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General Rainbow Bacon

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About General Rainbow Bacon

  • Rank
    may have been DoomHero85 at some point

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  1. Incredible. Just stating the obvious...
  2. General Rainbow Bacon

    Getting an extensive error in Ultimate doom builder

    Reinstalled UDB, error still happens. I have plenty of RAM.
  3. General Rainbow Bacon

    Getting an extensive error in Ultimate doom builder

    I know. I can't put textures on anything that needs them because of the error. I select the wall, get the dialog box to put a texture on, then the error. The weird thing is that on the few walls I was able to texture before this started happening, I can change the texture and the error doesn't happen. So it just happens on currently untextured upper/lower linedefs.
  4. General Rainbow Bacon

    Getting an extensive error in Ultimate doom builder

    Here you go! https://www.mediafire.com/file/oe4leux3crqaf4u/1994_Revenge.wad/file It's just a plain 1994 tribute map. No new anything, so yeah.
  5. Yeah, so whenever I try to texture an untextured wall, I get this: Data error (cyclic redundancy check). at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.FileStream.ReadCore(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count) at System.IO.FileStream.Read(Byte[] array, Int32 offset, Int32 count) at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO.ClippedStream.ReadAllBytes() in c:\build\UltimateDoomBuilder\Source\Core\IO\ClippedStream.cs:line 266 at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.IO.Lump.GetSafeStream() in c:\build\UltimateDoomBuilder\Source\Core\IO\Lump.cs:line 216 at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data.WADReader.GetPatchData(String pname, Boolean longname, String& patchlocation) in c:\build\UltimateDoomBuilder\Source\Core\Data\WADReader.cs:line 684 at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data.DataManager.GetPatchData(String pname, Boolean longname, String& patchlocation) in c:\build\UltimateDoomBuilder\Source\Core\Data\DataManager.cs:line 991 at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data.TextureImage.LocalLoadImage() in c:\build\UltimateDoomBuilder\Source\Core\Data\TextureImage.cs:line 114 at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data.ImageData.LoadImage(Boolean notify) in c:\build\UltimateDoomBuilder\Source\Core\Data\ImageData.cs:line 313 at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Data.DataManager.BackgroundLoad() in c:\build\UltimateDoomBuilder\Source\Core\Data\DataManager.cs:line 794 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart() It only happens with UNTEXTURED walls, like when I raise/lower a height and need to texture something.
  6. General Rainbow Bacon

    Should I complete an old WAD I was trying to make?

    You should if you think doing so will make you a better mapper and you would enjoy doing so. Tuning up maps can give practice in detailing and fight design so if that's something you need to work on and you don't hate the old map, I say go for it. The other side of the argument is to use the old map as an idea and create a new map from scratch based on it.
  7. General Rainbow Bacon

    More puzzle wads like The Given and Unknown

    maps 14 and 31 in Mayhem '22 are puzzle maps. Map 31 is really obscure though. Don't expect to figure out a lot of it.
  8. General Rainbow Bacon

    How do you all play wads?

    Blindfolded with both hands tied behind my back. The true doom god way. But seriously, I play casually the first time I play a wad, then go for some challenge thing like pistol start, or under a certain time, or one of the usual challenges like UV-max, NM-speed etc..
  9. General Rainbow Bacon

    If You like puzzles...

    I actually need to fix the 2nd one. I realized you don't have to solve the "main" puzzle to finish the map after all. I'll fix it and reupload in a few days.
  10. General Rainbow Bacon

    If You like puzzles...

    This is the beginning of a set of maps that are a bit puzzly. They are short and not too difficult I think. So far only 2 maps. Tested with gzdoom, but should be boom, limit-removing, maybe works in vanilla. For Doom 2. Only UV. https://www.mediafire.com/file/kl4bsd3q4vwcamy/Tomb_of_Conundrums.wad/file
  11. General Rainbow Bacon

    Wad/Map Difficulty Scaling

    Cool. Glad you finally got to play SOD. Might I suggest as per your post before this last one that you try Epic 2 for your harder 2010 wad.
  12. ^Necrum Warrior: Might want to check with Erikson too to see if you've reached the stage you can play this :P
  13. General Rainbow Bacon

    The Shadow Fall (16 Maps)

    Took a quick look. These look like great remakes of the doom 2 maps! This should have gone into main "Wad releases and Development" though. Keep it up. Any plans on remaking the whole set? Also, read the stickied thread on posting maps.
  14. General Rainbow Bacon

    Community Project concepts that you would like to see?

    ^we also need TNT and Plutonia "in name only"
  15. General Rainbow Bacon

    Community Project concepts that you would like to see?

    ^I was also thinking that maybe map size could be another relationship examined. Maybe making the early maps with a lot of monsters small, and the later maps large with little combat, but a lot of puzzles, exploration, and environmental challenges adding to the challenge rather than actual combat.