maps are intricately designed with a judicious use of textures, some of them custom-made. The new array of weapons is great, especially the flamethrower, which can shred down a cyberdemon in seconds! The low point might be the plain secret map and icon of sin fight, but overall, Obituary strikes home more often than not.
    • By Michael Jensen · Posted
      In recent years, general opinon of MM seemed to move towars negative, moreso than any other classic 90's megawad. It's nice to see it recieve some positive attention and even though I'm not exactly a reviewer, I figured I'd join in. Aside from couple rough maps, it remains a great experience today. Generally good and varied vanilla visuals with beautiful highlights like Maps 05, 13, 14 and 21, certainly helped by some great, really cool custom textures, which fit in with the classic ones incredibly well, much better than any other 90's custom stuff (aside from Eternal Doom, but that's a completely different aesthetic). The maps are quite varied without the whole thing becoming incosistent/all over the place and the variety really helps blaze through the whole thing. In comparison, while I prefer MM2 in terms of individual levels, it has a ton of long or similar maps back to back, which can get tiring and take much longer to geth through. Another aspect of MM I really like is some really, unique and fun design choices, or even whole map designs that you don't see much these days for some reason. The Innocent Crew's maps especially are very creative in fun and refreshing ways. Incredibly underrated mappers. Literally everyone knows this already, but Mark Klem's music is amazing. 
    • By Amaruψ · Posted
      This could've been one of the first 32 level megawads that I played after completing the base games. I've played many more since then, and I can honestly say, for a megawad dating back to 1996, it still holds up brilliantly against a lot of modern wads.    Also @DoomGuy999, about that criticism about maps being coop exclusive... "Most levels were made for co-op play, all levels are playable alone as well."   Not exactly sure what you were expecting after having an explicit statement right there.  