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The DWmegawad Club plays: I C H I N I C H I

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Votes for December:
+++ Back To the SaturnX Episode3 5-map teaser & Violence & Auger;Zenith
+++ Pagodia & 10 Day Vacation (DBP-27) & Altars of Madness
+++ Realm of Chaos: 25th Anniversary Edition


Map 08 - Bliss

This one felt like a callback to Scythe 1 and Alien Vendetta. The level has very traditional texture palette and enemy composition.  The gameplay is hard to describe right... It is there, it is engaging, but it has no truly memorable episodes. But complaining about gameplay in such a way feels silly. By such standards, Scythe 1-2, Valiant, even some Sunlust maps should be criticized. So, in the end: gameplay is engaging, if not super exciting (For the reference, I would have described Sunlust Cave Culture gameplay similarly. Sunlust map 11 is 20 times more difficult and 20 times more demanding than Ichinichi map 08, but difficulty alone does not change "gameplay is engaging, if not super exciting" verdict). Technically, I could have complained about minor navigation issues… But the map is small, so those are irrelevant.

Final words: Bliss is a fun little map, and feels like a good refection of multiple classic wads.


Map 09 - Pinnacle Olive

I like the visual style, but I am torn about the gameplay. Visuals - the greens, the hellish side-areas, the doomcute swimming pool - this all felt fresh and fun.

But the gameplay felt a bit lacking to me... Most likely, this is because of very conservative weapon choice (shotguns mostly, with a secret Rocket Launcher) combined with beefy enemies and kinda restrictive health supply.

That said, the crushers are a fun addition to the map, and the pool area contains a really fun brawl. Not my favorite map, but it does have fun susections.


Map 10 - Ed

The start is a fun messy type of encounter and a genrous offer of (secret) BFG too! Both map subsections provide readily awailable power weapons. And skytextures on walls help to add a special touch to the map visuals while keeping the tried and true Red_Hellish_Inferno designstyle. The fights themselves are a bit on Ho-Hum side of things, but the weapon variety helps keep things fresh. I must admit, some of the ambushes did get on my nerves a bit (megasphere, for example), but objectively speaking, they are pretty fair. Plutonia, Scythe, Eviternity - all have more devastating traps. Overall, Ed is another fine level, once again vaguely reminciscient of smaller Alien Vendetta or Scythe 1 maps.


Map 11 - Team Rocket

Speaking of Alien Vendetta... The main hub of Team Rocket strongly reminded me about the start of AV map 14. Doom 2 in Spain Only map 20 is another good point of comparison. But luckily, Ichinichi map 11 is not as hard as the 2 maps above: there is no devastating difficulty spike in comparison to previous levels. In the end, Team Rocket is a fun hectic rocket-fest - and this is great! The map is filled with action and plays very well. Looks pretty cool too.

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+++ Realms of Chaos 25th Anniversary Edition

+++ Garrulismo

+++ Abscission

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Unless an Xmas miracle happens i will abstain from participation next month, hence i'll throw some off-the-wall votes.


+++ the Ultimate NMD

+++ Endless Torture

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MAP25 thoughts, comments and spoilers below: 



This was a drama-free and effortless map when it came to creating it. One of those maps where everything just clicked into place as I was placing down linedefs. 

The only idea I knew I wanted in was having a secret that could be viewed from multiple rooms and could only be accessed if the player was brave enough to traverse into a slime pit. 


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MAP25: Putrid (UV, PS, Saveless)

I was waiting for the whole map for the big, tough encounter but ... nothing. The atmosphere and texturing is the map's biggest card because some of that monster placement is questionable. The SMM continues to be a joke, the Archvile is no threat and frankly the most danger is contained in the opening. The MIDI and texturing does save it somewhat.

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MAP16 - “Tortured”

There are a nice couple of fights in the first half of the map, essentially started by grabbing the rocket launcher. The map kind of fades after going through the red key door, though the end fight is fun (albeit not that dangerous). A solid map overall.


MAP17 - “Map UAC”

Not so sure about this one, sure the run and gun that dominates the map is nice, the archvile that appears when jumping for the blue key is welcomed, but there are quite a few fights that I would label as “Dead weight” and the finale can be skipped entirely as the exit is already open when said ambush is revealed. Overall this one felt a little mediocre to me, not helped by the rather generic theme and obviously the deliberately generic map name.


MAP18 - “Creep”

This one is the polar opposite of the last map, full of suspense and creepiness, coupled with some decent little jumpscares and some decent horror visuals given the stock textures. Also this one gets an extra point for a secret whose purpose is to turn on the lights, unconventional rewards are always a plus point and overall this is one of the highlight maps so far.


MAP19 - “The Big Sad”

This map starts out pretty mediocre but then descents to become the most irritating map so far. There really isn’t much of note apart from the numerous snipers that are a major nuisance that you cannot really deal with, the worst being the sole revenant that can end you at practically any moment. I’m afraid that this one deserved a D and I hope this is the low point.


MAP20 - “C Plus”

Well this one tries to capture the essence of one of my favourite TNT maps (Map13), but ultimately this doesn’t really live up to the reputation of that map. The cyber did nail me on the balcony (The one shown on Dean of Doom so it appears that in DSDA the cyber can hit you from there. Still dealing with him the normal way is simple once you have the plasma gun. The ending is a bit of a joke as you sit there waiting for the Mastermind pair to sort out their squabble. Overall this was better than the last map, but nowhere near the high of sort of the maps in this middle section.


December suggestions


+++ Nostalgia



Now I do have a third pick but I don't think this should count to the tally because firstly I was the project lead and secondly that I don't think it is a wad that is worth undertaking because it is a lot of maps for a month where most will be away from anything doom related for a few of those days. However I will mention UDINO purely because it would have been a nice pick given it will be Doom's 30th birthday. So in short just the two mentioned above from me.


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+++Hell's Bane


I'd love to play UDINO in the DWMC. I haven't been active here for the past few months because of being interested in other things, but it'd be fun to play through again. Plus I'm usually more likely to write stuff when it's a map I've played already. Also it'll be fun to see opinions on @Nine Inch Heels's maps >:) (I hope she's doing OK...)


It would also be fun to play @Chris Hansen's Ultimate Doom megawad, Hell's Bane, which should have a public RC by tomorrow. A great year for Ultimate Doom!


I have no idea how you fit 36 maps in a month, but I'm sure dobu can figure something out :p

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MAP26: Aka Desu


Four-way teleport hub, each with a self-contained challenge to beat. It looks like nothing at first, but once you start exploring the map, it turns out to include some unique visuals and some of the hardest fights so far. 


The first one is the yellow key room, with red bricks and metal steps that act as a support. It's hard to put this one into words, you need to see it to understand. The main threat are revenants above, as they are awkward to take out. The blue key fight is next, a chamber of red, flesh and lava. Probably the weakest part of the level, especially when compared to the red key arena, with cracked floor, and red rocks. It also contains the most entertaining fight of the map, where you clear the room on your way to the key, only for it to spawn a pair of archviles. Rockets and a secret BFG from the blue key room help a lot. 


Aka Desu is a standout map, I'm not sure what order the levels were made, but it becomes clear the best ones were saved for the final stretch.

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MAP25: Putrid

UV | Pistol start | Saves used*

K: 106% | I: 93% | S: 50%

I found the elevator segment at the start a tad annoying to go through when I died, so I ended up making a save* after the elevator ride to skip it; otherwise I beat the level saveless. That aside, the level seems to throw the whole kitchen sink at you at the start, and it'll probably slap you silly if you don't have a plan for it. I found it easiest to quickly nab the chaingun and bum-rush to the SSG before systematically killing everything I left behind, and it became a tense but manageable fare from there. The first arch-vile that was in the SSG room seemed to get stuck and got pushed into a corner by a few enemies, which was really lucky and let me shoot rockets at it from across the sludge river. Some other scary encounters include a spider mastermind after grabbing the blue key (which you don't get a blursphere to give you a win this time, but the walls as cover still helped me out) as well as the second arch-vile in the room after the yellow key door (since I had shot a rocket into the wall and hurt myself). I think I'd say I enjoyed this map.


December 2023 Votes

+++ Ultimate Doom In Name Only (UDINO)

+++ Realms of Chaos 25th Anniversary Edition (RC1)

+++ Garrulismo

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MAP16 - “Tortured”

It's nice to start with the SSG, and the Chaingun can be bumped through the fence behind the player spawn. The large outdoor area is cool, as most of the maps so far have been compact indoor spaces. The fights don't put much pressure on the player, but they're still fun to blast through.

MAP17 - “Map UAC”
I got the blue key by straferunning from the SSG and then spent a while trying to figure out the intended progression.

MAP18 - “Creep”
Dark and claustrophobic maps aren't always fun to play, but this one does a great job of creating tension and crafting fights with the low visibility in mind. The Arachnotron hallway is particularly memorable for its presentation, even if the fear is dispelled by firing 3 rockets. Cool map, one of the best so far.

MAP19 - “The Big Sad”
Non-linear layout and the hub is full of snipers. Seems better to collect the resources outside each side area first before heading into them proper. I ran out of shells trying to get the Vile through all those Pinkies. The secret BFG is a nice bonus, though I only got to use it on one Baron.

MAP20 - “C Plus”
I like the multi-floor layout of the starting building. Makes the map feel much larger than it is when you revisit locations from above. Also, there are way too many rockets for the mostly low-tier enemies you fight. Nice non-secret signature by ignoring the teleporter linedef.

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MAP25 - Putrid

Interesting map layout. There are three different routes to take to get three keys, which are needed to reach the end. There are quite a few jumpscares where the monsters rise up from the floor, one in particular having a hell knight jump you when you get a health pickup, which is a neat idea. Nice decor too. Solid map overall.

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Managed a couple more levels whilst my daughter was napping;

MAP21 - “Brisk”

This is the kind of map where it is up to the player to make their own fun, I guess in the end the author could have made more of an effort to make things run automatically but this is a perfectly acceptable playspace that is done in a couple of minutes.


MAP22 - “Embedded”

The start offers a surprise with a mass of cacodemons emerging from the rocky hilltops, this map overall plays quite nicely with the ending offering a little bit of bite. Overall this one is definitely fits into the more positive maps of the set, offering some nice architecture, texture usage and fun gameplay.


MAP23 - “Tech Gone Naughty”

I guess this was okay, finding the one secret helps a lot because health isn't that plentiful. The map is essentially run to the red key and run back to the start where archviles are going to be the only tool at your disposal unless you want to open up masses of monster closets between points A and B. The fake exit is a nice twist though in both archvile traps I was able to cheese them by breaking line of sight before they were fully revealed. In short despite a lot of positive reviews I feel more neutral to this one and think there are better maps in this wad.

Edited by cannonball

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MAP26 Aka Desu - K: 100% / S: 100% (UV, continuous)


There's a strict order to follow here, as the four areas from the hub must be taken in order, each yielding the key for the next one.  When i played this, i was out of sorts and could barely connect to what was happening, but even so, i think the first one is very tricky - being attacked at once in a complex room with elevations differences and structural impediments from all sides by Hell Knights, Imps, Revenants, Pain Elementals and whatnot.  On my first try it didn't go well at all, while on next all i can say is, i survived.  The Revenants, both at first when climbing the stairs and the ones that appear after grabbing the key are very difficult to deal with, even apart from the general chaos.  There's also a cryptic secret Megasphere on offer.


The second area is definitely easier, with a pool of lava separating you from the key, and Mancubes guarding it, with again other riff-raff taking potshots at you all the while.  Here on offer is a secret BFG9000, again much easier than the Megasphere, at least i found it so.  Both areas have a lot of cool little trickery with the design going on, by the way, elevating them.  But the third area is by far the toughest.  First there's the crushers... and i always walk into crushers.  So that's given.  But the cave into which we descend holds at first a hell of a lot of enemies, that aren't that difficult to kill from the passageway, but which do leave a lot of corpses... so obviously, after grabbing the key, two Arch-Viles appear and start festivities with them.  i managed to escape on my first run, but then neglecting to press the switch in the ante-room on my way out, and got eventually cornered too badly by the rowdy partiers.  Second try, i managed to kill the Arx with the BFG, though it took quite a lot of shots as they managed always to shield themselves with others.  i find this area very tough, one of the hardest in the wad so far.


A very very fine map, that i can't really think of an equivalence to, either in gameplay or aesthetically - but again, somehow it gives feeling of UD rather than DII (and really wouldn't be terribly out of place in some pcorf's wad.)

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MAP24 - “Epping”
The Cyberdemon was definitely the most dangerous enemy here, he roams a wide platform and many times I thought I was in a safe spot only to find myself dodging a rocket that had almost hit me. The sound of that mechanical hoof is defintely unnerving. Much of the map otherwise unfolds uneventfully, apart from a surprise ambush here and there of course. The grove to the west looks lovely, with sector health and armor bonus trees and fruits that have fallen out of them. Awakening the undead from his eternal rest has a nice cinematic touch to it too. I really enjoy the playfulness that's present all over the wad.


MAP25 - “Putrid”
There's a long ride up a mine elevator or something at the beginning, and then the map proper begins. There are multiple moving parts to it with damaging floor being surprisingly more present than has been standard so far. I think the most heated fighting is early on, then it settles into a more incidental pace. The biggest surprise was the Spider after getting the blue key, but she doesn't have to be dealt with straight away. I don't have much to say about the map, but it's perhaps a testament to the wad's consistently high quality that the worst I can say about a map is "it's good and solid"!


My Doom time will be limited in December so my picks will be either a quick-playing megawad, or a multi-wad pick so I can at least participate for one full wad. Much as I would love to play Hell's Bane, there's no way I'll be able to keep up.

+++ 3 Heures d'Agonie

+++ Operation Biowar & Equinox

+++ Pagodia & 10 Day Vacation (DBP27) & Altars of Madness

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MAP26 thoughts, comments and spoilers below:



Inspired by ‘Heck’ with the four corners of the map, with three yielding a particular key. 

The red key arm of the map is my favourite and I had the most fun mapping that area. It was originally down to be a type of church/chapel area; however I’m glad I went with the disjointed hell aesthetics instead. 

This was the first map I inserted in the ‘peeping skull’ which would ultimately inspire the storyline. 


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MAP27: Regenerations (UV, PS, Saveless)

WAD's getting easier. What a strange map though. Large architecture (probably the best looking map to date) but a downtempo midi and the combat is ... I was waiting for the big fight, and the exit switch promised some spice but nothing of the sort happened? The BFG might as well not be there with the light opposition. Strange thing is, I recall seeing an Archvile in the MtPain27's video but alas I was mistaken.


Not a bad map per se but definitely not a MAP27 slot. But perhaps maps do not necessarily have to be harder further into the wad.

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MAP27: Regenerations


A techbase drenched in blood, though luckily of non-damaging type. The aesthetic is a clear winner here, with non-standard shapes and a pleasent combination of textures. I find the combat to be a bit lacking, though, it's mostly incidental stuff - if you take out chaingunners ASAP, you shouldn't have any troubles. The final fight was fine, a group of monsters teleport in that can be easily made to fight one another.

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MAP26: AKA Desu

UV | Pistol start | No saves

K: 115% | I: 100% | S: 100%

Despite the four-way teleport hub presented at the start, progression is linear since you need to grab each key sequentially in each area. The megasphere secret in the first area was neat and fun to figure out. I panicked and died to the surprise crusher room in the third area (unlocked by the blue key), but once I stopped and looked at my automap it wasn't too bad anymore. In the same area is a double arch-vile encounter that initially alarms you with the arch-vile cry but doesn't release them into the field of corpses until you grab the red key; I feel like this would've been a good opportunity to use the secret BFG (I hadn't used it until the last area [unlocked by the red key] because I thought there would be something tougher coming up); but I had used my rockets, SSG, and chaingun instead which left me pretty tight on ammo and health (I had rocketed a wall). The last area isn't as tough, but it was especially scary running out of ammo until I remembered I had a BFG that I wanted to save but ended up having to use. I think I enjoyed playing through this one.

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Map 22: Embedded

The caco swarm at the start was a pretty great "oh shit" moment. Some of the encounters were fairly vicious. Very fun map.


Map 23: Tech Gone Naughty

First of all, that's a great map name. The beginning is a bit rough with pistol start, but things become less crazy afterwards. At least, until all of the archviles are unleashed, and I had to make a mad dash to kill them before they undid all of my work. The fake exit here was actually really effective; I got jumpscared.


Maybe an oversight I noticed in regards to pistol starts, is there are a lot of rockets, but apparently no rocket launcher (unless I'm blind, but I looked pretty thoroughly). I ended the map with 42 rockets, and nothing to use them with, which was a bit frustrating. I had fun regardless though, and still had enough ammo to get the job done.


Map 24: Epping

A pretty tense game of cat-and-mouse with the cyberdemon. I didn't feel particularly obligated to kill him off though, and ended up being able to just slip past him to the exit without much trouble. Enjoyable, but I didn't like it as much as 22 and 23.

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I have so completely and utterly missed those peeping skulls, in every single map... I feel stupid XD


MAP26 - “Aka Desu”
This is a hub-based map, it seems as if there will be 4 sections (one for each key and one for the exit) but the first and last are actually connected. The yellow key is easy to get, most enemies can be killed by poking around the corner and letting them come. The blue key has a clever secret BFG. The red key section is the most involved, looks the best and had the most entertaining fights, including teleporting in a couple of archviles. After that it's just one quick jaunt to the exit, guarded by a PE that is harmless in such a small room. Fun and quick-playing map.


MAP27 - “Regenerations”
I thought this map looks gorgeous, I'm shocked that this was done in just a single day. I love the way Doom sectors can be made to portray beams running across a partial ceiling with the sky visible above it, and this arrangement looks so beautiful in the main hall of the map. There's also a great-looking use of zigzag linedefs near one door, as if to show the grey metal of the techbase breaking apart or in an unfinished state. The red key requires some precise timing that surprised me, I think this is the first time in the wad that a required puzzle tests my reflexes, but the timing is relatively forgiving. There are some criss-crossing hallways in the north (using a lift to go "under" when they cross), and the goal is to open up the originally inaccessible one-third of the starting main hall/cavern. That final fight is epic, with pretty much every mid-tier teleporting in, but it's not very hard and infighting helps a lot. Probably one of my favourite maps, in a set where I've loved every map.

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MAP27 Regenerations - K: 100% / S: 100% (UV, continuous)


This is likely the second largest map in the set, featuring a large facility, and my blind run probably took awhile, but now it went surprisingly swiftly against expectations.  Required two tries, as the finalé did get me, i am particularly good at running into projectiles and not avoiding them.  Anyway, the map begins in a large hall with two connected huge pools, and this will be reused for the final fight with an additional area opened up housing the switch that's oozing blood to open path the exit.  Before that, there is a network of large hallways and rooms to explore to effect the progression, to open up that area.  At any rate, a secret-looking but non-secret BFG9000 is also made available, but i deal with the ending with rockets, mainly from the exit-hallway (might be useful to dispatch the cadre of enemies there beforehand.)


The ending is my least favourite part, though, but i really like the exploration and incidental combat along the journey towards it.  The design is as always elevated by a lot of clever little tricks, there's even a tiny switch-puzzle, and the Plasma Rifle and Soulsphere are great secrets, but i still don't know what exactly opens up one along the hallways, which seems kind of random.  Nothing about the map betrayes the time-limit for its creation, aesthetically mostly in classical style, but upgraded with the usual finesse and tastefulness habitual to the author.

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MAP27: Regenerations

UV | Pistol start | No saves

K: 100% | I: 98% | S: 0%

This map seemed a bit more daunting to traverse than I initially expected; I feel like there was only really one part of the level where it "overlaps" itself, and it's mainly that rising metal hallway near the red key area. That aside, I feel like I got tight on ammo a few times despite being presented a backpack and a relatively healthy amount of ammo. I got scarily close to dying a few times on this map; in particular, during the final fight I forgot about the initially-inaccessible BFG due to panic and ended up getting hit by enemy fire and my own rockets, putting me close to death (infighting and constantly moving definitely helped out though). Also, I kept thinking the little blood reservoirs were secret doors since previous maps kinda taught me that little gaps in the wall may indicate a secret door, but none of them were actually doors on this map.

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MAP27 thoughts, comments and spoilers below:



Sigh, this map. I absolutely love it now, but I swear it took me right up to the 24 hour mark. 

The name ‘Regenerations’ originates from the fact this map has probably had every single stock texture applied to it at some point. I just could not figure out how to make the map look decent until the very end - the brick and silver combination was literally the last chance saloon before I completely scrapped the map altogether! 

The starting area was also completely different, with four of those pits and a smaller arena in the centre. The main fight had many enemies also populating the pits, that were not as deep as you see them today. 

Phew! I’m glad I persevered with this map as everybody appears to have enjoyed this one. 


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MAP28 Castle of Corruption - K: 100% / S: 100% (UV, continuous)


The map starts with a little target- and evation-practice appetizer against eight Imps, after which the main run begins - not that anything stops you from hitting the switch to lower them and the walls immediately, but who wants to do that not knowing what's coming especially?  When the going starts at first on the courtyard and around the castle there's a lot of immediate threats to take care of, after which there's many separate areas.  Lots of Revenants all around, the Plasma Rifle area has a rather distressing Cacodemon and Pain Elemental ambush (but lots of plasma cells available - come to think of it, i'm always shy of taking out the BFG9000 but it would have done nicely there!).  The progression requires the BK, which is guarded by a Cyberdemon.  He's also guarding a pit that has a necessary switch before opening the door to meet him face-to-face, and to my mind he's best taken care of from there.  The switch is guarded by Revenants, and there is also a Soulsphere, guarded by an Arch-Vile - but it always happens that the Cyberdemon hits the Archie when aiming for me, who then starts targeting the Cybie (never without much good effect!)


It's useful to find the secret YSK (at the end of an awesome string of three secrets!) before going to the area behind the BK door that has a teleport - guarded by waves of Pinkies and Barons - to the exit area.  The teleport takes the player to a room guarded by four (for now sleeping) Arch-Viles and a couple of Cacodemons that attack immediately.  On my blind run of course i was clueless and somehow got through with the BFG9000, but the switch behind the YSK bars is the only elegant way to get through the nightmare :D


Pretty incredible map with lots of engaging situations, containing also the finest (and the most meaningful) secret in the whole set, so yeah, this map is my favourite of the whole.  It's a bit gruelling, and i only got through deathless on my third UV attempt, but it's beautiful, well designed, and the gameplay is tough but fair.


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MAP24 - “Epping”

This was nice, the cyber is nicely placed to put pressure on the player, I also inadvertently telefragged him, which was a nice surprise. The ending sequence felt a little odd, purely because I expecting a fight that never came. Still this was comfy and it definitely one of the visual highlights of the set.


MAP25 - “Putrid”

Not a fan of this one, the start with the slowly raising floor, the room where the switch to raise the stairs in tucked away in a spot that was harder to find than both of the secrets, the mastermind fight was also rather poorly designed.  Not much else to say but this was a disappointment.


MAP26 - “Aka Desu”

This map had a few nice ideas, the red key probably gives the player a little too much, especially as the incidental stuff comes right to you, the double archviles should punish this response but ultimately the 20 rockets are more than enough to deal with this and plenty of cover. This map had potential but again it felt a little under-cooked, especially the ending, which was far too quiet.


MAP27 - “Regenerations”

Big, airy and plenty of nice details, this felt like it could have packed a punch, however again it felt far to easy, the worst offender being the final fight that you can simply leave and exit the level without much concern for your own wellbeing. The highlight being the fact that I picked up the BFG after everything was already dead. There is a lot to like about this one, the layout, the mix of tech, brick and more hellish textures work nicely here, I just wish that the gameplay popped a little more.

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I like that Episode 3 has ramped up the difficulty a bit. While the wad is pretty easy in general, levels don't usually overstay their welcome.

MAP27 - "Regenerations"

This map echoes what I've felt about a majority of the wad so far, striking yet simplistic texturing/architecture, along with a casual gameplay experience. I'd prefer if the difficulty were higher and the ammo were more scarce but I'll take it over tedious or grindy gameplay any day.

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