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About boris

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  1. boris

    Multiple simultaneous check functions?

    In ZScript there's https://zdoom.org/wiki/CheckProximity, which returns a bool instead of jumping to a state, so you could to the state jump based on the result. The docs do not mention if it exists in DECORATE, though, so it probably doesn't.
  2. boris

    Edit armor/health bonus amount

    Seems to work correctly for me.
  3. boris

    Edit armor/health bonus amount

    Please elaborate what you mean.
  4. boris

    What does this mean?

    Edit -> View Used Tags
  5. boris

    How do I auto-load lights.pk3?

    You can force loading lights.pk3, brightmaps.pk3, and game_widescreen_gfx.pk3 through the GAMEINFO lump: https://zdoom.org/wiki/GAMEINFO
  6. You should definitely add blockchain and AI as features.
  7. boris

    Clutter flats on ground

    Another more versatile approach would be to make custom actors for the pieces, and give them the FLATSPRITE flag, and then place them in the editor.
  8. Select all sectors and enter something like "++16" or "++32", or whatever you want to increase the brightness, into the brightness box.
  9. boris

    How to make Heretic Levels in UDB?

    Nothing has to be moved for Heretic and Hexen, everything is in the correct folders. The game configs have to be enabled in the game configuration dialog, though.
  10. boris

    Dragging lines in UDB crashes the entire program

    In the directory where you have UDB installed is a "UDBScript" folder, and in that is a "Scripts" folder. Put the script in that "Scripts" folder. Make sure to give the file the ".js" extension. Then you can access the script from the "UDBScript" side panel.
  11. boris

    Dragging lines in UDB crashes the entire program

    This just stops UDB from crashing. Your map is still broken.
  12. boris

    Dragging lines in UDB crashes the entire program

    Use this script to find linedefs with no fron sidedef: /// <reference path="../udbscript.d.ts" /> `#version 5`; UDB.log('Linedefs with no front sidedef:'); UDB.Map.getLinedefs().forEach(ld => { if(ld.front == null) UDB.log(ld); });
  13. boris

    Dragging lines in UDB crashes the entire program

    You probably have a linedef with action 160 that has no front side.
  14. boris

    Dragging lines in UDB crashes the entire program

    Under no circumstances post this map! It could help people figure out what's going on!
  15. boris

    Weird map bug

    GZDoom has ZDBSP built in, so a map doesn't have to have nodes pre-compiled.