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About Moustachio

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    You can edit these now?!

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  1. Update for Shifty Sands: pid-moustachio-V3.zip Fixed the broken monster closet. Added more detail outside. Added extra cover in the red key room + slight geometry edits. Flagged two of the ending arch-viles as multiplayer only. Upon replay, they felt really cheap to me. I felt like by removing them, it was a more fair challenge while still being difficult enough to keep me interested.
  2. Enjoying the playthrough! Just want to mention that the updated version that is currently on idgames has a fixed mapinfo/dehacked patch, as well as some other quality of life changes like fixed midi loops. The designs of the levels remain largely the same.
  3. Moustachio

    Interception III [MBF21 Community Project]

    >> RESOURCE PACK UPDATE (v009) << Fixes some game-breaking bugs. The wad is now officially playable in an Odamex server. Additional balance tweaks. Huge update to the turret. More below: Changelog: My Findings on MBF21 Inconsistencies across Source Ports: I've found some more inconsistencies between source port implementations of MBF21: The fists crashed Odamex because the hit sound (Args4 in WeaponMeleeAttack) was missing for some attack frames. Yet, Woof, GZDoom, Helion, and DSDA all allowed this field to go unpopulated. All WeaponMeleeAttack frames now have assigned sounds. Every time the fists hit, the server prints out: "SV_StartSound: range error. Sfx_id = -1", but I have no clue which fist attack frame is throwing this. The skull mines also crashed Odamex due to having a missing death frame and sound. Skull mines have death frames and sounds now. Skull mines are ripper projectiles, yet... They explode on contact in Odamex. In DSDA and Woof, they only explode when making contact with a dying enemy (but not a dying player). GZDoom: they don't explode at all, and keep passing through enemies and players. Helion has them moving at half speed for some reason, but otherwise behaves the same as in GZDoom. In DSDA/Woof, turret arrows will damage sleeping monsters, but the monsters don't attack the turrets. In Odamex, the turret arrows aggro the monsters, and they will fire at the turret (to no avail). DSDA: If monsters are awake and chasing the player, they may temporarily turn on the turret when hit, but will redirect their attention back onto the player shortly thereafter. Update (7/4/2024): Played some late night co-op with a couple of others (thanks to Scar and vermucks for joining). Confirmed co-op compatible, and very fun. I'll try to keep the server up as much as possible this July, so feel free to join in. Title is "Interception III Co-op Testing."
  4. moustachio-cereson-MAP01.zip Here's MAP01. I intentionally went for as much of a stripped back, easy start as I could. My design philosophy was to touch on as many of the points that make Hangar a good level while making it my own. With that in mind, I opted for an enemy roster of mostly former humans and imps, a few secrets with various degrees of difficulty in spotting them, and a clear layout that eases the player into the mechanics of Doom. What could be more anti-Plutonia than assuming the player knows nothing about Doom? Map Slot: MAP01 Map Name: Storm Shelter Author(s): Just me Ports tested: DSDA-Doom, Woof! Music track: "Ink" by Brayden Hart (AD_79) Screenshots:
  5. Moustachio

    Interception III [MBF21 Community Project]

    Another resource pack update. I know, I've been updating it a lot the past few days, but this is likely the last major update I'll do for a while. I feel like I've got the enemies and weapons balanced right where I want them to be, and I feel like I got to a good stopping point with all of the new weapon sounds. Of course, any feedback at all is appreciated. >> RESOURCE PACK UPDATE (v008) << Changelog: And an update to the rules: Void floors should kill monsters as well as players to prevent any stuck enemies.
  6. Moustachio

    Interception III [MBF21 Community Project]

    @NightFright, groovy! Went and included this in the resource pack, widened to 853px for my fellow 32:9 resolution folks. Also, small update to the resource pack: >> RESOURCE PACK UPDATE (v007) << Changelog: And a video demonstration of the new Demonic Fireball Turret and Flying Skull Mine: Download the demonstration level
  7. Moustachio

    Interception III [MBF21 Community Project]

    @Treehouseminis Thanks for making those edits! I've updated your map in the OP. Just to be clear to all mappers, if you see your map added to the map list in the OP, its been accepted into the project. And an update to the OP rules: I'm raising the map submission cap per author from 3 to 6. I would like individual authors to be able to try their hand at each theme at least once, if they so choose. Also, new resource pack patch: >> RESOURCE PACK UPDATE (v006) << Changelog:
  8. Moustachio

    Interception III [MBF21 Community Project]

    @Treehouseminis Okay, I finally resigned myself to the fact that single-segmenting this thing will take too long, so I recorded a gameplay video: I'll start with some complaints I have. Now onto the good, and IMO there’s much more good to say about this map than bad. If I had to guess, this will probably go towards the end of the episode due to its high difficulty, its length, its scale, and its setting in a black void.
  9. @XoNoX Can you tell me what isn't working on your end? Both the idgames and patched versions are working as intended when I test them.
  10. Moustachio

    Interception III [MBF21 Community Project]

    @Treehouseminis TOUGH level. But having fun with it so far. Got up to the part where you get the incendiary shotgun before dying. Will post demos and more feedback once I've got a full run down. Things I can comment on: the atmosphere is insane. The ambient music combined with the visuals and extra use of gory objects makes this level genuinely tense. Even with the weapon set, the challenge is very high (which is good for Episode 5). I like how the start forces you to be attentive in order to make the first bit of progress, and starting the map off with some good ol' berserk action is satisfying (and can go south quick if you don't take out the AV first). Enjoying the slow drip of powerful weapons so far, making you stick to the trusty lever-action and berserk. Small nitpick: the bars at the beginning only break when you punch them from the front, but they don't break when hitting the sides. It confused me a little bit since I could have sworn I hit the bars to try and break them first, but they didn't. Must have just hit them from the wrong angle, but making them break from any side would alleviate this. Demo attempts so far Also, I would like to remove the submission deadline for maps and go with a minimum amount of maps per episode. I think 5 per episode is a good baseline for wad length, since that adds up to a familiar 30 maps. There can be more than 5 maps in an episode, but the bare minimum for release would be at least 5 maps in each episode. I'd like some feedback on this before I go ahead and change the OP however, so I'd like to ask how interested mappers feel about this change. Does removing the deadline help? Is 5 maps per episode a good baseline?
  11. Moustachio

    Embryo: where each map is smaller than the last

    Thank you to those still working on their maps! I appreciate you all going the extra mile to help finish this project out and make it the best it can possibly be.
  12. Posted my section a few days ago. Think you may have missed it @ViolentBeetle.
  13. Moustachio

    Interception III [MBF21 Community Project]

    >> RESOURCE PACK UPDATE (v005) << Small update to the resource pack to fix a bug with the STEP6 texture. The STEP10 patch was renamed to STEP12, which is now available as a texture. STEP10 is still available as a texture, but is now just the bottom half of STEP6. It was trivial to widen the texture by repeating the patch, so I figured why not. STEP6: STEP10: STEP12: I'm also working on a map for Episode 3. It's set during dusk. I'll make sure to take time-of-day into account when choosing the map order.