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Doomworld Maximum Project 2023 - Uploaded!

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Found a few bugs -


 - fixed non-blocking fence in first section (-96, -952)

 - moved the blocking ceiling in second maze section because could get in under it if fast enough (-1440, -1680)

 - slime falls midtex in secret area made translucent 

 - left arachno by steps, added walls to hide behind - tries to get player to look ate the button on the other side (-664, -1248)

 - adjusted light levels in several places.

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OK updated/bugfixed based on @Biodegradable's playtest and feedback - thank you.


>>> Download <<<


Various fixes:


  • removed plasma cells, added rockets
  • removed lock-in door in the crate area


  • Speed up door in maze area to bars switch
  • fixed softlock that prevented going back to switch if missed. Added WR to door triggers, added open/close toggle to doors.


  • Added more hidden spaces
  • Adjusted geometry to make more obvious


  • Added rad suit to better indicate the secret area to the BFG


  • Updated monsters in last silo/cave area segment
  • blocked cacos from going into teleporter


  • added monsters 



Still haven't thought of a name yet...


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OK I have a final product:


I have renamed it to "Descent into Madness"


 - It is Doom in Hexen format - er - format and uses some 3D floors and portals (floor/ceiling mostly)

 - Tested with GZDoom

 - has a basic MAPINFO (for the name). 

 - It is currently MAP01

 - No custom music, sprites or graphics

 - no ACS

 - I also added an IDGames-style text file


>>> UPDATE 07/04/23 <<<

Minor bugfix in maze. Please download again

>>>>>>>>>   <<<<<<<<<


NOTE: I renamed the file, so here is the link again:


Descent into madness


Edited by smeghammer

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Okay, since I really do need to try and do some public playtesting and despite hiccups and all. Better late than never, right? Considering this thread can get bulked out on posts, might need a better method of replying to people later, but I'll worry about it later. Here's the short hand notes.

@smeghammer: Played some of Descent Into Madness... the version with the April 7th update.
I have a concern that the door, contained near the two arachnotrons, where the stairs are might be broken. I wasn't able to find a switch from the maze side and that door only seems to have one linedef marked with a door action and no tag. Maybe I missed something, but not sure.
I also believe you may have mis-tagged some sectors as secrets, as there's 30 of them, with a sizable number being contained right next to each other.


Try looking near the blood fall room.

I had to noclip to get to the central marble floor room and continue from there. The rest of what I played seemed alright, I was able to have a fair bit of fun, but my biggest problem with the map is just it's cramped nature, some battles were tricky due to narrow spacing.
I wasn't able to complete it, during the time I had to play but yeah that's my early feedback and bug sniffing attempts for now.

I'll see people later, just wanted to make sure to pass on the notes. If anyone has a suggestion for how I can try and keep notes on playing levels here, without bulking out the thread, I can bear it in mind. Bye for now.

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Hey @ANonThingie! - thanks for the feedback and playthrough.




If you mean the big door halfway up the stairs to the crate area, I removed that as it was pointless. Though the date of the file shoule be the one that does not include this...  The original sequence was the switch by the mancubus opened the arachnos and also dropped the big door half way up the stairs, and there used to be a switch in the middle arachno closet that would open it again. It seemed pointless. If you managed to trigger it anyway, that is definitely a bug... 


Or do you mean the two arachnos either side of the red staircase after the red key door?  (-480, -1370). Can you elaborate on what you mean please? I did change this recently because the sequence would break if you forgot the switch (because W1 not WR). I also slightly altered the trigger lines: Into the maze at (-1288, -1640), WR, door shuts. Make your way North to the switch, then East to the out door at (-640, -1128). This door is only openable from the NORTH side, and there is a WR trigger here too that re-opens the doors at (-1288, -1640). You are supposed to be able to go round this loop as many times as you want.


I see what you mean about the multiple sectors flagged as secret - my bad. I'll fix that and upload again, along with fixing any logical problem with the arachno/crate area.




>>> UPDATED <<<



Edited by smeghammer

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"The two arachnos either side of the red staircase after the red key door?"
AH! Thank you for confirming! You've misplaced your Player 1 Start!!!
I'll keep the screenshot in, but I believe that as I started in the maze, this is not intended as I was struggling from map start to find a button or key, within the Maze section and now I see I was supposed to have the Red Key, before even entering it.

When you perform any needed fixes, I'll re-download and try again later.

SmegHammer's Door.png

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Played on GZDooM Version 4.8.2 & Played on Hurt Me Plenty. Alright people, coming back with more playtest notes/reviews. Went back in the thread and played the next two from Smeg's entry that I noticed, so enjoy the notes.

Path to the Forbidden Temple: by @dashlet


Experience Sum Up:

In terms of looks, this is beautiful. There's a sombre, relaxing air to this, which helps ease me into this. Music choice helped with this.

The platforming in the beginning doesn't wear on me too much, thankfully. However...

There are a few spikes in the map's progression and I can label them by when the Archviles are introduced.

The first and second encounter, can have their difficult moments, but you can learn how to approach them.

The third though [right at the end], if others can handle it, sure go ahead and keep it, but I know I didn't enjoy it.

The chain-gunners on the pillars, depending on the player's reaction time, might be a problem.
Difficulty adjustment is present, but seemingly only has two settings I believe.

TL:DR Cute, lovely floating islands map, has bigger fangs than it appears.


Improvement Suggestions:

1) Ammunition is sparse. Didn't have a lot of rockets when I needed them.


Rating = Play [I'd be hesitant on replays, but for what I did play, things felt fine and I did enjoy the atmosphere]


The Forgotten Wilds: by @Silhouette 03



If you don't back track through the door, after getting through the Red Key ambush.

You can be softlocked, behind the raised bars and therefore be forced to noclip to continue [as what happened with my playthrough]


Experience Sum Up:

This map had a somewhat okay sense of aesthetics. Outdoors looked nice enough. Indoors could do with some touch up details.

Combat in this map is polarising to me. There's segments where being blind sighted seems very likely, but also you can herd the enemies in circles too.

Secrets within the map, to me, don't feel like secrets. They were easy to find and pick up, felt arbitrary to have them tagged as such.
Backtracking isn't possible at certain parts of the map, so 100%ing the map needs to be as you begin to move forward.
Lifts might mean, point of no return, as a heads up.
TL:DR Woody outdoors map with a few hard fights and a few subpar fights.


Improvement Suggestions:

1) Un-tag the secrets

2) Try to have some of the enemies, delay appearing into the fight, or help have a bit more chaos in the level. [I did check that you've done some difficulty adjustment, but the fights on my playthrough felt off in some parts.]


Rating = Play [But I feel like there could be more done, to help polish the experience.]

I'll try and be more active this year, no promises though. Still very anxious being here. Bye for now.

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13 hours ago, ANonThingie! said:

AH! Thank you for confirming! You've misplaced your Player 1 Start!!!


I'm an idiot! I made the softlock and sector fixes and forgot to move Player1 start back.


Fixed now.


>>> DOWNLOAD <<<

Edited by smeghammer

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New version of "the forgotten wilds . Thanks to @ANonThingie! for the feedback.


- untagged my secrets. I was initially hesitant to untag them, but it makes sense.

-Fixed a few misalignments


By the way, anon, there's a switch in one of the arch vile monster closets in the red key area that opens the bars. Thanks again!

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I might contribute something to this. No guarantees that it will be amazing though.

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EDIT: new version of the wad, 100% kills was impossible because i forgot to place a teleport destination


sorry about the double post @Obsidian, but it's here!

I'm not sure if this will cause problems for compiling, but I've included a colormap, BLUMAP, that can swapped out for any blueish watery colormap. Do let me know if I need to rename it but putting an underscore in the name caused problems.


Warehouse Grotto, for Boom, uses complevel 9

Plutonia-esque combat balanced around UV

Screenshots (taken in PrBoom+):






Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1B_k2mEMvPwiNDCYbdt_0zSHbw4J59EXz/view?usp=sharing

New Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qrcr5myCoriDJJmE9qZJUSWOTu7O9WL3/view?usp=share_link

Edited by LoneAlpha2401 : updated download

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Sign me up! I think. 

This is my first time joining a project like this, so I don't really know if there's more to the joining process...


Either way, I've got a neat map (I think)

And I'll fix it up nicely and get rid of some bugs if it has any.

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This is a limit-removing run and gun map using only stock textures.








Map Name: Standing Stones
Author: Salmon
Format: Limit-removing (complevel 2)
Skill Levels: All implemented
Modes: Single player with coop starts
Ports Tested:  Crispy Doom, Eternity -vanilla, DSDA-Doom -cl2, GZDoom (Doom strict)
Playtime:  ~10 to 20 minutes
Music:  Aerial Tombs by Alfonzo



Standing Stones v2
Standing Stones v1


Please feel free to test and provide feedback however you like.  I'm always open to suggestions.  If you spot any bugs or texture mistakes, I'd appreciate it if you let me know!

Edited by Salmon : added new file version

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1 hour ago, Salmon said:

This is a limit-removing run and gun map using only stock textures.



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Map Name: Standing Stones
Author: Salmon
Format: Limit-removing (complevel 2)
Skill Levels: All implemented
Modes: Single player with coop starts
Ports Tested:  Crispy Doom, Eternity -vanilla, DSDA-Doom -cl2, GZDoom (Doom strict)
Playtime:  ~10 to 20 minutes
Music:  Aerial Tombs by Alfonzo


Standing Stones v1


Please feel free to test and provide feedback however you like.  I'm always open to suggestions.  If you spot any bugs or texture mistakes, I'd appreciate it if you let me know!

The map is good but a bit confusing more importantly though i found a bug????

At the very beginning of the map you can turn around and jump onto the ledge with the computer area map where you can go through the teleporter and after you jump off the pillar onto the platform nearby you will go through the ground and not be able to get out. You can also use a torch to get outside of the intended area at the start.

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@Raith138, thank you for the feedback!  This is a limit-removing map, so if you're using GZDoom you should be using the Doom (strict) compatibility mode rather than the default one.  Options > Full Options Menu > Compatibility Options > Compatibility Mode.  Basically in the format I designed it for, you're not allowed to jump since you weren't allowed to in the original games.  I do need to add some impassible lines around the edges of the map, though, thanks!

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On 5/30/2023 at 12:50 PM, Salmon said:

This is a limit-removing run and gun map using only stock textures.



  Reveal hidden contents





Map Name: Standing Stones
Author: Salmon
Format: Limit-removing (complevel 2)
Skill Levels: All implemented
Modes: Single player with coop starts
Ports Tested:  Crispy Doom, Eternity -vanilla, DSDA-Doom -cl2, GZDoom (Doom strict)
Playtime:  ~10 to 20 minutes
Music:  Aerial Tombs by Alfonzo


Standing Stones v1


Please feel free to test and provide feedback however you like.  I'm always open to suggestions.  If you spot any bugs or texture mistakes, I'd appreciate it if you let me know!

 Amateur mapper here, so I don't have much in the way of legitimate criticism. With that out of the way, I had a blast with this one. It absoultely wiped the floor with me at first. Visually it was sharp, and there was a sense of pressure throughout the run. Great map. 

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Here's a map: Rainbow Rage. I even included difficulty settings this time! Thanks to some playtesters, the map should be bug free.     

Music is Power of the Magestic Sword of Holy Dragon Light by Knightrider of Doom.


EDIT: Forgot a couple things, naturally. Updated link.

Edited by Rorix

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I am a beginner in level design, I currently have 3 levels completed, one level with a hell theme which I have already posted here at DOOMWorld.


A level with a more varied theme and a very large one, about 30 minutes long, with small rooms with water and acid.


And a level a little smaller with themes drawn to tech and laboratories and varied themes too.


I am developing another one at the moment with a more tech oriented theme as well.


Can I participate in this topic by submitting some of mine?

They are recent, I made all of them this year.

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23 hours ago, Mizuki_Jun10 said:

Can I participate in this topic by submitting some of mine?

They are recent, I made all of them this year.


Sure, go for it! 👍 So long as they follow the rules in the OP, you're good to go.

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9 hours ago, stochastic said:

Eu adoraria dar uma chance!


Doomer de longa data, mapeador de primeira viagem. Não espere uma obra-prima  :)

I am looking forward to seeing it, invest a few weeks if necessary, I am trying to finish more levels before I post any of them here :-).

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