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  1. Today
  2. Not quite finished with DBP66: Lunar Strain, but not having finished Speed of Doom Map14 was starting to bug me. This feels like it would be a real rush to UV-Max. I made about 14 saves while practicing, though, so I need to improve my play if I want to record a demo of it, never mind playing for speed. In particular, I need to work on keeping awareness of turret cyberdemons, which killed me a lot after picking up the blue key because I focused hard on killing the arch-viles that accompany the big first-key melee, and I need to dodge revenant missiles better when dealing with big crowds of them, just in case the cyberdemons fail to infight with them in the exit battle. I should probably make test maps for both of these problems.


    I didn't find the secret BFG until after I'd cleaned up the central swarm. I love how Darkwave hides the secrets in that level. They feel very organic and fair: If you look in a dark corner, you'll find a button, and if you notice the warning sign out by the edge of the damaging bloodfall in the central room, you'll want to see why a sign would be so far away from the main battlefield. No wallhumping and no searching for mystery linedefs. The BFG itself is presented with real showmanship: You press a button at the foot of a spiral column, and the sectors that form the column fall down to floor level in height sequence, with the last, highest one supporting the BFG. When you pick up the gun, a bright white screen and dozens of phantoms appear, the phantoms' silhouettes showing clearly against the screen. It would be nice if that kind of visual originality were more common. It's hard to believe a room like that could come out of a wad-a-week speedmapping collaboration.

  3. Yesterday
  4. Hey, it's been a while since anyone has told you of this, but can I continue with the development of the Doom SFX WAD? I found the Pain elemental sight, demon activity, and a few others through close recreation within different audio editing programs.

  5. Okay...First, I just found the sweetest flashlight that works well with my WAD.

    Second, I watched John Romero mapping on Youtube.

    Third, I made a new monstrous animation. (first screenshot)

    Fourth, I plowed through Map14 like the real Plowman...









  6. Refsheet finished!

    wallla ref.png

  7. Welcome! Very nice pfp, also I'll check out your map!

  8. 966617185_strifeveteran.jpg.9a8b03c367ed9123c56a1bebf131f1bc.jpg
    Found my old strife save in veteran difficulty 💀

    1. Doom64guy


      How old is it?

  9. Welcome to Baron Mountain, enjoy your stay.



  10. Is Hugo Martin secretly a Gamer?

    1. Plerb


      every time i see "Is Hugo Martin secretly a ..." on the main page my mind is always filling in the blank with some random bullshit

  11. :O


    A super mega cute floofer! Even cuter than before!


    no way!

    1. DogsRNice


      Floof is good

  12. Last week
  13. hello abbie here from FPE

    i play doom its fun then i tought :D

  14. Lmao when you posted this, did you know it wasn't just a simple "myhouse.wad"?


  15. I've just released a DEMO of UMKDXL! Im doing it for player feedback and to test to see if the Kontrol scheme is simple yet easy enough for the players to understand. This version of the demo is zandronum 3.2 compat, and i will be playtesting online this weekend.


    you can get a copy of the wads and pk3s here:


    special thanks to @TDRR for helping with the bot mod!



  16. This is just a short blog about the Glaive Collection I uploaded to the Nightdive/Bethesda port mod page. It can also be downloaded here glaivecomp.zip


    This release combines all the wads in the Glaive series (1-3 and Warglaive) into one wad and lets you select each of them from the episode menu. There's also a bonus episode with 2 endurance maps. It's compatible with the official port, DSDA, Woof, GZDoom and probably other UMAPINFO supporting ports. UMAPINFO support is required.


    I would hesitate to call this a "definitive" version of these wads, just like I would hesitate to call the new port the definitive version of Doom. It's just another way to play for anyone interested. I would still recommend the original releases for demo running purposes, but I'm not your boss.


    There aren't many gameplay changes. I've added some fluff intermission screens and map names to Glaive 1 and 2. The way the secret map of Warglaive was set up doesn't quite work with episodes and UMAPINFO (I couldn't find a way to end an episode only if the secret exit wasn't activated) so instead that map has been moved to the second map of the BONUS episode. It was a bit tiresome to play that level after playing the rest of the set anyway.


    The first level of the BONUS episode is a "new" map which was an idea I originally had for a secret level of Glaive 1. it would have been accessed though the secret on map 8, which is why it is such a pain to get to. UMAPINFO didn't exist at the time so it couldn't work without being very janky because of vanilla secret map behaviour on non standard maps.


    Some other changes and details I want to yap about:


    -The fake 3D bridge in Glaive1 map8 breaks when built with newer node builders. I refuse to make another one of these so I replaced it with a simpler and honestly better looking solution. 


    -Glaive1 map9 now exits a little differently.


    -Because there's no secret exit anymore, the hiding Mancubi have been removed from Warglaive map7.


    -The music of the Warglaive secret map has been changed.


    -Because all 4 wads have been consolidated into one texture set, there are some minor texture changes across some maps. Conveniently, I forgot to remove unused textures from the original release of Warglaive so that provided a good base to start with and add in what was missing from the other sets.


    -par times added for all maps


    -idclev works differently in the nightdive port compared to other ports. You can use "idclev17" for example to go to episode 1 map 7, but in other ports that will take you to map17 (which is episode 3 map1).


    -If you do idclev around, MAP30 is not replaced. I didn't think it was possible to disable Map30 teleport behaviour, at least while keeping it to limit removing comparability. Completing Map29 will take you to 31 through the magic of UMAPINFO.


    Thanks for reading if anyone has. I haven't really been working on anything else this year, but I do want to get back into mapping. I have some cool ideas that I give up on when there's the slightest obstacle :p

  17. Updated my latest wad, check it out cunts.


  18. Finally changed my username after 3 years of being on here as "The BMFG". I feel so much better now that I have a username not linked to my immature young self when I first joined these forums and constantly embarrassed myself every post, its like shedding old skin. Also Adamantium is like a million times better than the The BMFG lol.

  19. https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxcVieFXVn5zvEz6ARs5QKZFXo9QN-ewo5


    AKA my hardrive died, i had to replace it quickly, but now I'm fine

  20. I finished 2 more Plerbtonia maps in the past few days! Now the entire megawad is over 50% done, with 17 finished maps! They're in E2 slots right now but I might move one or both of them to E3 later. I'm really proud of both maps.

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