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Plain ol' Doom 2 Community Mapping Project

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joe-ilya said:

Here's another area I just finished :

You're not supposed to add new textures, only original Doom 2 (assuming first post is updated and I didn't miss any changes)

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I think they're just not commonly used, so people (including myself) sometimes don't recognize them as original doom 2 textures.

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@floatRand We'll need to add new music for your map btw, so is there anything from Doom 1, Doom 2, or Final Doom that you want to use for it?

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Waiting For Romero To Play, perhaps?
Edit: Wait a moment. Gonna do some slight changes to layout, as well.
Edit2: And done.
There was a link here. It is gone now. :)
Didn't do Dehacked trickery to use the proper track, so it's up the you.

Edited by floatRand

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Is there going to be quality control on this project or is it like DW Megaproject does Doom 2? Feels like maps are being rushed out to me. If it's the latter please just make my slot available.

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There is quality control. I won't accept an absolute crap map, but something more along the lines of doom 2 level of detail and difficulty. People can finish their maps whenever they want. If you want to wait a while before starting on your map, that's okay. When do you plan on starting it?

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according to OP, you can use only Doom, Doom 2 and Final Doom music plus a selection of midis made by author...
but seidolon can explain you better than me...

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Yeah, that's right, but I changed my mind about my own midis. I'm not going to use them for this project, mainly because I don't have very many to choose from. Once I have a sizable amount, I could allow them to be used in a project of mine.

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There was also a revenant stuck in one of the cave areas. I can fix that one though. So do you think that's it for your map? No more updating it?

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I don't see much, I am somewhat happy with it now. It might be wee bit too detailed for Doom2 map, but I couldn't really stop myself.

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I've started on my MAP14. You cannot beat the good old Doom 2 tan colored rocks and bricks. Just making a semi linear but non symmetrical 3 key map. The map will be designed for limit removing and will not be using any Boom features and I'll probably keep the music as the Dave D. Taylor Blues (D_DDTBLU) as it is one of my favorite Doom 2 songs.

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I'm remaking my map from scratch. It had nothing "plain ol' Doom" to it, too detailed and bland. I'll try to make something that feels more like an original Doom 2 map

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I made this so far, I hope it's not straying too far from "plain ol' doom 2" territory...


Featuring subtly misaligned textures!

I've been trying to mix up the hell theme with a bit of demonic techy stuff or something. This room is the centerpiece of the map, and the outer areas take place outside atop some structures (well, they will once I build them). Shame there are no lavafall textures in Doom 2... :(

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pcorf said:

I've started on my MAP14. You cannot beat the good old Doom 2 tan colored rocks and bricks. Just making a semi linear but non symmetrical 3 key map. The map will be designed for limit removing and will not be using any Boom features and I'll probably keep the music as the Dave D. Taylor Blues (D_DDTBLU) as it is one of my favorite Doom 2 songs.

Here are some screenshots.

When the layout is complete and all the monsters, ammo, etc are in I will playtest the map to make sure the ammo balance is as good as it can be. This can take 1 to 2 weeks for me to do because it usually takes multiple test runs to get it as good as I can.

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That doesn't seem too hard to make a follow-up to; now I just need to look at map16 and the 31st map when all three are presented to play

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You can start on your map whenever you want. I'm not too worried about how the levels transition. If you want to, you could start on map15 and edit it later after seeing the finished map16.

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There was a link with midis in the OP. Why did you remove it? Does that mean there won't be any new music to go along the maps?

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Yeah, I decided that I won't use my own midis for this project because I don't have very many to choose from. Once I make a decent amount, I can use them for a similar project.

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Music: Cold Subtleness (TNT MAP14)

I've tried to make an open, confusing map but I've failed horribly. It's small and linear.
Difficulty and multiplayer settings are missing.
Edit: Cleaned automap.

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AnonimVio said:

Music: Cold Subtleness (TNT MAP14)

I've tried to make an open, confusing map but I've failed horribly. It's small and linear.
Difficulty and multiplayer settings are missing.
Edit: Cleaned automap.

Pretty cool map!

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@AnonimVio Love the map! I was actually planning on using that music for my MAP26, but it fits better here.

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