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About Sharessa

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    Why don't I have a custom title by now?!

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  1. I feel like starting another megawad I'll probably never finish, but I can't decide which idea to go with.

    Option 1
    A re-imagining of Doom done in vanilla Ultimate Doom with no added textures either. I'd just make the levels big and more like what they are named after but just with my level of detail, not the uber-detail people have a hard-on for these days. No shareware restrictions either, so there would be lost souls and BFGs in episode 1.

    Option 2
    A fairly generic Skulltag single-player megawad. I have ideas for different level themes I could make in Doom (storage area, prison, gateway to Hell) and I could just run them together. There aren't very many single-player Skulltag wads so I think it would be cool.

    Option 3
    A combination of the two. Re-imagine the Doom 1 levels but in Doom 2 with all the Skulltag stuff.

    So anyway, I can't decide which to do, so I'm letting you decide. YES, YOU! Vote today and recieve a free* car!! Offer is good while supplies last**!!!

    * Offer only good in the Republic of Montenegro
    ** Supplies = 0

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. myk


      Bucket said:
      Only 29 & 2/3 more levels to go!

      Heh, well, finish one map and release it as a teaser. At least you'll have something out in the meantime, in case you get married, a truck runs over you, or you get forcefully enlisted by the army during Bush's third presidency.

    3. Hobbs


      I have my whole gay guy routine planned out for the latter situation myk mentioned, and I suggest you all (americans and people in to-be-assimilated nations) do the same.

    4. Bucket


      myk said:


      Way ahead of you
      NOTE: Not much else to see on that website. Goes to show how dedicated I am to hobbies that involve brain power.

    5. Show next comments  3 more