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About Quast

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  1. Quake team fortress, team fortress classic, 3wctf, jailbreak, AQ2, sven coop, chaosDM, unreal4ever and counterstrike.
  2. Quast


    Slightly disagree here, 70 of those yards came from 2 separate 35 yard dpi calls, both of which were garbage. Dpi calls have to be the worst things in the game. In addition to seemingly random enforcement, placing the ball at the spot of the foul is just terrible and encourages offences to use it as a viable strategy for "moving" the ball. None of that means the Jags would've won otherwise if the penalty calls were different, but I do think they played about as well as they could have given they were on the road vs brady. The vikings? Well, before the game I asked a buddy what was going to be worse: Losing yet another nfccg like they always do? OR winning their first one since their last one 42 fucking years ago and then becoming the first team to have homefield advantage in the superbowl only to be inevitably embarrassed by the patriots? He laughed, and I opted for a loss against the eagles. But I assumed they'd at lose by no more than 10 to 14 points. Never, ever doubt the vikings. They WILL find ways to exceed even the most nihilistic of predictions.
  3. Quast

    Project Warlock

    Why on earth would anyone bother to do this except as a joke? Quake's art style is legendarily infamous and quite literally its worst and least interesting quality, and this game can't even get that right with the 8 bit palette. Quake has atmosphere and ambiance in spades however...but that certainly doesn't translate well without good audio production and map design and I ain't seeing that here.
  4. Quast

    The police are holding you at gunpoint.

    Serious answer? Corruption. Both the defense attorney and the prosecutor asked that the bodycam footage be sealed until after trial and the judge granted the motion. Why would the prosecution want evidence withheld? Because the defendant was a police officer . They all play for the same team.
  5. Quast

    The police are holding you at gunpoint.

    What's the point? To get the public upset after the fact? This particular footage was only released days ago after the trial and not-guilty verdict. It was inadmissible in court and the jurors never saw it during trial. It is also worth pointing out that the officer barking out orders was not the shooter. IIRC there were 4 or 5 officers with rifles drawn on the suspect throughout the encounter. Also, this occurred in Maricopa county Arizona, which is fucking ground zero for systemic law enforcement abuses in the US.
  6. Quast

    Mod not loading

    Do other user-made wads work for you? This shotgun one works just fine for me in gzd 2.3 and gzd 2.1.1, albeit with a 1 or 2 script errors during loading. How are you loading it exactly?
  7. Would it not be possible to physically replace the platters in a working drive?
  8. Quast

    Why are we here?

    Faux-nihilism is the worst.
  9. Quast

    So who thinks this will end badly?

    But space exploration as far as the US government has ever been concerned was never about "boldly going where no one has gone before". It was "fuck the soviets" and mine-shaft gap thinking.
  10. You have an awful integrated gpu/cpu combo acting as your bottleneck and if halflife 2 can just almost run properly, then your options seem limited to idtech 3 era games: the jediknight games, elite force 1 and 2, rtcw etc. But that's saying a lot because halflife 2 will run remarkably well on terrible hardware.
  11. Quast

    Just bought Quake 4.

    A terribly uninteresting and forgettable fps. You should've gotten prey instead. Prey is a corridor shooter through and through yes, but at least it has charm and good visual design.
  12. Quast


    Atlanta - 20 New England - 34 It's worth noting that Brady is not only 39 and under contract for 2 or 3 more years, the dude isn't really slowing down. That is incredible in and of itself. Most qbs are beat-up, old and retired by their mid 30s.
  13. Quast

    Should I play System Shock 2?

    That is engineering and it is the worst part of the game for sure. I almost hate to say it, but...it does get better. Except for the egg hunt at the end. You may not have gotten quite far enough to fight the annoying little psionic monkeys and the more annoying, yet funny suicidal robots. I'll agree that ss2 hasn't aged that well, though the difference with deus ex is that ss2 is more 'open world' as you gain access to more and more areas of the ship. The main things I really enjoyed though, was the general ambiance of the entire game and the goddamn crew logs you find. Many of them are pretty damn creepy and the voice acting isn't that terrible either.
  14. Quast

    Build Engine

    Not at all, in fact I'm more disappointed that the build games don't have the engine support that doom has. Honestly though, the only thing that really bothers me about them is the general sound quality (not music) is pretty bad imo.
  15. Quast

    Should I play System Shock 2?

    No, this is 100% true for SS2. I've never played the original, but I do know that SS2 doesn't have musical 'tracks' of any sense, rather it has short 15-30 second themed and sectional parts of music that weave together depending on what is going on and where you are.