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About Pegleg

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  1. What format do you want to use? The solutions would be different depending on vanilla, Boom, UDMF, etc. For the following examples, assume you are in a room with a floor of 0 and a ceiling of 128. In Boom, you could set up a voodoo doll closet with a scrolling floor, with the doll blocked by a door. You would have a switch (or walkover line or gun trigger) that would open the door, allowing the doll to be carried over two lines. The first line will use generalized linedef type W1 Floor Raise to Lowest Floor (I don't think the speed matters, so 24776 would work). This line will cause a sector with the floor=128 to immediately lower, revealing a different texture behind it. You'll want the "raising floor" to be narrow, so there isn't much of a visible difference after the floor action. The second line will be a walkover line to open the door normally. For vanilla and limit-removing, you would need to use a mikoveyor (see this thread or "Mikoveyor Mania" in the spoiler in this thread if you're unsure). There is no vanilla equivalent to the W1 Floor Raise to Lowest Floor. You can use Linedef type 19 (W1 Floor Lower to Highest Floor), set the floor=0 and the ceiling=128, and surround that sector on the three sides with another sector with the floor and ceiling both set to 128. Here is a quick example showing what I mean. Both methods are in Boom format, but replace the one Boom conveyor with a mikoveyor and it should be vanilla/limit-removing compatible. Undoubtedly, this can be further polished. texchang.zip I imagine there's way to do it in other formats (MBF, MBF21, DiH, UDMF, etc.), but I don't really know those formats. Perhaps someone else will chime in.
  2. Welcome to another month of the IronEagle competition, the ironman challenge where all are welcome, from the newcomer still figuring out which button is the trigger to the old veteran who likes to speedrun maps blindfolded. As long as you enjoy playing Doom, come and join us, you're among friends! This month, participants will challenge themselves against The Dusk, a 6-map vanilla mapset for Doom 2 made by Michael Mesko and released in December 1996. The mapset has no defined storyline, with the author describing the set only as "6 levels designed for great deathmatch, single player, and cooperative" play. Overall, you fight demons throughout techbase or corrupted techbase maps using the weapons at your disposal. In other words, good, old-fashioned Doom. Participants must play these maps on complevel 2 or Doom(strict). Download The Dusk here. The Dusk starts at Map 01. Survival is finishing Map 06. There are no secret maps. Enjoy! Rules: The rules are basically the same as they have been. Either demos or streams are permissible. If you are creating a demo, post the demo. If you are streaming, post a video of the stream. Even if streaming, you can still submit a demo, if you want to. The basic rule is that you submit a demo/stream played at a particular difficulty level (HNTR, HMP, or UV) and you play without saving and reloading, ending your run when you die (or survive). The following are allowed (but not required): Freelook Crosshair Mods that are COSMETIC ONLY The following are NOT allowed: Crouching Jumping Mods that change ANY aspect of base gameplay, including (but not limited to) enemy behavior, enemy speed, player abilities, player speed, weapon damage, ammo, and enemy drops. Further, more specific, rules are listed below: Any port is accepted provided it will actually run the mapset. There is no preference. Category System: Category 1: Blind run. This explains itself. You have no knowledge of the wad and have not played/seen it before. I'm willing to be somewhat lenient with this Category. For example, if you die early in Map 01, and then decide to play again for your run, you can still call it Category 1. Category 2: Non-blind. If you have played the wad before and/or possess significant foreknowledge, your run is non-blind. Basically, anything that is not Category 1 is Category 2. If you're unhappy with your first run (whether it's blind or otherwise), feel free to record a new run, and submit that run instead. (Just don't submit your first run.) If you want to submit your first run, no matter how you perform, by all means, go ahead and do it. You shouldn't feel that you HAVE to submit a run you're dissatisfied with, just to preserve a "Category 1" status. If you want to go back and submit a second run, you're welcome to do so, but, at this time, it won't be counted. Difficulty System: You may submit a demo/stream for only one of HNTR, HMP, or UV. Choose only one, because subsequent submissions will be rejected (i.e., if you submit a HMP demo, the HNTR demo you then submit will be rejected). We're not using the 1CC rule set here. Your first submission is what counts. Only runs from the same difficulty will be pitted against each other. Each difficulty will be graded separately. Submission: When you submit your run, please the include the following information: The category (1 or 2) The difficulty If you survived, your time If you didn't survive, the map where you died The time it took you to reach the map where you died Kill count upon death The port you used (if you included a demo) A link to the stream/video (if you did a stream) You may include a commentary about the maps or details about them, if you want to. If you do include specific information about the map (e.g., "The demon trap in Map 08 is rough"), please put it in a spoiler, so that people that want a completely blind experience won't be tipped off. If you're just putting in a general comment (e.g., "Pro tip: don't get hit"), then no need for a spoiler. Attempting to max the maps is not necessary to win. Ranking for this mapset will be determined by: Survival Time for survival Map of Death (in descending order: Map 06, Map 05, Map 04, Map 03, Map 02, Map 01) Time to reach map of death Kill count in the map of death If you die, please wait a few seconds before quitting. Breaks: Everyone gets tired. Sometimes people survive longer than they expected. Nature calls. Every now and then, there are family emergencies. Needing to take a break shouldn't necessarily end a promising run. While you should try to complete the run in a single setting, this isn't always possible. If you have to take a break, try to make it quick. Happy Dooming! Previous IronEagle Competitions
  3. A hearty thank you to everyone who came out to challenge themselves against After the Eclipse. I hope to see everyone back next month for the next IronEagle installment. And bring a few friends, too. Without further ado, here are the results for IronEagle 70. UV Asbadagba (Survived) joe-ilya (Survived) SCF (Survived) galileo31dos01 (Map 07) dt_ (Map 06) Pierrot (Map 06) Suitepee (Map 06) Wolfgun Shootner (Map 05) Horus (Map 03) SleepyVelvet (Map 03 - for all intents and purposes) Li'l Devil (Map 03) Austinado (Map 03) Grayfox (Map 02) NaZa (Map 01) HMP ClumsyCryptid (Survived) the ghost of Lenny briscoe (Map 08) CocoCaco (Map 07) HNTR Andromeda (Map 08) Pegleg (Map 07)
  4. Pegleg

    The Official 'Trying to Find a Specific WAD' Thread

    I'm looking for a copy of HELLRAZOR by Jeff Diamond (released in 1996). For whatever reason, I can't unzip the copy downloaded from idgames. When I try, I get an error that it can't be unzipped. Does anyone have a copy of this mapset? EDIT: Never mind. It turned out to be an issue with the particular utility I was using. I tried a different utility and was successful. Thanks to @Insaneprophet for the suggestion because I wouldn't have thought to try it otherwise.
  5. @Anonymus The Community Project Tracker that Novaseer mentioned is a pretty good list of what projects are active, and it has a good summary of each project's target format (vanilla, UDMF, MBF21, etc.), the number of open slots, the deadline, the project lead, when it started, when it was last updated, and the status. There's also a link to the project if you want to learn more. Otherwise, the threads in this channel usually indicate if they have open slots available, so you can just click on them and explore what the project is about. That's where you'll find the information you want about themes (if any), rules (if any), and the expectations of the project lead. You'll also be able to find the latest projects that haven't yet been added to the tracker. Note that sometimes projects fill up fast, particularly if the project is smaller (e.g., 1 episode) or the project lead is well-known, so don't get discouraged if you see something cool and it's already full. Check back periodically. As StupidBunny said, there's usually several going on at any given time. I don't know how experienced you are, but given that you recently joined Doomworld and are asking about community projects, I'm going to make the assumption you're relatively new to the mapping community (I know that when I first got back into mapping and came here back in 2017, I tried to jump on every community project I could get my hands on and could meet the requirements for). If you're actually an old hand at this, my apologies. Still, assuming you're new, I would recommend looking at: Doomworld Maximum Project 2024. It's an annual community project that's run by Obsidian. The rules are fairly lax. Make a map in whatever format you want, using whatever textures you want. It can be large or it can be small. All maps are welcome, so long as they're not abusive and can actually be played (have a player start and exit). You can also be of any experience level to submit a map, and there is no limit. See here: @AnArchaicApparatus is looking for collaborators to make Map 16 for Nova IV, which is MBF21 and is directed at less-experienced mappers. While Nova IV is currently full, it is possible to collaborate on this map. See here: Good luck and have fun! Welcome to the community!
  6. Austinado did an IronEagle run a few weeks ago, but I just checked today. So, I wanted to add it here before the end of the month. @Austinado, feel free to add in any additional details you want. Category: 1 Difficulty: UV Dead on: Map 03 Time: 9:06 Entered Map 03: 7:43
  7. joe-ilya posted a run to the Ironman discord. Here are the details (and demo), for those who have not joined the Ironman Discord server. Category: 1 Difficulty: UV Survived Time: 47:37 Port: DSDA-Doom f_ateIRONEAGLEjoe.zip
  8. As per the rule that there were a few days allowed for bug fixing, I took advantage of it to fix a number of minor problems (and a few game-breaking bugs that rendered the map unwinnable). Map Name: Three Skulls and a Sewer Will Take You Places Author: Pegleg Version: 3 (There was a version 2 posted on the Discord, but this post will contain all of the changes between the initial version and this one.) pss36peg_v3.zip Changes: Fixed exit door to S1 instead of D1. Fixed the key doors so they would be opened with the appropriate keys. Added a switch to lower the platforms that crush monsters against the ceiling, but also block the blue key. Moved the archvile teleport trap so it is less likely to teleport into the final area (which would likely result in a quick player death upon following the archvile). Fixed sky transfer in final area. Added sound block lines in final area to keep monsters from charging the player. Added ammo in the sewer section. Added a new teleport landing to enable returning from the final area if the player wanted to. Added ability to open some doors from both sides to allow better movement through map (initially, the only way to get back to the first half of the map if you went through the sewers first was to find one of the secrets, which wasn't the intent). Fixed various textures and flats. As promised @Death Bear, screenshots (albeit smaller than intended):
  9. Pegleg

    When did you first discover Doomworld?

    As I've said on here before, I took a break from Doom from 2000 - 2016, when I came back. Of course, from 1995 - 2000, I didn't really even know there was a community out there; I was just in my own little world. I spent a day back in 2003/2004, and I found Dr. Sleep's Apothecary. But in mid-2016, for some reason, I thought about Doom and decided to get back into mapping. Unfortunately, I didn't have the game anymore (the 3.5" disks were at my parents' house, but it turned out they had corrupted sectors anyway), but I found out about Chocolate Doom and Freedoom. In the process of looking for information about them, I stumbled across this place called Doomworld sometime in mid-2017. I eventually started lurking, but I stayed to the threads in the Doom Editing subforum and threads there. I finally joined in September 2017 to answer one question* about Eureka, and I've been here ever since. * That's why I found the "Registered just to make one post" title funny--because I had registered to do just that. Of course, that title has since changed to "New Member," but I always got a chuckle out of the original and out of Fraggle's custom title of "Registered just to make two posts" (before he became "the Kevin Bacon of Doom").
  10. I just played Corruption from 1000 Lines 3. That map was excellent.


    Not the hardest by far but the ammo and weapon balance felt right, especially being able to trigger the outside teleporter early by autoaiming a rev. Being able to blind single segment that final set of fights with the teleporting monsters felt great.


    Top shelf.

    1. Pegleg


      Thank you! I’m glad to hear you enjoyed playing it.

  11. Alright @Death Bear, I'm in just under the wire. It's 11:26 PM CST as I type this. My streak of submitting to the anniversary events stays intact. (Barely.) I remember PUSS I. After 1 month, there were 5 maps. Here we are four years later, and PUSS XXXVI gets 6 maps in the first day. Congrats @BluePineapple72. Anyway, here is my map. EDIT: See the post below for the latest version. <file removed> Map Name: Three Skulls and a Sewer Will Take You Places Author: Pegleg Music: "Industrial Impact" by Paul Corfiatis Format: Boom Build Time: ~2:20 (split up over 2 days, and it got a bit squirrely at the end) Co-op Starts: Y Difficulty Settings: Y Gimmicks: Your Father was a ... chipmunk!, TF is a difficulty spike?, GOTTA GO FAST!, Golden Boys, It's CORN!, Where's the Beef?, Huzzah!, Add it to the counter!, Quest for the Crystal Skulls AND "The Dynamite Maneuver" for 1 extra hour (that, yes, I still exceeded) Comments: This map was originally going to have a whole other E3M8 section, monsters that warped in, chipmunks in the walls, and frogs on lily pads. Then the reality of what I was already trying to do set in, and some things got set aside. Nevertheless, I'm happy with how this ended up. There's even two custom skies. Not bad, for submitting 15 minutes before the deadline... Screenshots: It's 15 minutes to the witching hour. I'll try to remember to come back and add screenshots later. pss36peg_v1.zip
  12. Category: 2 Difficulty: HNTR Dead on: Map 07 Time of death: 37:23 Time entering Map 07: 30:02 Kills: 74/75 ie_pegleg_ate.zip Don't get overconfident. Oh well. The lesson for this month is that if there's something you think you'll need later, and you're planning to come back for it later when you need it, don't assume you'll be able to. Had I gone back earlier than I did, I'd still be playing right now. As I said in this month's DWIL, such is the nature of ironmanning. Nevertheless, I'm happy with how I did.
  13. Category: 2 Dead on: Map 01 Time of death: 8:19 Kills: 71/85 dwi_pegleg_etrnyour_cat2.zip Evidently I liked Eternally Yours--I selected it for IronEagle back in October 2022. It has good encounter design, good setups, and the health and ammo is plentiful enough. Once again, revenants, while not proving my direct downfall, definitely contributed to it. I thought I had a good strategy, but then the revenant had to walk where I didn't want it to. And I was fairly close to the end of the map, too. Oh well. Such is the sometimes callous nature of ironmanning. Nevertheless, I like the selection.
  14. That explains why I didn't find that soft lock--I'm generally horrible at finding secrets. But thank you for sharing your misfortune, I'll add it to the OP.
  15. Is having a ZDoom complevel that GZDoom would recognize and behave according to just an attempt to be able to play all of Lilith in GZDoom?