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What's Your Favorite Doom Enemy Ass?

Alright, Best Doom 2 Monster Ass  

136 members have voted

  1. 1. Doom 2 Best Ass? Variants Grouped.

    • Zombieman/Shotgun Guy
    • Imp
    • Pinkie/Spectre
    • Baron of Hell/Hell Knight
    • Cacodemon
    • Lost Soul
    • Spider Mastermind
    • Cyberdemon
    • Chaingunner
    • Revenant
    • Mancubus
    • Arachnotron
    • Pain Elemental
    • Arch-vile
    • Wolfenstein SS
    • Commander Keen
    • Icon of Sin
    • John Romero's Head

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What, nobody's mentioned dead imp anus yet??


That's damn near a feature they boasted about on the back of the box!


Also, how come I'm only allowed to post pics no more than 30 kb?  Is this a new rule? Have I posted too much crap?


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That’s just an attachment limit, I think every user is allotted a total of 30 meg or something, but you can delete old ones if you don’t need them anymore or use imgur

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20 hours ago, Maximum Matt said:


  Hide contents

Also, how come I'm only allowed to post pics no more than 30 kb?  Is this a new rule? Have I posted too much crap?


Yeah, basically forum attachments have limited per-user space. Hit up Imgur or puush or whatever and start linking from there instead.

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On 10/14/2020 at 4:34 PM, Deathclaw886 said:

but can we have a moment to appreciate the ass of the revenant? his bony ass is the most Succulent ass of them all, mmm. . .calcium 


On 10/14/2020 at 4:37 PM, Deathclaw886 said:

im different. you see, i have bonephilia, so naturaly i would want the revenant ass


Especially when you think about how crunchy his ass sounds when he is walking around..... I lika da krunch!!!

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15 hours ago, Doomkid said:

That’s just an attachment limit, I think every user is allotted a total of 30 meg or something, but you can delete old ones if you don’t need them anymore or use imgur


2 hours ago, Dark Pulse said:

Yeah, basically forum attachments have limited per-user space. Hit up Imgur or puush or whatever and start linking from there instead.

Thanks guys, I didn't know about that

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My erotica will hopefully be completed today. I hope you guys will take the time to visit the Creative Works thread and read the tender story of a Slayer in love with his master's head's ass.

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14 minutes ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

My erotica will hopefully be completed today. I hope you guys will take the time to visit the Creative Works thread and read the tender story of a Slayer in love with his master's head's ass.

what have we done......

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52 minutes ago, Deathclaw886 said:

what have we done......

We've made history Deathclaw886. We've made history.

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1 hour ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

My erotica will hopefully be completed today. I hope you guys will take the time to visit the Creative Works thread and read the tender story of a Slayer in love with his master's head's ass.

As someone who's both actually written some smut and been a judge of fanfic contests in the past on other forums, I am going to break out the rubric I used for that to judge your fic.


And no, I'm not joking.



The judging rubric is as follows:

Artistry (30 Points): Everything that contributes to the enjoyment of the story. How did a fic make a judge feel? Emotional impact. Flow. Beautiful language. Engagement. In the case of lemons, how hot the pairing and events are. Does the fic connect with readers? Remember, a story is more than just a piece of technical writing!

Characterization (25 Points): Faithfulness to the source material (accounting for OCs/AUs). Accuracy in character mannerisms, thoughts, and speech. Realistic reactions to a given situation. Essentially, is this really a Doom fanfic, or just a story with characters named the same? Would the characters have plausibly acted as they did in these circumstances? Do the rules of the world actually work? For Original Characters and AUs, do they make sense? Do they blend in seamlessly with regular Doom characters/concepts?

Setting (20 Points): Are you going to set it in tried-and-true Doom places, or are you going to put it somewhere new? How believable is your depiction? How well does the location feel like it fits into Doom? Does it feel like it's connected to the world, or does it feel like it's just existing?

Technical (15 Points): This is basically how good your grammar and punctuation are, and if you can follow the rules of the language. Clean (understandable!) sentences, well-structured paragraphs, and clear writing will all help your score here. Most people should get a pretty high score in this as long as you make sure to have your fics read through and checked for errors.

Uniqueness (10 Points): What sets your fic apart from the rest of the pack (or general Doom fanfiction)? Plot, character focus, a future world, a certain je ne sais quoi... what did you dare to attempt? Did it make the fic better... or worse?

I look forward to you getting rekt by my flawless and ruthless judging ability. See you Space Cowboy.

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On 10/17/2020 at 12:20 AM, Deathclaw886 said:

i seriously think that this thread is affecting my mental health

no worries... we are all insane here....








after the cyberdemon pushed us out after taking a dump

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keen does not take lightly to the contents of this thread:



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Commander Keen


“DoY! Look stars!!”

~ Alien on being pogo bonked by Commander Keen


~ Captain Understatement on Commander Keen

“Erk! I'm melting!!”

~ Alien on being laser zapped by Commander Keen


~ Oscar Wilde disguised as a Garg on Commander Keen

"He can ride my pogo any day."

~ Michael Jackson on Commander Keen




here is a classy classified event from keens past



Edited by CBM

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11 hours ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:



I hope you enjoy reading the story, I experienced great pleasure and release while writing it.

Unfortunately, someone decided it wasn't fun enough before I got the chance to save and grade it for posterity.


I have my bets on who.

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41 minutes ago, Dark Pulse said:

Unfortunately, someone decided it wasn't fun enough before I got the chance to save and grade it for posterity.


I have my bets on who.

darn, i was looking forward to this weird fanfic

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Awh man, that sucks. Too bad I have a copy I saved for my grandmother.


NSFW warning:





@Dark Pulse


Also, this means I beat @Maes, who obviously didn't put in enough effort in getting his post banned ;)


Please note that this backup doesn't have the fancy formatting and font flourishes that the copy posted on DW had.




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12 minutes ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

Awh man, that sucks. Too bad I have a copy I saved for my grandmother.


NSFW warning:





@Dark Pulse


Also, this means I beat @Maes, who obviously didn't put in enough effort in getting his post banned ;)


Please note that this backup doesn't have the fancy formatting and font flourishes that the copy posted on DW had.




thanks, im nervous about this story, but thanks

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On 10/12/2020 at 3:44 AM, Doomkid said:

Is everyone seriously sleeping on this fine rear end we all know and love?




I won't lie, this is definitely me when I see a fine imp struttin it's stuff:


I'd simp for that imp any day of the week.

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I Like imp butts and I can not lie


Other doomers can't deny


When a demon walks in with an itty bitty waist


A round thing in your face......

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