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About theDia

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  1. theDia

    I'm stuck. . .

    That's the trouble with all those tricks and traps. :)
  2. theDia

    I'm stuck. . .

    Were probably the next question will come up. :)
  3. theDia

    Would it be cheating if i..

    If a fight is to hard or I softlocked myself due to stupidity or ammo-wasting I always use IDDQD for a short tme until the hurdle is cleared - and I never felt bad about it. And why should I, as @SchwTrdLeenW mentioned - Doom is a mostly single player game and I will have fun playing it. :)
  4. Being an old-timer (I was 32 when Doom came out) all of my friends know and at least have loved Doom, but none of them plays it now. Some went on to modern gaming, most of them seldom even grab a controller at all, because "gaming is childish". But at least my son (now 31) still is a Doomer at heart, even if he only plays with "Brutal Doom" can´t understand why I still map for it and thinks I should switch to more modern engines. My son in law (25) is a typical modern gamer and plays Fifa and COD semi-professionally. After a lot of time and long talks I finally got him to buy and install Doom2 on his PC and strangely he liked the game and even playtests some of my stuff now. He likes the speed and that there's no fat on the game, so in fact all what makes me a Doomkid in heart.
  5. theDia

    Doom map tropes you love & hate

    Seems like you're talking about my upcoming map-set. :)
  6. theDia

    Labyrinth Doom Wad

    This is an impressive Labyrinth. :) Exactly the kind of thing I wanted to make when starting mapping in the mid-nineties, but the dreaded visplane-error stopped my creativity in it's heels. :)
  7. theDia

    Using secrets effectively

    I tend to show the player in advance what he could get (mostly blue and green stuff;) ) if he finds the secret and also use secrets to open new connections between parts of the level or whole new areas to explore. I also avoid the headbumping (Wolffenstein) approach, which means if you look around closely you will find the secret areas sooner or later - if you just run through the map you will probably have less fun (and miss some more or less interesting fights and/or areas). About the weapon problem...hmmh, in my last map I offered the player three areas he/she could enter from the start. I each of those there was a SSG. Two of them were secrets (but visible from the start of the area) and needed some "of the trodden path"-thinking, one was obviously placed in the way. Sadly none of my testers took the time to go for the harder path, so my solution for the final version is to hide the third SSG also (Yeah, I'm an asshole;) ).
  8. theDia

    When Do Your Maps Get Named?

    Exactly what happens here. :) Even with a lot of pre-planning the worlds we build in Doom tend to get a life on their own after the first few designed areas, so the final name mostly has nothing to do with what was the "production-title". :)
  9. Well you probably waited to long to play this. :) As in level01 a lot of the problems are already solved and the Cyber will give you much more trouble now. What I found interesting is that you missed almost all of the secret areas, even if I put some goodies visible but not reachable without them there and - off course - that you missed the door. :) And the music...man, I'm so glad that in between I found some fitting (and longer) tunes. :) Me too, but this was created 15 years later. :) As mentioned often by me, it's so great that we mappers have now the possibility to watch players test our work before release, this makes it much simpler to see were to twitch a bit and were to add some action/hints/health/ammo. Both maps have grown a lot in the last two weeks and will be part of a 4 1/2 map-set (4 big ones and a hub) which will be (as map02 is already) solveable in any sequence, but it will probably take more than a month before anything else is testable, because - due to this concept - a lot of finetuning between the maps is needed. I can only hope you'll find the time then to play the complete set.
  10. theDia

    Swapping color-palette between maps?

    Great - so it would be possible also to change back and forth during the level progression. This opens a lot of new ways to bring what I have planned over to the player...
  11. theDia

    Swapping color-palette between maps?

    Which would in case of the size of my levels be a real pain in the a**. :) Isn't it great to see that even after almost 25 years of mapping in different engines one can still learn some new stuff about the classics?. That's why I love Dooms engine - it's an endless wonder.:)
  12. theDia

    Swapping color-palette between maps?

    Dann dürfte ich als Düsseldorfer ja eigentlich kaum mit dir reden. :) Heja DEG! Thanks, I will do this after designing and testing the new level (I'm still not sure it will work the way I plan it at all). My biggest fear is that working in UDMF I will fall in love with all the new possibilities and rework the other maps completely according, which will put the release even further in the future (and I want my cacoaward in 2019 :) ).
  13. theDia

    Labyrinth Doom Wad

    Finally someone understands me. :)