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Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

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Thanks, I saw the pacifist on the dsda twitch and thought how hard can it be. 300 attempts later and the blockmap on that glide and the monsters blocking the jump will not be soon forgotten

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NoisyDiarrhea (related demo pack thread)

NM-Speed tablefills:

Map31s in 1:41 - nd31sn141.zip

Map28 in 0:19 - nd28n019.zip

Map27 in 0:33 - nd27n033.zip

Map26 in 0:49 - nd26n049.zip

Map25 in 0:38 - nd25n038.zip

Map20 in 0:58 - nd20n058.zip

Map19 in 0:16 - nd19n016.zip

Map18 in 0:27 - nd18n027.zip

Map17 in 0:16 - nd17n016.zip

Map16 in 0:22 - nd16n022.zip

Map15 in 0:23 - nd15n023.zip

Map14 in 0:24 - nd14n024.zip

Map13 in 0:14 - nd13n014.zip

Map12 in 0:29 - nd12n029.zip

Map09 in 0:29 - nd09n029.zip

Map07 in 0:53 - nd07n053.zip

I'm not sure if a speed megawad named after loud pooping, one that has demos already, needs it's own thread, but let me know.




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15 hours ago, NoisyVelvet said:

I'm not sure if a speed megawad named after loud pooping, one that has demos already, needs it's own thread, but let me know.

ND probably deserves its own thread given the demo activity so far, even though it's mostly all one demo pack.

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Some old demos I never posted


J.A.M. (Just a Mapset) Episode 1

Map02 UV-Speed in 1:09.31 - jamep102-109.zip 

Map02 UV-Fast in 3:36.86 - jamep102f336.zip 

Map02 UV-Max in 2:51.57 - jamep102m251.zip

Map02 NM-Speed in 1:06.91 - jamep102n106.zip 

Map02 NoMo in 0:40.54 - jamep102o040.zip 

Map02 UV-Respawn in 2:45.86 - jamep102r245.zip 

Map02 NM-100S in 1:48.97 - jamep102s148.zip 

Map02 UV-Tyson in 4:51.29 - jamep102t451.zip 


Map03 UV-Speed in 0:42.43 - jamep103-042.zip

Map03 NoMo in 0:29.83 - jamep103o029.zip


Map04 UV-Speed in 0:58.63 - jamep104-058.zip 

Map04 UV-Max in 4:51.37 - jamep104m451.zip 

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32.wad by William H. Parker Jr. (1996)

All UV-Speed:


MAP13 - 2:17.03

MAP14 - 3:06.69

MAP15 - 4:06.49

MAP16 - 2:53.23

MAP17 - 2:57.83

MAP18 - 1:29.91

MAP19 - 3:11.71

MAP20 - 2:57.37

MAP21 - 4:58.43

MAP22 - 3:16.91

MAP23 - 1:43.54

MAP24 - 3:40.29

MAP25 - 3:15.60

MAP26 - 2:49.34

MAP27 - 2:06.17

MAP28 - 2:13.37

















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Badness: The fight for the frag

By Andy Kendall & Lachlan Stewart



MAP01    Pacifist    :02.89    0bad01p289.zip
MAP01    NoMo          :02.80    0bad01o280.zip
MAP01    UV Max        :08.71    0bad01m871.zip
MAP01    NM Speed    :02.89    0bad01n289.zip
MAP02    Stroller    :10.37    0bad02str1037.zip
MAP03    UV Speed    :01.54    0bad03-154.zip
MAP04    UV Speed    :07.40    0bad04-740.zip
MAP04    Stroller    :15.46    0bad04str1546.zip
MAP05    Stroller    :07.40    0bad05str840.zip

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