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About Avoozl

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    Forum Spammer

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  1. I know Hexen was by Activision/Raven, but I didn't mean Id with my initial post, Microsoft owns them both and by they I meant Microsoft.
  2. Edit: Honestly I'm disappointed that they aren't just doing a new Hexen, Hexen is pretty much medieval Doom.
  3. Avoozl

    Doom Streams

    Since it's Doom's 30th anniversary, I will be celebrating by doing a full playthrough of Doom on Ultra Violence difficulty and Fast Monsters mode for DOSember! https://www.twitch.tv/avoozl_
  4. Avoozl

    Best Quake II source port?

    I still used it a few months ago and it worked well for me anyway.
  5. Avoozl

    Best Quake II source port?

    I would suggest KMQuake2, it works well for me. I used to use Quake2Bers for a graphics mod.
  6. Avoozl

    Doom Streams

    Going live to play a PSX Doom TC https://www.twitch.tv/avoozl_
  7. Avoozl

    Doom Streams

    Since I played all four classic DOS Doom's during December, I will now be playing Doom 64! https://www.twitch.tv/avoozl_
  8. Avoozl

    Doom Streams

    This time I will be doing a full playthrough of Final Doom's Plutonia Experiment on UV. https://www.twitch.tv/avoozl_
  9. Avoozl

    Doom Streams

    Going live again but playing Doom II this time for DOSember! https://www.twitch.tv/avoozl_
  10. Avoozl

    What Video Game Are You Currently Playing?

    I've never actually played any custom maps for Red Faction, I'll have to give that one a try.
  11. Avoozl

    What Video Game Are You Currently Playing?

    Just playing GTA San Andreas for the first time in ages and I'm really enjoying it again, I've always loved the unrealistic coloured skies during certain times of the day such as the purple late sunsets in the desert locations and dark cyan colour during foggy evenings in San Fierro for a few examples.
  12. Avoozl

    What Video Game Are You Currently Playing?

    Well I finally beat The Witcher 3 and its two DLC's, this has been one of the greatest and most enjoyable games I've ever played in a long while, I'm glad I finally played through it. I could place it in my top 5 games.
  13. Avoozl

    So, how old are you ?

    Already 35, I feel like I've wasted my young adult years.