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About xttl

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  1. xttl

    LEGACY OF RUST - overall thoughts?

    IIRC some of the Vassagos were placed in a way which I felt made them impossible (at least hard or too damn time consuming => boring) to remove using the flamethrower without taking damage yourself since the flames have splash, so you could actually start exploring the map and figuring out where to go and what to do without having shit constantly coming at you from multiple directions. There were also some flying enemies thrown it, which can be kinda irritating to deal with a range limited weapon. I felt those (at least almost) forced partial invisibility pickups on the thin walkways were also going a bit too far. It's certainly a creative map, something different, I'll give it that much despite not appreciating this kind of gameplay in my shooters. (unless this sort of thing has already been done to death in free community PWADs which I haven't played that many of?) edit: now that I think of it, maybe it should have been a secret map? (or even super secret? accessed from the windmill somehow)
  2. Here's a silent DMX MUS file if you want no music. (using zero length blank music lumps seem to sometimes though not always crash vanilla, I just tested it) silence.zip
  3. Though according to DoomWiki "When a MIDI is converted to MUS through DMX, there is a noticeable pause when the MIDI sequence loops." (no idea how bad the problem truly is, it's a long time ago I last played a WAD using vanilla where the music is not in MUS format, if ever...) Also here's the official MIDI2MUS tool: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/utils/sound_edit/midi2mus (probably better ones exist nowadays as well)
  4. Yes, I got stuck in the E1M6 exit corridor on my playthrough of LoR as well. I think I already saw it being talked about here then so I didn't bother reporting it.
  5. xttl

    LEGACY OF RUST - overall thoughts?

    I don't know about the other posters, but I have certainly not been constantly grinding Plutonia since 1996. I used to mostly only play (a lot of) 1v1 DM but that scene is very dead now, especially for someone who refuses to use Discord, so I've only recently started playing single player Doom more. (when I play any video games in general anymore anyway...) I think I played through Plutonia once in the 1990s with a lot of savescumming, then saw it a few times in sillymode coops (infinite respawns & stupidity allowed) along the years. Finally played through it (almost) properly for the first time this year. I certainly didn't know it by heart and many of the surprises did hit, some even killed my doomguy, but I'd still say it is definitely easier than LoR. LoR also has a few spots (even one whole level) which I just didn't find very fun to play at all despite UV otherwise feeling about the right skill for me, as in not too frustrating but not too easy and boring either. E1M6, E2M6 slaughter room, E2M7 archviles and Tyrant finale, though to be honest Plutonia also had a few things I wasn't a fan of: the maze level (the AVs themselves aren't that bad but fuck finding the route, seems even Dario himself got lost in his own maze on Youtube lol) and also the map9 ending which I decided to handle by just skipping the linedef which raises the Mancubi and Revenants lol. (and resort to a mid-level save in case doomguy falls into the inescapable slime pool while doing the skip) I can see why some people would hate LoR's E2M1 too, though I personally didn't hate it as much as E1M6 or parts of E2M6 & E2M7, even liked it. (I didn't find E2's secret exit so I dunno if the E2 secret level would be another level I'd hate) IIRC I never felt No Rest for the Living had any shitty spots even when it was new and I played it for the first time. (though then I'd say it's less hard than even Plutonia in general anyway...) However, the thing I most dislike about LoR though is not any level (or part of a level, and hell most of the maps certainly aren't bad anyway) but instead ID24 standardizing (at least attempting to) the new enemies and weapons from it. The new and "new" graphics for them especially is kinda ehhh, some of the sounds too. edit2: Oh right, I forgot about the secret levels in Plutonia. I actually skipped them on my first playthrough but eventually did them too, with carryovers from map15 end save, and making a couple of mid-level saves in map32 though IIRC I didn't actually need to load in the end. I'm not sure if even Plutonia map32 is harder than the worst of Legacy of Rust, especially if you don't need to play it in a hurry (taking it relatively slow it didn't even feel frustrating though I'm not a fan of slaughter if it can be called that)
  6. Yeah that happened to me too a few days ago. My guess is it's probably the same bug which is sometimes causing monsters to appear inside floors in coop (eg. in E1M5) which was already reported.
  7. Was playing custom WADs (loaded via command line using -file) in multiplayer disabled in a patch deliberately, or is it a bug that it doesn't work anymore? According to information from (for example) here: this really worked at some point, but it certainly doesn't seem to work for me in the latest version from Steam anymore. (in case someone is wondering why not use the mod browser, multiplayer games using custom wads from there never worked AFAIK, only via command line was it possible to host custom map multiplayer lobbies) Just asking because a couple of friends would really like to get a KexDoom netgame going using custom WADs. I actually went and tried using doom.exe from the very first revision of KexDoom (which I still have stashed ;) to host a (1 player) LAN multiplayer lobby using "-iwad doom2.wad" & "-file <stuff>" and it indeed worked, in the latest version from Steam picking (for example) Doom 2 map 1 from lobby settings will just load doom2.wad map01. Apologies if this has already been discussed or I'm missing something an obvious setting or extra command line parameter or something somewhere. (As for feature requests: I hope the "coop spy" function can return some day, preferably before multiplayer is completely dead again for someone who's not going to use Discord ever, also ideally it should be possible to enable togglemove ie. movement from mouse permanently somehow without external tools, unless there is already a way? It seems Kex doesn't use those Quake-style +/- commands for player controls of which you can enter the + command and it then acts as if that "button" is held down, but anything equivalent? Though honestly if you only use it for mousestrafing it's really good enough to bind it to the same button as togglestrafe, and personally I use mousestrafe without moving forward/back from mouse actually...)
  8. Finally got around to trying the first "bigger" patch. Strafe50 (and mousestrafing in general) is finally possible now, cool. Seems linedefs can also now act as sound sources? At least the Map7 switches do work properly, not too quiet anymore. Sounds in general also work a lot better now. The stairbuilder on E1M8 (among other things) which plays lots of overlapping sounds (all using the same DSSTNMOV sample) still sounds a bit strange (as if some of the samples were phase shifted) vs. Crispy or Chocolate/vanilla, but it's certainly a lot better than it used to be. this was because I forgot to disable random pitch for sound effects for my testing (I didn't want to launch Steam just for a quick sound test so I ran it using regular wine from command line; different wineprefix, default configs) Setting a 35fps cap via cvars still seems to cause problems occasionally. :( (and cl_engineFPS 35 + cl_engineHZ 35 doesn't quite feel the same as eg. crispy-doom capped at 35fps anyway, especially turning from mouse, but I could live with that since I don't use this port a lot anyway, just for the multiplayer occasionally, I think the different feel might actually be due to this having less lag on input running at 35Hz than Crispy which isn't necessarily a bad thing... don't really have the equipment to verify this though~~ or does it feel different, more "floaty" or something, because of *more* lag? hard to tell for sure for me) Still a good update, just for the strafe modifier bind alone.
  9. xttl

    Question relating to the Kex Port Automap

    I don't play on console but from what I've read here it seems there's currently no way to use cheats in KexDoom on consoles. You can try connecting a USB keyboard but I suspect the game will completely ignore it. KexDoom on PC has gamepad support though you'd still have to type those cheats in using the keyboard, and I don't know how the feel compares to GZDoom because I almost always use keyboard+mouse.
  10. xttl

    Question relating to the Kex Port Automap

    KexDoom doesn't have this feature but many other source ports do. For example: Crispy Doom, DSDA-Doom, Woof, GZDoom. You'll need to adjust settings in Crispy and DSDA to get distinctly coloured exit lines though. I recommend DSDA or Woof for an experience most like KexDoom. (=can play Boom/MBF maps but is still very vanilla-like unlike GZDoom) edit: or did you mean how feasible it would be to add distinctly coloured exit lines to KexDoom? I'd say it's very feasible, they already added special colours for keyed door lines which vanilla didn't have and it's pretty much the same thing code-wise, at least should be. "idbeholda" is the cheat code for full map (assuming you're playing on PC). Then you'll see all areas you've not yet been into in grey. That said, map authors can hide certain lines completely which won't show up even with idbeholda (or the "computer area map" powerup which is equivalent). You can type "iddt" in the automap to see ALL lines but then they'll be in color as well (not grey) regardless of whether you've been there or not.
  11. xttl

    LEGACY OF RUST - overall thoughts?

    So it's like Final Doom but in 2024? Except Final Doom of course didn't standardize (in ID24) new monsters and weapons which honestly feel a bit lackluster, especially the sprites. (well the mini-mastermind looks ok as does the plasma trooper but the others I don't like much, with Vassagos looking the most out of place, they'd all be perfectly okay in a random fanmade PWAD but...) I also actually played through Plutonia now on UV, continuous, sticking to 1 save/map mostly. Last time I played through it must have been at least 20 years ago, and that was with lots of saves. Now that I've refreshed my memory I'd say nothing there felt as bullshitty as what LoR E2M6 and E2M7 pull, except maybe for that map9 end room. Map11 also sucks. Skipped the secret levels, but IIRC even Plutonia map32 doesn't suddenly make you fight 20 AVs w/o cover or make you dodge rockets coming from all directions simultaneously in a room with many small pillars sprinkled around without invuln spheres nearby. That thing with the AVs in E2M6 where invuln WAS available was also maybe a bit questionable though I didn't have much trouble with it since I had rockets stocked from previous maps. With the blade the AVs would have been very difficult to hit since even with invuln they keep throwing you into the air and the blade has no vertical aim... though perhaps you could just quickly exit the room though and then use the blade? I'd have to go take a look at the map again. LoR E1M6 I guess is just another style of a map. One that I don't find very fun to play, just like Plutonia map11. Right, but on the whole of LoR felt just about right on UV, died a few times per map on average but nothing was frustrating except E1M6 and those few nasty spots in E2M6 and E2M7. If I had played on HMP it'd have been too easy.
  12. Right. edit: though you need a place for the degenmobj_t *somewhere* (maybe in the buttonlist) regardless if sound code in KexDoom still needs either a mobj_t or NULL for origin of any sound.
  13. I'd say it's feasible. I went to add that into Chocolate Doom, only took a few minutes and seems to work. Added a degenmobj_t soundorg (just like sectors already have) to the line_t struct in r_defs.h, then in P_LoadLineDefs setup it for all map lines based on vertex coords: if (v1->x < v2->x) { ld->bbox[BOXLEFT] = v1->x; ld->bbox[BOXRIGHT] = v2->x; + ld->soundorg.x = v1->x + (v2->x - v1->x) / 2; } etc. Then use line.soundorg as switch sound origin. Of course now all linedefs in the map eat a little bit more of RAM but is anyone even counting nowadays? I always kind of liked how switch sounds play at full volume in multiplayer. Lets you know a bit (at least guess) what the other players are doing, useful in both DM and coop. Perhaps it's just too weird for new players though. edit: If you've fixed buttonlist usage you could use the degenmobj in button_t already for this as well, then you just need to recaculate the coords every time a switch is pressed. edit2: Oh right that one is only a pointer, but I guess you could change it to not pointer and use it for this.
  14. xttl

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    Play Legacy of Rust and multiplayer using KexDoom, then go try Crispy Doom, DSDA-Doom or Woof. Use GZDoom for those mods which absolutely require it if you want to play them. Maybe check out Eternity Engine too.
  15. Not sure if this was mentioned already, but: Even if no sound effects are playing at all or none have played since startup, volume calculation just doesn't work right sometimes for whatever reason. One place where sounds are consistently broken is doom2.wad MAP07. The switching sound from any of the 4 buttons which lower the platforms is always too quiet. Try "doom.exe -iwad doom2.wad -warp 7 -nomonsters -deathmatch -skipmovies" from command line and walk to any of the switches. Also this is more of a wishlist item but please, please add a supported and tested 35fps cap option unless there's a technical reason which makes it too difficult. It doesn't need to be enabled by default if it scares the newbies too much but I actually get physically sick from playing with uncapped framerate no matter how great the uncapped implementation supposedly is. Using console vars to set 35fps causes problems, sometimes turning control for the player just breaks (there's suddenly constant "pushback" to the other direction when you turn, happens with both mouse and gamepad) and fixes itself later. Switching between uncapped and 35fps a few times (letting it run uncapped for a moment) can apparently help it fix itself faster. I had to bind keys for this to play through LoR. I hope it's not my 60Hz screenmode which is somehow causing these problems but 35fps in other ports works fine for me despite 60 not being a multiple of 35 and IIRC I tried this with vsync disabled too (forced via MangoHUD just to be sure) and it didn't help. There really should be a way to SR50 as well. Speedrunners or other hardcore players aren't going to use this port a lot but SR50 has always been a part of the game, and almost certainly wads with jumps which have been deliberately made difficult or impossible without SR50 are already being uploaded into the wad browser. A "strafe on" bind for it should allow gamepad users to do it as well. I'd probably bind it to the action of pushing in the analog stick used for turning. (L3/R3 on PlayStation style controllers)