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About D4NUK1

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  1. Played the first level on the Steam version, and the vives of the first levels are goodly.
  2. D4NUK1

    AI Voiceovers for Mods Totally Viable Today

    I still prefer 100% modders using their or fans voices instead of AI. People that do the mods for the experience and fun should also encourage fan voice because it's made for the love of art.
  3. D4NUK1

    i sadly haveint played doom

    Play the sharewave version on GZDOOM. https://www.doomworld.com/classicdoom/info/shareware.php
  4. If what's publically available if information about they stuff, yeah it's, bad. And it's like, it's not necessary to kid to teens the need to be in contact with who are they inspiration or whatever. Even in public celebrity's, they need to draw a line where it's comfort and where it's not, and many of this twitch celebrity's does not draw that line, making they self culprits of many case such as theses or other ways of para social stuff with fans or vice versa.
  5. What's your PC Specs or CPU, so we can recommend you ports. If you want something vanilla, you can try DSDA or Woof-
  6. D4NUK1

    If Doom is a boomer shooter, what is Half-Life?

    He it's a sellout since he was happy about a Third Person Shooter so he is a heretic at the places of Classic Boomer fps TM. /s Anyways, they were also called cinematic FPS where the focus of the scene never leaves the FPS, but that it's a different path that taked other games on the genre like Metro, Singularity, even early CoD or Medal of Honor.
  7. D4NUK1

    If Doom is a boomer shooter, what is Half-Life?

    Like boomer shooters are also called by they old names, Doom-Clones, Half Life being one of the first popular takes on a interactive without loading or map ending screen like the likes of Quake or Duke, fans of the genre call them "Half Likes", many of this try to take inspirations of Half Life immersive mapsets, interactive places, and point to have this moments of where the stuff happens that should be a cutscene, it's a playable moment on the Half Likes. So yeah, many people understand the term Half Likes and make the association with the games like that.
  8. I can make this all this software, but i need 5$ per minute. Because 5$ per feature is too low.
  9. On Doomguy? Yeah, they can be any gender what the wad need or the player need. On DoomSlayer, may work if he was more like in Doom 2016, where it feels more like a legend that make perpertual torment, but because players can phisically see the player as as guy, and the lore expanded to him, they family and many more it's a reason that connects on a level like another characters that connect to anothers players without their gender need neutral, as because that we have many characters like Gordon Freeman or even Link as we advance the games, we see them as characters instead of avatars. But on the brigth side, that would make a female protagonist shine more on a focus of many games, my favorite girl boomer shooter rigth now it's Dawn from Selaco, and she feels like a Doom Guy, don't talk too much, we really don't see her on cutscenes because many of they actions are us, but connect on a good level.
  10. I want to have secrets that are a combination of Doom 2016 scenery and Eternal "this is a secret ? " visuals, like maybe a type of stones tombs, or ARC Crate to know, hey there it's a secret but not like a floating sign. I want to see at least a good focus on animations on first person, not all, but maybe a nice areas where could be cool. I want to have the classic BFG 9000 desing instead of the newers (just for the funs and nostalgia).
  11. I just have a good hope for this year to at least be in knockout rounds.
  12. D4NUK1

    Dusk updates

    I don't trink any console edition would get goodies as such because thoses are mostly screenshots from develoment, wallpapers, icons, alphas and older betas (incompatible with the Switch or any console hardware without hard work), maybe it's possible to add them like in photos or videos as the vault from Quake 2, but it's mostly like no possible, and remember they need to be aproved on certification to make a updatee so that's also extra work. But if they decide to bring Dusk HD to Switch maybe that will bring also the newer endless maps made to they other games like Fallen Aces, Gloomwood and the foggy map.
  13. I don't know how to make the order of the drag n drop on GZDOOM, but if you make SIGIL_SHREDS load after Sigil.wad, im sure it will make the buckethead OST remplace the MIDI OST.
  14. I have not problem with a map being only GZDoom compatible, because if they are made for working on that engine, better to use it instead of not releasing that.