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Plutonia Revisited Community Project: Released!

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Judging from the first one which works (the other two take me to the login screen), it looks pretty cool. I have no tips to give you, I'm no mapper, but it looks good

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well if you'll have me, i'd love to help with playtesting of possible speedrun routes/trics/exploits... plutonia legacy, right? :)

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@dew: If you're asking me if you can playtest my map for me. Definitely, and if you like it, I'll make another for this project. Kinda hit a wall on doom 2 "second run" and I need to do something else before I resume it.

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t.v. said:

I can make a titlepicture, intermission screen and logo, if that position is still open...

Yes the position is open, you are very welcome to make these! Thanks. Additionally a statusbar would be nice too, but that's not as necessary.

Jimi, very nice looking map so far. :-)

Doomhero85, first screenie looks a bit odd and bland (in terms of structure, there could be different textures and such to break the chain a bit) and the wirescreen textures looks odd without the ceiling. The third screenie looks weird, maybe since it looks like the textures are just textures and not something 'real'. Maybe give those brain textures more physical shape so they don't appear to be textures cut off by the red rock ones (I hope that made sense :P) The second screenie looks cool. Keep it up ;-).

No dew, I'm sick of your playtesting so you are not welcome to not playtest this project. :P

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Whee :)

@PRIMEVAL: no idea about the music yet. I don't know, I might do some music for it myself. The Doom music is midis right, or midis that are converted to some Doom music format? I can export to a midi with Reason, though what I remember from the midi conversion, it always made every instrument use the same midi instrument, so I'd need at least some other program to change better instruments for them. Well, maybe you can help me with it later.

Oh and I have some one midi done already that's was meant to be for a Doom map (the map just never got ready, so the midi was never used). It's some sort of graveyard/temple type of track. Somewhat similar to Doom64, PSX Doom music tracks.

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Hey Joshy, I've got mappers block on my other work so I'd love to make a map for the first episode of this!! Can't wait, I've got a few ideas to try make it as hard as possible with the least amount of enemies as possible! And also with the least amount of bullshit as possible, hehe.

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As i really loved map 05 in the original Plutonia, i would make a tribute to this map.

Title: "escape from the ghost town"

I like the music too, from doom 1.

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Hi Joshy,

What a good project ! I'm a french mapper, i have already work on a personnal wad and on Arcane Doom, a French Doom Community project.
I would be interested to make a map of the first episode, it will be like the 2nd map of original Plutonia, with a lot of water and ruins.

I have an idea for the music, so i request you when it's finish ;)

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So I'm getting close to finishing my map (really just mess with balance a little), and when I played the map in chocolate doom it HoMs across the main room of the map, close to an end. I'm not sure what limit I'm going over, and would like some help there ... not sure if I should post the map here or pm it to the testers? I'll send it to joshy at least.

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If it's not been taken yet, I think I would like to have map slot 21, and make a "Slayer"-inspired map that pays tribute to that great Plutonia level. I've finished my map for Pcorf's project, so now I can begin work on this. If I can get slot 21, I'm thinking calling my map "Asmodeus' Circle", but that may change.

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ArmouredBlood said:

So I'm getting close to finishing my map (really just mess with balance a little), and when I played the map in chocolate doom it HoMs across the main room of the map, close to an end. I'm not sure what limit I'm going over, and would like some help there ... not sure if I should post the map here or pm it to the testers? I'll send it to joshy at least.

Okay I've had a look at it. I admit I'm new to this limitation as well. I do have ideas of what kind of limitations there are. I believe the HOMs are formed since the distance is quite far from one end to another causing HOMs. It doesn't crash so the number of segmets or such isn't the cause. I'd like confirmation, would anyone volunteer to become a vanilla-doom troubleshooter and test out the map and absolve the problem?

Though I must say the map's looking very nice AB, definitely yells PLUTONIA :).

I'll use this opportunity to say I've started work on two maps, one for Map01 and one for Map07. Not much work done that is presentable enough yet, but I've got the layouts all done on paper and some work already done on the computer. Once I've done with my exam next Monday, both should come into completion in no time.

And welcome to the mappers signing up too. :-)

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Joshy said:

Okay I've had a look at it. I admit I'm new to this limitation as well. I do have ideas of what kind of limitations there are. I believe the HOMs are formed since the distance is quite far from one end to another causing HOMs. It doesn't crash so the number of segmets or such isn't the cause. I'd like confirmation, would anyone volunteer to become a vanilla-doom troubleshooter and test out the map and absolve the problem?

Just checked visplanes, and it appears it's both floors AND ceilings. And there's over 70 sectors in that area :( At least I think it cuts out pretty far back so I only need to remove maybe 4 or so. Just about as many sectors as are in the ceiling detailing ...

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HOM in vanilla is caused by a drawsegs overflow, meaning too many line segments. It will draw 256 segs (portions of sidedefs, as split up by your nodebuilder; each sidedef becomes at least one seg) onscreen, and any more won't be drawn so you'll get HOM in the parts of the screen that haven't been filled. 2-sided lines create at least two segs, 1-sided lines create at least one seg, and complex shapes are more likely to result in seg splits. Seg drawing can be stopped with either 1-sided lines or a 0-height pillar sector; anything other than that will be stepped through and what's behind it will still add to your drawsegs count, even if it's behind a raised floor or lowered ceiling and you can't see it. Drawsegs overflow won't exit the game, it'll just HOM.

Visplane counts aren't the same as sector count, or sector count * 2, or anything as easy to predict as that, really. They get split and merged in realtime when the game is rendering a frame, based on what's touching and identical, what's actually visible at any given point in time, and so on. A single sector can be split into multiple visplanes depending on its shape and how it's positioned onscreen with other map geometry. Visplane overflows are the type of rendering overflow that typically cause the game to exit.

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Here are the first screenshots of the map I'm working on, called "Asmodeus' Circle". Please note that I've just begun and in no way is there anything final yet in these screenshots. But I wanted to show that I've at least begun working on the map.


If you say that the stone circle that forms the centre of the map is like the one in Plutonia map 21 "Slayer", then you are correct, I modelled it so it looked alike, because I want this map to be a tribute to "Slayer", which is one of my favourite Plutonia maps (after The Twilight, The Gateway of Hell, Cyberden and Go 2 It). If you're afraid I'll copy a lot from Slayer, though, rest assured that the layout and gameplay will be different in this map than in Slayer. But I wanted something recognizable of "Slayer" in it. And succeeded.

Again, these shots show nothing finished yet, I've just started with the map, but I like how it's shaping up so far. I won't make it too long, just like "Slayer", and the focus will be more on nice heavy fights on walkways above the blood instead of on puzzles and key-collecting.

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Joshy said:

I'd like confirmation, would anyone volunteer to become a vanilla-doom troubleshooter and test out the map and absolve the problem?

That's going to be a hell of a job what with the number of people in this project who haven't worked with the vanilla limits before. People really need to understand that your map needs to be built around the limits.

This version of chocolate doom shows the number of segs/visplanes/sprites on screen at once and gives warnings for VPOs and HoMs. It's a very useful tool if you're new to the limits.

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Keeper of Jericho said:

I'm playtesting my map with Doom95. As long as it runs with that, there isn't really any chance for problems with more recent source ports, is there?

Not for more recent source ports, no, but Doom95's limits are actually slightly different from those of vanilla Doom. You could potentially have a map that runs in Doom95 but VPOs in vanilla, so I wouldn't recommend it for testing vanilla maps.

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Khorus said:

This version of chocolate doom shows the number of segs/visplanes/sprites on screen at once and gives warnings for VPOs and HoMs. It's a very useful tool if you're new to the limits.

Thanks for the tool khorus, I think I've tweaked the map enough that it doesn't segs HoM anymore. Had to remove some detailing but eh, this is vanilla. PMing map to joshy.

E: not vpo, heh.

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Hey guys,

This is what I came up with for the titlepic.
Let me know what you think.


It is in the Doom palette.
I'll work on the rest later.

I know Joshy wants it to be Plutonia textures only but I just wanted to offer the option of using the additional textures I made for Plutonia 2 (in the PL2.wad).

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Oh, the levels so far are looking nice. I wonder how much harder will the Go-2-it-esque level be than the original.

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t.v. said:

Hey guys,

This is what I came up with for the titlepic.
Let me know what you think.

I was hoping for something that looked more demonic, or threatening, so to get the player amped up for some serious DooMing! :) But I guess that's just my opinion. Otherwise, it looks decent. Not that I could do any better though myself. heh.

Would it be possible for you to take the "Community Project" off of the end of the title? It looks pretty silly, and if you look closer at the original post, you'd see Joshy named it "Plutonia Revisited". The thread title only has "Community Project" at the end of it to attract the attention of potential contributors.

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TITLEPIC looks ok, more like PL2's artwork than plutonia's though.

In other news, pics of my map that's already in its second round of testing. Might make another. Maybe. vanilla line actions are a bit restricting ...

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