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About Catoptromancy

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  1. Catoptromancy

    Blasphemer discussion

    Lots of dev stuff on discord with links to mostly current repo builds in the news channel. The Blasphemer discord is on the "Heretic and Hexen" server. Also from the contributing.md on the repo, gets to the details about license stuff: I think there is something gpl on repo, and I might need to remove a few more. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Catoptromancy/blasphemer/master/CONTRIBUTING.md
  2. Catoptromancy

    Blasphemer discussion

    If you made it yourself and directly submitting to blasphemer, can just use blasphemer's license. Can relicense it elsewhere also. The best part of original resources is that creator can change license however they want.
  3. Catoptromancy

    Blasphemer discussion

    Blasphemer is a community project, it is less about license and more about having community made from scratch resources. Freedoom eventually got all the sounds, it just takes time.
  4. Catoptromancy

    Blasphemer discussion

    Sounds that are handmade and not based on another can be added more easily. I assumed all your sounds were under a non-bsd license, so could only replace placeholders.
  5. Catoptromancy

    Blasphemer discussion

    Anything with a license mentioned is a placeholder. Blasphemer is a community project and will have all its resources community made for it some day. A community made resource can be replaced by another. There was always a few public domain sounds in blasphemer so I wasnt worried about license much, but it seems there is a recent rush to fill in many resources with public domain stuff.
  6. Catoptromancy

    Blasphemer discussion

    They can be added if made from scratch. A lot of current sounds were ones made for the project, so only placeholders got updated. I couldnt tell exact source of each sound. Here is a complete list of resources and shows if a specific resource is a placeholder. https://github.com/Catoptromancy/blasphemer/blob/master/wadinfo.txt
  7. Catoptromancy

    Blasphemer discussion

    With so much new stuff recently, it seems like a good time for a quick release. Changelog has details of everything. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Catoptromancy/blasphemer/master/FORK_Changelog.md Fork 004 Release: https://www.geocities.ws/catodemos/blasphemer/builds/blasphem-fork-004.zip
  8. Catoptromancy

    Blasphemer discussion

    Would not be very hard to make an actual zauberer iwad right now. Would be entirely placeholders, but decent ones. Only needs a deutex wadinfo.txt and resource tree, so could use custom wadinfo to compile zauberer from blasphemer source. Would need to go resource by resource to find comparable placeholders and add second column in wadinfo.txt BSTATK BURN # * PLACE HOLDER * This wadinfo.txt entry has two names. The second name is actual resource and name of file to be used, and first name is new lmp in wad using the actual resource. So using this method, can easily, but time consumingly, make zauberer from blasphemer resources.
  9. Catoptromancy

    Blasphemer discussion

    E2M8 might need to be replaced. Rebuilt nodes and fixed eureka warnings and It still crashes vanilla limit removing ports and likely heretic-plus for DOS. Not sure what else is crashing it beside size.
  10. Catoptromancy

    Blasphemer discussion

    New sounds, menu graphics, a new map. A quick update. Submitted stuff should be in a .wad, will make it much easier to add. Changelog: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Catoptromancy/blasphemer/master/FORK_Changelog.md Quick Update: blasphem-fork-004.zip
  11. Catoptromancy

    Blasphemer discussion

    Can be a placeholder until someone makes one from scratch.
  12. Catoptromancy

    Blasphemer discussion

    Maps still need tons of work. There is likely no balance between skills, or balance of a single skill. One map at least still crashes, should fix crashes by next release.
  13. Catoptromancy

    Blasphemer discussion

    I missed a couple resources, havent forgot them. They seem public domain though, would be good for placeholders.
  14. Catoptromancy

    Blasphemer discussion

    Two new sprites from Craneo, KatherineCode, and Desfar is a good time for another release! New E3M9 and an Updated E3M2. Fork-003 https://www.geocities.ws/catodemos/blasphemer/builds/blasphem-fork-003.zip I still havent figured out pull requests on github, hopefully soon.
  15. Catoptromancy

    Eureka v2.0.2 released

    First post!