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58 files

  1. 1stpdie

    difficult map for 1 player


       (11 reviews)


  2. 900 Deep in the Dead

    Capellan on the Doomworld forums had this neat project idea; to make maps in 100 lines, or less.

    I thought this was so cool, and made about seven maps for it. Then I thought to myself "why not make my own episode of the things?"

    Nine maps with less than 100 lines each, hence '900 Deep in the Dead'.

    This is quite the experimental wad. As such, many of the levels are shorter than you'd usually expect, more linear and without the kind of elaborately-crafted ambushes we know and love.

    Nonetheless, I hope there's something here you can enjoy. :)


       (30 reviews)


  3. LOSTTOMB (The Discovery) v. 1.2

    Once again using my patented secret doom-building recipez from hEll...


       (9 reviews)


  4. Descent into the Depths of Chaos #1

    This is an outside Pwad, and is intended as the opening level to our remake of the "Shores of Hell" episode.

    Having survived "Knee Deep in the Dead" You find yourself in a strange, maze-like structure that is open to the sky. You Know that you have discovered the lair of Acerjak, a former human who bartered his soul (along with the human race) to the hellspawn of Demons.


       (6 reviews)


  5. Descent into the Depths of Chaos #3

    This is a maze-like Pwad, and is intended as the third level to our remake of the "Shores of Hell" episode.

    You find yourself in a series of small, confining rooms, with no idea where in the HELL you are. Patterns are important...


       (9 reviews)


  6. Descent into the Depths of Chaos #9

    This Pwad is intended as the secret level to our remake of the "Shores of Hell" episode.

    No hint's, but be afraid, be very afraid... ... and have lots of DOOM style fun!


       (6 reviews)



    This is my third solo WAD. You'll notice my addiction to balconies. This one has some tricks to solve. There are no exotic weapons or monsters. It's moderately difficult - I can complete it on U-V in about 6 minutes; Nightmare is fun!


       (6 reviews)


  8. Happy Frickin Birthday 40oz

    A speedmap provideing a decent challenge if you don't mine a large mass of cacodemons and teleporting cyberdemons in a 1024 size room :P


       (9 reviews)


  9. 9 lives

    A death defying level for Doom 1


       (9 reviews)


  10. Fort Knocks PWAD

    A fort with demons to fight against.


       (13 reviews)


  11. 1sttry.wad

    This is my first attempt at building a level, hence the name. It's not particularly fancy but will hopefully be entertaining. Future levels of mine will be more complicated as I learn to use the editor. I don't have a sound board so I did'nt bother editting sounds and have no idea what this level will sound like with a sound board.


       (7 reviews)


  12. E1M1.WAD in 54102.zip

    The monsters want to kill you. Because of that, you have to kill them.


       (6 reviews)



    My brothers and I were DOOM addicts, but when we finally found a usable PWAD editor, we were reborn as DOOM junkies. Thus, we humbly offer these PWAD files to all other DOOM junkies or addicts.

    All of the PWAD files enclosed in this package are described below:

    FILE NAME LEVEL NOTES ------------ ----- ---------- IB2TUF4U.WAD E1M1 Great for single or multi- player modes. Lots of secret rooms, but not to hard. Created by Ror. ib2t_zen.wad Above level with rebuild REJECT.

    UBSCRWD.WAD E1M1 Great Level, but nominated as most likely to piss you off! (Single or Multi are OK) Created by Jim. ubsc_zen.wad Above level with rebuild REJECT.

    LOOKOUT.WAD E1M1 Psycho nut-case level made by my little brother. We recommend God Mode if you know the code for it. (Single only) Created by Chris. look_zen.wad Above level with rebuild REJECT.


       (2 reviews)


  14. 0.wad

    This is my first and level and its crude, but don't expect to make it threw the first time around. I suggest skill level one if you don't have at least a dx2-66. with 8 meg. I did not know that the more things in a sector the more it slows down.


       (32 reviews)


  15. 2BAD.WAD, version 1.0

    A couple of cavernous rooms with too many monsters, snipers up high, lots of trip wires - watch yer' back. Because of the amount of monsters in Ultra-Violence, the game may be choppy on slow machines.


       (5 reviews)


  16. 303 Sucks! (Version 2.1)

    303 (Denver Colorado Area Code) Design based on blue prints of actual 303. This is the first of many 303 levels I will do, and I will eventually replace a few textures with some of my own. -----> If the game runs to slowly, um, buy a IMPORTANT!-----> 486 or something. ----->


       (9 reviews)


  17. Two PWADs: DKS-E1L1.WAD and DKS-E1L3.WAD

    Run, shoot, survive (if possible).


       (2 reviews)


  18. 3WAYS.WAD

    There's three directions for you to choose from when you start out. Don't forget to get your rifle. One of the environments is a prison with a courtyard, another is a sort of warehouse complex. You can exit the level from any of the three environments, but you have to have gone through all three to access the exit switch.


       (4 reviews)


  19. Poisonous Prison, or Get Poised

    O.K. Here's the story. You were sent to rescue two of your friends. They were captured by an enemy ship, piloted by Cacodemons and placed in a high security prison. You beam into the prison only to realize that your friends have been genetically altered and are waiting for you, in their cells, with shotguns. You call for backup, but nobody responds. You are trapped in the Cacodemon prison. Be careful not to trip the alarm system...


       (11 reviews)


  20. The word you will say after playing this!

    This is the chilling finale to The Shores of Hell, but with a few extra twists. There are many more enemies and things to figure out. There is an entire section that cannot be reached without TWO people playing. Here is a warning... Even on the easiest skill setting, this level will be challenging. Here's another warning... I created this level on a 90 MHz Pentium with 16 Meg of memory. There are loads and loads of enemies running around. I do not recommend playing this level on your old 386. My 486 66 with 32 Meg of memory was even a little sluggish. I am happy to tell you that I just completed the original music for this level-- my sequencing software is crummy!


       (20 reviews)


  21. 10 Years of Doom


       (39 reviews)


  22. 1500AD

    A journey to the past during the Spanish Inquisition. Read file: 1500AD.DOC


       (19 reviews)


  23. 00_e2m8.wad

    I thought TOJ_15B was rum until I played this. My first original level, and it is something of a stinker. But it barely lasts two minutes, so you don't have to suffer too much. It's quite hard, tho


       (48 reviews)


  24. Extra

    One extra level for doom with the same quality as #1kill


       (17 reviews)


  25. #1Kill

    A whole episode of new levels that are kind of easy to figure out but hard to exit because you must do allot of killing first. Perfectly fair with plenty of ammo. Built with quality in mind Challenging and also looks good. Took hundreads of hours too build and most of that time was spent on testing this wad and making this as close to ID standards as possible. I've have plenty of experience playing the ultimate doom and doom2 for two and a half years so I know that its a good quality wad.


       (21 reviews)


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  • File Reviews

    • By Cottonmouth0309 · Posted
      One of the more underrated doom mods out there. The levels have a lot of detail and great use of 3D sectors, used for railings and other things. Not a lot of mods that I know of has these attentions to detail back then other than KDiZD. I like how the first gun, not weapon, first gun in the mod is a quad barreled shotgun. This might be bias but I don't see any other mods or games give the player a quad barreled shotgun as a starter weapon.

      The cutscenes and artwork used for them are REALLY well made. I like its story and the protagonist John Logan. His design looks like a cross between Daniel Garners from Painkiller and the Doom Marine from well, Doom 3.

      Speaking of Painkiller, the mod uses tracks from Painkiller, which is a nice touch. Admittedly, there are things in Legacy of Suffering that I don't like, such as the Painkiller/Serious Sam arena wave sections. Not all of them are bad, but the later levels that uses them are the worst offenders. Often spawning mancubi, pain elementals, and revenants that just makes the fights more tedious.
      In conclusion, Legacy of Suffering is a really well made mod and I really want other people to try it out. I would suggest to start on the easiest difficulty, do NOT get fooled by the normal difficulty Ultra Violence, it will kick your ass, and anything higher will probably break your soul. Other than that, I would highly recommend you to play this mod. It can be played on GZDoom, Zandronum, and Skulltag. That is the end of the review, have a nice day :)
    • By Bitofu · Posted
      Enigma is not exactly my cup of tea; the mandatory secrets are a bit annoying and the confusing layout of the maps doesn't help much. Still, the maps are fun to navigate and they feature some great architecture that lead to unique gameplay encounters. Overall, it's decently fun.
    • By Bitofu · Posted
      Nothing better than baiting the Bazooka Man into blowing himself up! Obituary doesn't pull any punches; you'll be facing tons of hitscanners and plenty of nasty traps, but you'll get to appreciate the fine work the Möller brothers did with this WAD. The maps are intricately designed with a judicious use of textures, some of them custom-made. The new array of weapons is great, especially the flamethrower, which can shred down a cyberdemon in seconds! The low point might be the plain secret map and icon of sin fight, but overall, Obituary strikes home more often than not.
    • By Michael Jensen · Posted
      In recent years, general opinon of MM seemed to move towars negative, moreso than any other classic 90's megawad. It's nice to see it recieve some positive attention and even though I'm not exactly a reviewer, I figured I'd join in. Aside from couple rough maps, it remains a great experience today. Generally good and varied vanilla visuals with beautiful highlights like Maps 05, 13, 14 and 21, certainly helped by some great, really cool custom textures, which fit in with the classic ones incredibly well, much better than any other 90's custom stuff (aside from Eternal Doom, but that's a completely different aesthetic). The maps are quite varied without the whole thing becoming incosistent/all over the place and the variety really helps blaze through the whole thing. In comparison, while I prefer MM2 in terms of individual levels, it has a ton of long or similar maps back to back, which can get tiring and take much longer to geth through. Another aspect of MM I really like is some really, unique and fun design choices, or even whole map designs that you don't see much these days for some reason. The Innocent Crew's maps especially are very creative in fun and refreshing ways. Incredibly underrated mappers. Literally everyone knows this already, but Mark Klem's music is amazing. 
    • By Amaruψ · Posted
      This could've been one of the first 32 level megawads that I played after completing the base games. I've played many more since then, and I can honestly say, for a megawad dating back to 1996, it still holds up brilliantly against a lot of modern wads.    Also @DoomGuy999, about that criticism about maps being coop exclusive... "Most levels were made for co-op play, all levels are playable alone as well."   Not exactly sure what you were expecting after having an explicit statement right there.  