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Steamy Imps

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So QuakeCon is going on right now, and I saw over at Shacknews that "every single id Software game" is now available on Valve's digital distribution platform Steam. Looks like Doom and Doom 2 are available already for $9.95 each, and there's a complete Doom pack (including Doom 3 and Resurrection of Evil, go fig) for a very reasonable $35.95. On another note I find it hilarious that the screenshots on the Doom 2 page are the same damn shots that have been used by every media outlet going right back to the box shots in 1994. The guy is using god mode, how has no one noticed!

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Cavorting with the enemy!!
Actually, this is pretty cool. I can't find id games over here in Bumblefuck.

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DooM2 Screenshot 4: Going up against an Archvile, armed with just a shotgun in a room with little cover, must take some cojones

On topic, seems like after all these years of selling DooM/DooM2, id would make them giveaways instead of charging 10 bucks each. But that's capitalism for you. [On the flip side, if someone has just crawled out from under a rock, $35.95 for all the DooM games is a sweet price.]

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Or $70 for every id game ever made.
On the other hand, why do we still have to pay for Doom when Quake 3 is free?
On the other other hand, Q3 will be free. OpenArena = pwnt

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Bucket said:

On the other hand, why do we still have to pay for Doom when Quake 3 is free?

Since when?

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I assume that includes Doom 3 and Resurrection of Evil, 'cause otherwise, $35 seems ridiculous for something that you can pick up at Walmart for $10. Anyway, this is really flippin' cool! I can finally give those Quake II mission packs a go. Which reminds me, does anyone know, are they worth it?

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Linguica said:

Yeah I imagine, god forbid they nick some nice GPL port like PrBoom or whatever.


Bucket said:

On the other other hand, Q3 will be free. OpenArena = pwnt

Yeah, if you like the lack of customization and playing it in a web browser. (And also the lack of a brilliant, carmack/steed-less art direction) It's also not Free Software, so bam Q0 = owned.

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I recall making a post in this thread earlier...anyway, seems Valve is really pimpin' this for id. I guess they're grateful for hookin' them up with the Quake / Quake 2 engine so they could pwn house with Half-Life.

Their offering seems pretty reasonable, $70 for every single id game, damn.

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leileilol said:

also you're fucking wrong

They are allowed to do that. Our license allows that.

However it seems that they removed COPYING and other files which aren't meant to be removed.

so the 'violation' turns out to be a few files gone missing and maybe some credit due, which can easily be rectified, also id software has done a tremendous amount to further the cause of free software by releasing every single 3D engine they've ever worked on under the GPL after a few years, one of which I think you're immensely familiar with

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AlexMax said:

so the 'violation' turns out to be a few files gone missing and maybe some credit due, which can easily be rectified, also id software has done a tremendous amount to further the cause of free software by releasing every single 3D engine they've ever worked on under the GPL after a few years, one of which I think you're immensely familiar with

id wouldn't have done that if they packaged the games on steam.

nice job being blind, but a missing COPYING does matter. Nothing can excuse such violation

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leileilol said:

id wouldn't have done that if they packaged the games on steam.

from what i've heard in the past (from the development of garry's mod) steam packages are compiled by the third parties, like id. This is probably some intern messing up, and I'm predicting a stealth update adding the missing file.

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I think it's pretty awesome they included the original engines and DOSBox. Sure, they need to fix the lack of the license file, but I doubt they would refrain from adding the file if informed of the omission. Both because it is legally necessary, as well as because id is generally friendly to free software enterprises.

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what also sucks, is that no cd music is included for Quake/QuakeII/HexenII, so yeah playing them with sound effects only kinda sucks

The Doom games lack their SETUP programs as well, so no defining controls and netplay for you!

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I prefer material copies of games. Although I did get HL2 through a steam coupon, but that was free. $70 is relatively descent for the whole smorgasbord. I was able to pickup both doom3 and ROE and it cost me only $25 CDN for both. Deals are out there, but if you don't give two shits about material copies or if you want to get rid of that warez guilt so Carmack can buy a F430 Scuderia it's not such a bad idea.

leileilol said:

what also sucks, is that no cd music is included for Quake/QuakeII/HexenII, so yeah playing them with sound effects only kinda sucks

The Doom games lack their SETUP programs as well, so no defining controls and netplay for you!

Well iD could fix that by packaging the music as audio mp3's that would play in conjunction with the game. As for setup and netplay issues with Doom.... Source ports? Hello?

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As for setup and netplay issues with Doom.... Source ports? Hello?

Or getting the shareware that includes them. But still, we know of workarounds, of course, but people that aren't as familiar with the game may well not.

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did they also include plutonia and such? Also, do you think that they'd include editing tools like the way Half-Life and Source Did? I do not have access to steam anymore, so I'd very much like to know what happens...

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On a somewhat related note, would Reznor and Sonic Mayhem still get royalties from the copies of Quake 1 & 2 sold on steam if their music isn't included?

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Linguica said:

Plus this makes no sense there is NO reason why they couldn't just use a source port.

Because they have no control and can't offer support for source ports? Plus they don't need to be 'tuned in' to the source port scene to make sure that they have the latest version, they can just 'set it and forget it'.

then again they did use DOSBox as it stands so really I'm just as confused as you are.

a huge faggot said:

what also sucks, is that no cd music is included for Quake/QuakeII/HexenII, so yeah playing them with sound effects only kinda sucks

the reasoning for no music in hexen, quake and quake 2 is easy, none of the games support anything other than CD audio as it stands and id has better things to do than patch 10 year olds games. plus, hexen 2's midi music still works.

myk said:

Or getting the shareware that includes them.

I wasn't aware that shareware SETUP work with every version of doom. I thought it was game specific.

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AlexMax said:

Because they have no control and can't offer support for source ports? Plus they don't need to be 'tuned in' to the source port scene to make sure that they have the latest version, they can just 'set it and forget it'.

Uhh they have source code, plus something like PrBoom is mature enough that I see no problems popping up. And like you said, are they offering support for DOSBox?

Not to mention that the DOSBox thing runs like shit, I tried it out and the sound is lagged like half a second. Honestly there is no way just using a source port could be WORSE than what they have there now.

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Linguica said:

Uhh they have source code, plus something like PrBoom is mature enough that I see no problems popping up. And like you said, are they offering support for DOSBox?


Not to mention that the DOSBox thing runs like shit, I tried it out and the sound is lagged like half a second. Honestly there is no way just using a source port could be WORSE than what they have there now.

what the fuck kind of configuration are you running, works fine on mine out of the box and I didn't need to edit anything.

a huge faggot said:

id wouldn't have done that if they packaged the games on steam.

nice job being blind, but a missing COPYING does matter. Nothing can excuse such violation

or maybe it might be a better idea to just write tom, john or gabe an email and see if they respond before threatening to report them to gplviolations dot org and acting defensive and oppressed, I can't imagine that this was done maliciously, and if they respond they'll probably be apologetic and put a fix in the pipeline somewhere.

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Linguica said:
Uhh they have source code, plus something like PrBoom is mature enough that I see no problems popping up. And like you said, are they offering support for DOSBox?

Well, they aren't offering support for Windows, either. But community supported engines have tons of features they (id) have nothing to do with, so I don't think they would want to mess with that, although I think Chocolate Doom, being a simple port, would work in such a scenario. Still, with time DOSBox will only get more stable and usable (as systems are more powerful), so emulation is a good way to go.

The biggest problem here is that they didn't prepare the package very well, with the lack of the DOSBox licencing document, setup apps, or otherwise notes or whatever to ensure it'll work fine.

Perhaps no one gave too much thought to it and they told someone to simply "put DOSBox in there so we don't have to use Microsoft's port" thinking that both DOSBox support and alternative engines are better served by their respective communities.

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I am giving serious thought to creating a small program that detects any Steam-installed Doom games and automatically edits their links so they use a user-selected source port, i.e. Chocolate Doom or ZDoom or whatever. Also I would like it to (optionally) install a third party launcher so they could have a programs menu link to choose their doom game / PWAD / whatever, but I don't know if there is some "best" launcher out there, any ideas?

AlexMax said:

what the fuck kind of configuration are you running, works fine on mine out of the box and I didn't need to edit anything.

It's an okayish laptop, but that's beside the point -- why in the world does a game from 1993 with system requirements that are essentially nil not run right on my computer? Especially when there are real Win32 source ports out there that have had probably hundreds of thousands of hours of testing already conducted on them?

I understand the "purity" of just emulating the original game, but I think the number of myks out there who are bizarrely attached to running the game on a bonafide 14 year old DOS executable is negligible.

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