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About blob1024

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    Senior Member

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  1. blob1024

    Final DOOM demos [-complevel 4]

    one of the most impressive max run i have seen in a while great job
  2. blob1024

    DOOM II demos [-complevel 2]

    to me "aging" issues are different from reaction time or skills: 1) free time 2) patience 3) headaches 4) once again- free time. 5) demotivation for the points above or others crushing in 1h what I could achieve in 3-4 days of dedication =)
  3. blob1024

    DOOM II demos [-complevel 2]

    great demo, and great words i pretty much think the very same about my feelings towards game, community and my own aging (:
  4. blob1024

    DOOM II demos [-complevel 2]

    wow, it happened the video I admired probably the most for its semplicity, and perfection, got beaten up I wondered if xit's would ever be passed in this lvl1 demo, I honestly checked it some years ago for 30min and was hardly getting under 1minute and therefore never tried it again. that silly, quick attempt of mine made me instead watching over and over his demo adoring it more and more each view really amazing result, brilliantly executed
  5. blob1024

    who're your favorite mappers

    ill name just a few, but there are plenty amazing mappers around.. i havent played much last 2 years here's some i clearly have in mind and thank for their work in the years - the green herring (his lvl were absolutely highly detailed and beautiful) - insane gazebo - kira - anders johnsen
  6. oh cool, i totally missed this wad. gl =)
  7. blob1024

    Hardfest demos [-complevel 9]

    wtf is lvl 10 ?_? super cool level!
  8. oh totally missed this one. looks interesting too bad im in my usual quit-moments :p goodluck for this wad success tho!
  9. blob1024

    Bingo Competition 2023

    ACTUALLY NO! whats this bingo event? looks like a roulette of challenges for different teams :o
  10. its one of the major wads which Ive never played. sooner or later i will, so far ive only watched hundreds of marvelous demos of other players, so I know maps a little bit already :) love the style, some of the fights and music choosen
  11. blob1024

    What do you call Doomguy?

    never needed to call the doomguy. because I AM the doomguy ain't we all
  12. blob1024

    DOOM II demos [-complevel 2]

    lol these two... :)
  13. ops. totally forgot. will download now and have a go nonethless , out of the challenge :) edit: tried but getting some texture errors. meh probably forgot something about compatibility edit2: didnt notice it was plutonia iwad. was confused on first rush, died by cross fire after depleting whole ammo. second death was stupid and i interrupted because my daughter wanted the pc lol. lovely music:)