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About Capellan

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  1. Memento Mori was originally released in early December '95. It has a bunch of new textures. The version available today is a patched version from February '96, but it's 98% the same thing.
  2. Capellan

    Fallout TV Show

    I enjoyed it a lot. I'll break down my thoughts in rather more detail in a (spoiler free) video on Friday.
  3. Capellan

    2024 - Doom New Year’s resolutions

    Finish up some edits on a map so @Steve D can complete his main goal. Also, play some Doom. I'd like to at least try three megawads this year.
  4. Capellan

    opinions on pineapple on pizza?

    Bacon, mushroom and pineapple (with a bit of BBQ sauce in addition to the tomato paste) is our go-to homemade pizza.
  5. Capellan

    Fallout the movie teaser trailer dropped last weekend

    Most Vaults were not intended to work correctly, but were instead bizarre experiments. This is a feature of the game canon that I don't particularly like, but it more than justifies a cyclops overseer.
  6. Capellan

    what was the firsrt doom game you played

    Shareware DOOM, sometime in the first half of 1994
  7. NOVA: The Birth MAP16 This will be my last video for this megaWAD. My patience for map17 was exhausted long before the level was.
  8. NOVA: The Birth MAP15 I do find the secret exit in this, but there will not be a map31 video. It's a puzzle map, and I don't enjoy those.