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Recreate Plutonia from Memory! (CP) (Completed)

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I'm so sorry for being absent for the past month (or two)! I've been very busy!


I'll update the list later, but we need a lot more midis to be done, and we're still waiting on some maps. I won't be able to release the WAD

until all the midis are all recreated, so if you can, I'd appreciate any help filling out the rest of the slots. I'll playtest the new maps late today if I can,

or early tomorrow at the latest. I'll also make a proper update later with some tags for the people who I'm still waiting on.


I want to get this out before the end of the year, so please try your hardest!

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With Engired's triumphant return, I guess I can befoul two perfectly good works by publishing the map and midi I've been sitting on.




Map Title: The Final Forgor

Author: Large Cat

Map Slot: MAP24

MIDI: "Obluvious" by Large Cat, defiling Bucket's "Pluvious" (midi included in wad)

Tested Ports: DSDA-Doom, Crispy Doom

Known Bugs: Self-referencing fence is all messed up, map looks terrible

Comments: I'm really stretching my memory to get to Plutonia, most of which I played once ever. Hopefully it plays vaguely like the original.





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We have a few maps that need to be submitted. I'll mention the people below, but more importantly we also have a ton of midis that need to be done. Any help will be appreciated. I'll hold off from giving a new version of the WAD just yet, and I'll make a comment saying when I've finished the feedback.


Maps : @SilverMiner @mr-around @ThatWeNGuy @noob_killer012345678 @Ludi

Music : @StalkerZHS @stupid (tsocheff) @EPICALLL (sorry if I missed any submissions!)

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18 hours ago, Large Cat said:

Known Bugs: Self-referencing fence is all messed up, map looks terrible

What is the problem you are having with self-referncing sectors? Maybe someone can help you? Possibly even me.

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I just read the notes and MAP20 has a note "Blue key quite hard to get without heavy strafing into it."

I tested it right now and I did zero strafing. In fact, my first attempt failed because I overshot it, perhaps that should be addressed. Is it possible that you are doing something other than press a button and jump into the pit?

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@Engired Map17 should be updated to reflect that I took over the slot from Bagellio, just reminding.
I assume the green check box is from my submission however.

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43 minutes ago, ViolentBeetle said:


I just read the notes and MAP20 has a note "Blue key quite hard to get without heavy strafing into it."

I tested it right now and I did zero strafing. In fact, my first attempt failed because I overshot it, perhaps that should be addressed. Is it possible that you are doing something other than press a button and jump into the pit?


I'm not sure what I managed to do the first time. It doesn't look like it's actually an issue as of now? (I may have been messing up the timing or something, I have zero idea what happened.)


6 minutes ago, DFF said:

@Engired Map17 should be updated to reflect that I took over the slot from Bagellio, just reminding.
I assume the green check box is from my submission however.


It should be your submission that I played.


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@Engired I totally forgot lmao, i'm working on it rn


Dont let anyone take the MIDI slot yet, I have someone in mind to make it.

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4 hours ago, ViolentBeetle said:

What is the problem you are having with self-referncing sectors? Maybe someone can help you? Possibly even me.

I appreciate your offer, and somehow your asking immediately made me remember an easy solution that I somehow overlooked during mapping. So, here's a new version with the SRS fixed to work more properly. Don't mind the non-vanilla action on the edge of the self-referencing sector; I just needed to put some sort of line special to help ZokumBSP know to be extra careful with the nodes in that area.




Edit: To @Engired's concern about maxability: I did indeed get all kills on UV, though I admit it was tight. I probably fell into the common trap for this project series of not putting in as much ammo as the original, but I think the map is manageable as is.

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11 hours ago, Engired said:

We have a few maps that need to be submitted. I'll mention the people below, but more importantly we also have a ton of midis that need to be done.


Oh god thank you I keep forgetting

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Is there a deadline on this project, or is it just being played by ear at the moment?

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3 hours ago, Ludi said:

Is there a deadline on this project, or is it just being played by ear at the moment?

It's by the end of the year now. Although I'm more treating it like we're past the deadline, and we need to finish it now.

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I'd be lying if i said this map was gonna turn out good, but it will turn out into something for sure.


EDIT: This is Anti-Christ as made by someone who thinks Anti-Christ is just okay at best.



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Imma be deadass, I'm not really having that much fun with this. I'd give my slot to someone who actually enjoys this map.


I also disagree with being able to look at the map for reference, it totally defeats the point of doing a map from memory. That's just my opinion though :p


Good luck to whoever takes my slot!

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On 9/16/2023 at 1:00 AM, ViolentBeetle said:

If @mr-around is not, well, around right now, I think I can pick up MAP11, because it's so simple. It would not be accurate, but I can probably make one fairly quickly.


Some delayed reply from me, however, let me just have some second chances (not the first due to some busy time) of having this level done in a little more than couple days (if you haven't done it)

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18 minutes ago, mr-around said:


Some delayed reply from me, however, let me just have some second chances (not the first due to some busy time) of having this level done in a little more than couple days (if you haven't done it)

I didn't start anything, was just a suggestion. I'm just trying to help finish the project lol.

You were here first.

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On 9/25/2023 at 5:50 AM, StalkerZHS said:

Here are my submissions for the music.

TTL, MAP08, MAP10 and MAP11.

I will not be able to complete the music for maps 7 or 9


If it's ok, can I take map 7's MIDI please?

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I've been replaying Plutonia recently in anticipation of starting my own project for the IWAD, and it took me altogether too long to finish MAP03. But I feel I know it pretty thoroughly now so I think I could make it from memory. 

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Map 7's MIDI should now be done. Title is "Treasons of Sin and Vanity".


I had listened to the song once or twice before seeing and posting in this thread and had a few extra listens after the fact, but I think my memory kinda sucks even with Notepad open.

Treasons of Sin and Vanity.zip

Edited by UUN4

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16 hours ago, UUN4 said:

Map 7 should now be done. Title is "Treasons of Sin and Vanity".


I had listened to the song once or twice before seeing and posting in this thread and had a few extra listens after the fact, but I think my memory kinda sucks even with Notepad open.

Treasons of Sin and Vanity.zip

Had a heart attack reading the title of that map, and then I didn't.

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@Engired I recently tried making MIDI tracks and would like to try making some for this project. May I take MAP19, 21 and 30?

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Since I've been playing regular Plutonia on and off and I conveniently just finished the arch-vile maze, I figured I'd try writing the C2 intermission text since no one else seems to have done so skimming through the thread.



Even the deadly arch-vile labyrinth couldn't
stop you, and you're able to turn off the
particle accelerator which is efficiently deactivated.


You're good at that kind of thing.


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