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Grain of Salt

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About Grain of Salt

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  1. In light of doomworld mods going all-in on using their power to enforce the opinions they prefer, I will not be contributing to this forum any more. The whims of uninformed moderators have always brought the site perilously close to not being worth using, but I think the writing is on the wall at this point. Unlike some other dw posters, I am not inclined to be patient with willfully ignorant people, so this won't be a sober recounting of facts that you can easily ignore.


    Moderators should not be deciding what is wrong based on vibes and then dressing up their decision in high school debate club language. Especially if, as in the case of many dw mods, they are not very self-aware. Most of the clique of current moderators interpret things as being against the rules if they personally annoy them, which should not be acceptable in a properly functioning community. Shocking as it may seem, there should be rules and guidelines that even moderators have to follow. When you ban people or delete comments just for annoying you or disagreeing with you, you are just chipping away at the ground under your feet.


    Besides the moderation issue, the overall trend of people licking the boots of id/zenimax/bethesda/microsoft is just pathetic. Get a brain. Get a spine. I genuinely didn't think you people were this clueless. If Id in 2006 had tried to sell a port using boom and mbf features, or a port with a mod upload system that features stolen content, we would've told them to fuck off. Idbethsoft are not your friends, they are a bunch of parasites who inherited the doom IP and clearly recently decided they could make some money off this community and its existing body of work.


    Try not believing obviously untrue things. See if you can do that.



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Coopersville
    3. roadworx




      completely understandable, but ):

    4. VoanHead



      sad to see you go, good luck, Grain of Salt. I’m more surprised mods didn’t delete this or chimed in with a passive-aggressive response. Always sad to see a user go

  2. Grain of Salt

    ID24 - a new feature set standard

    Sure they are.
  3. Grain of Salt

    ID24 - a new feature set standard

    Why would anyone trust in this, given the events of the last three days
  4. Grain of Salt

    ID24 split

    The "wilderness years" when all we had to sustain us was Sunder, Sunlust, Back to Saturn X E1 and E2, Scythe 2, Plutonia 2, Speed of Doom, Vanguard, Lunatic and Valiant, Doom the way Id Did, Kama Sutra, both the 1024claus, Newgothic ... You're right, the slow decline of the community from 2004 to 2015 was almost too much to bear.
  5. Grain of Salt

    Classic doom 31 years later?

    Terrible game. Not very good.
  6. Grain of Salt

    Hell Revealed demos [-complevel 2]

    Interesting strategy on map30 :D
  7. Grain of Salt

    Xbox 360 marketplace shut down on July 29th, 2024

    yes :D Well that's why I said "hopefully"
  8. Grain of Salt

    Xbox 360 marketplace shut down on July 29th, 2024

    Steam next hopefully.
  9. Grain of Salt

    can't get into Quake 1

    A fun thing about quake that it took me a while to notice: even though ogre grenades look identical to player grenades, their power and splash damage radius is actually tiny. They're more like caco fireballs than rockets imo. Another thing about quake that dawned on me slowly: Fiends are nothing like demons, because they do a ton of damage. Like, in the wrong situation they can just one-shot you with their jump attack. I do find vores kind of annoying. If I remember correctly, their fireball actually adjusts its direction to face you every tic, rather than adjusting its momentum gradually like the rev rocket, so if you try and treat it like it has momentum/inertia then it'll just zoom into you. I see vores as a sort of rev/vile hybrid. Have you played any of the community map packs that add a bunch of new monsters? Quaddicted and Slipseer might be worth taking a look at, if you haven't already.
  10. Grain of Salt

    Hell Revealed demos [-complevel 2]

    This reminds me of The Old Days™ when groups of speedrunners would make demo packs for stuff like ksutra and you'd have a folder of like 50+ cool new demos to watch. I'm not an HR demo recorder by any stretch of the imagination, but I assume HR1 isn't very enticing from a d2all perspective cos there's several easy-but-time-consuming levels in the first half and a bunch of places you can die very easily in the last 7 maps or so (slogging through map07 etc and then getting randomly vile blasted on 24 or 26 doesn't sound fun). On the other hand, Anc seemed to get through AV d2all pretty easily, so maybe I'm just wrong.
  11. Grain of Salt

    Scythe demos [-complevel 2]

    tbh I didn't know it was possible to kill cybers in the way you do a few times in this demo, so that's pretty cool
  12. Grain of Salt

    Scythe demos [-complevel 2]

    Not convinced it's worth it
  13. More Prog (although in genesis's case what they did when peter gabriel escaped prog was the best stretch of four albums in their entire career :P) ANYWAY. Two bits of dissimilar media by the same artist. Justin Broadrick kinda springs to mind, although is possibly too easy an answer (examples: industrial metal, sad ambient, experimental hip hop). Ulver is also a good one: they started as a sort of slightly folky black metal band and then randomly turned electronic on their fourth album (which is also a double CD concept album about William Blake, but that's another story), and now they do sort of portentious electropop. I prefer the electronic era to the black metal, personally.
  14. Grain of Salt

    Somewhat easy wads?

    Tangent Back in like 2008, an exchange I saw a few times in similar conversations to this was: an opener along the lines of "I don't know why people keep making overly hard wads", to which someone would respond "well, I've been playing doom since 1993 and I don't really walk into walls anymore". And I've never understood this comment. Because I was walking into walls in 2008 and I still walk into walls. And walls in doom are not an easily mastered creature. Walls in doom will sometimes, like, bat you across the room if you walk past them in the wrong way. Especially if you're playing something with a bunch of 8x8 metal bars, like all hard wads in 2008 were.