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Plutonia Revisited Community Project: Released!

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I missed the map31 secret exit then. I just remember dodging Cyberdemons. But, PRCP is something special. You guys did an amazing job. Im going to go play the last 8 levels now.

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skaman86 said:

I missed the map31 secret exit then.

Look in this area for the secret exit:

You'll hit two switches before a wall lowers and reveals a teleporter.

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Finished the megawad myself at last - I noticed no bugs, and loved the experience overall. Last level was incredibly hard, so, as is so often the case for Icon of Sin maps... I cheated :( Still, great experience overall. Good job everybody, I think its ready for a proper release, assuming nobody else has any more bugs to point out or fix!

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Phobus said:

assuming nobody else has any more bugs to point out or fix!

We still need to get an updated version to test on coop.

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C30N9 said:

Why don't we add deathmatch in the last release?

The requirements say no deatmatch, so I don't really see the point in adding deathmatch areas to certain maps.

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C30N9 said:

Why don't we add deathmatch in the last release?

most of the maps would play atrocious in DM thanks to all the witty linedef actions, trap rooms and other "scripts". we can't use the boom not-deathmatch flag (to block off non-DMish key locked rooms), so either you just throw DM stuff in (mostly useless effort) or you copy&edit the good areas like whoo did. ask him how annoying i was in order to balance his arena... and the other maps are mostly much less usable for DM. perhaps 01, 13, 27... but i wouldn't bother, tbh.

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For what it's worth, all of my maps are deathmatchable (06, 16, 28).

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Mine was, but then it was suggested that I remove it so that co-op could be better balanced. As I was remaking the entire map anyway, it made sense.

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Well, looks like the project has been tested enough (hopefully!). I am hoping to get this done ASAP. Those who want/need to send in their maps or text file updates, please do it as soon as humanly possible. :3

I have received the following maps updates: Map31, Map17/18, Map09, Map32 and 24.

I believe what needs fixing is Map03's co-op issue and FranckFRAG's updated map. If you'd like to occupy a demo1 lump, feel free to send in a 'failed' attempt at a map.


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Awww, I'm still waiting for PRIMEVAL, I will send him a message if he has free time.

I'll send two demos, one is my favourite from E1, MAP09 and my map, take the better one.

However how do I "vanilla" record?

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i believe xaser wanted to make the crusher on map15 non-lethal, is that taken care of?

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Is it okay if I post my updated txt. info here?

Level name : That Flooded Place
Author(s) : Keeper of Jericho
Build time : Couple of weeks
editor(s) used : Doom Builder 1

Music track : Dark Halls (from Doom 1 soundtrack)
Bugs : Yellow key area may cause that visplane overflow.
Inspiration : Congo and Well of Souls
Authors comments : This map almost mapped itself. I had no real plan in mind when I started mapping, aside from the idea of doing a non-linear map and allowing different paths the player could take while hunting for the keys. It's a small map, but I'm quite pleased with the end result.

Level name : Asmodeus' Circle
Author(s) : Keeper of Jericho/Belial
Build time : Couple of weeks
editor(s) used : Doom Builder 1

Music track : Endgame (the same music as "Slayer")
Bugs : Some areas might still cause a visplane overflow.
Inspiration : "Slayer" from the original Plutonia
Authors comments : This map is a tribute to the original "Slayer" from Plutonia, as it's by far one of my favourite maps ever. A lot of the architecture I made had to change to make this map vanilla compatible. Special thanks goes to Belial for that, for he really helped me making this map a vanilla map. Maybe I'll release the original map seperately someday, you'd be suprised by the differences. Still, I'm happy with the end result released here, and I think it's a good "Slayer" tribute, if I do say so myself.

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C30N9 said:

However how do I "vanilla" record?

In your command line -skill x -warp MAPxx -record DEMOx

That's it!
Use Prboom-plus with the -complevel 4 parameter
Vanilla doom doesn't need complevel as it automatically sets compatibility.

I plan on recording a DEMO1 so please leave that for me. I think it would be better if we waited on the final fix and ask joshy for it so we can record our demos then send it in so they don't desync.

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Thanks. But I'm a bit confused, DEMO2 and DEMO3 are already taken or what?

EDIT: I recommend Lorenzo to add the Start pad used for every level in Plutonia (The square with rhomb)

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C30N9 said:

Thanks. But I'm a bit confused, DEMO2 and DEMO3 are already taken or what?

DEMO1 is taken by me (subject to change depending on who really wants to record a demo)

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dew said:

i believe xaser wanted to make the crusher on map15 non-lethal, is that taken care of?

It is on my end. I just need to do some other stuff and send it. :P

I think I'll throw together a couple of DEMO*'s just for fun, just to see if they'll fit. :P

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Sorry for the bump, but I found a funny thing in the txt info, in page 22 (http://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/51351-plutonia-revisited-community-project-public-testing-version-released/22/) from this thread, I posted that I started Emerald Pools, then in the next day it was finished! That means it took only 1 day, however I forgot about so I told you that the time was 5 days. You should change it :P.

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No worries, it'll be updated. :-)

Also using this post as an opportunity to remind everyone to send in their map updates ASA humanly possible. Thanks!

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I just wanna double-check if you recieved the new music I sent you in the last PM plus the txt info update. Because in the last time you forgot to change the music for MAP04.

P.S.: Your welcome :P.

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I may have actually been able to oust a certain VPO from Helix (in the non-red post-spiral area). Maybe. :P

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If the armor at the exit on MAP29 is the only problem in that map, could you do that fix Joshy? I haven't heard any other bugs or complaints so I'm guessing it's good to go aside from the armor thing.

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Mechadon said:

If the armor at the exit on MAP29 is the only problem in that map, could you do that fix Joshy? I haven't heard any other bugs or complaints so I'm guessing it's good to go aside from the armor thing.

Sure, I can get that fixed easily.

Yes C30N9: I've got it all :-)

And thanks Xaser :-)

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Mista_T said:

Who else do you need updates from, Josh?

As far as I know, I only need FranckFRAG's map update. Escape from Ghost Town will be fixed by me.

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Joshy said:

As far as I know, I only need FranckFRAG's map update. Escape from Ghost Town will be fixed by me.

Done ! I sent my map version to you and Hawkwind by pm. I corrected the coop problem. (Sorry to answer so late :s)

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