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About geo

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    didn't know being a forum staple was a bad thing

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  1. Yesterday I got my 2nd ever tick bite. I've found plenty on me, but I've only been bit 2 x. This one was on my waistline. I pulled at him, but didn't pull him off, yep he was stuck. I didn't realize it then, but he wasn't clinging like living ones do.

    So I put toothpaste on him and waited 15 minutes for him to pull out. He didn't pull out, he didn't struggle or move. After that, I cleaned the toothpaste off and in another 10 minutes I pulled him off. My LPN cousin said that he should just pull right off if he's dead.

    Nope. My skin stretched and eventually I pulled him off. His head was red, he had flesh caught in his mouth, proving that I had the entire head :-) There was no blood spot on me like the last tick bite I had.

    I put him on a magnifying glass where he sat dead for 15 minutes. Didn't move, I poked him. Didn't move, no reflexes. I put him in a pill bottle in the freezer just incase I get a red ring.

    Then I realized it was literally half my life ago that I got my last tick bite. Not just that, but it was to the day... July 3rd. I remember, because I still have a bite scar that is a red dot to this day.

    People like to say ticks crawl on you for 24 hours before they bite. I really don't think that's true. This one was on me for maybe 2 hours unless I picked him up in the house, which doesn't seem likely.

    The bigger mystery is how could he bed dead? Maybe 2 hours of sweating outside push mowing my lawn drown him. Maybe my blood is poisonous. Maybe he drown in my shower. But I hear that water just passex over them and can't get into the head hole area, but air can. Maybe since he was in my waist line of my jeans I beat him up, but then ticks just cling so the chaffing of jeans shouldn't hurt him.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Coopersville


      Caffine is known to be very poisonous to many insects (and I imagine arachnids too). Did you chug a ton of NOS before going out to cut the grass?

      inb4 zombie lyme disease.

    3. geo


      Interesting about the caffine to my knowledge I don't have any caffine in me. I drink water. No coffee, no soda, no carbination.

    4. Hellbent


      maybe the toothpaste killed him? I assume that's why you doused him in toothpaste, no? ticks are hard to kill, tho. doubt it was the toothpaste.

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