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My cat just died

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I know you guys probably don't care, but my cat, who was 27 years-old, and whom has been with me my whole fucking life, just died in my arms, she had a spasm and than she died, I can't fucking stop crying.

I fucking hate life, and if there is a god hs a fucking asshole, cause if there was a god something like this WOULD NOT HAPPEN.

As I said, I know you guys probably don't care, but I need to talk to people about this.

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god didn't kill your cat macvilewhore. I have kitties too and i love them, and would be devastated if anything happened to one of them.
27 years is an old cat, very, very old. Most cats don't live to 20. It sounds like you really loved your cat and took good care of her. I'm sorry for your loss. Life and death are a process, they can't be averted. once it starts, it must end.

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Man, Mac, I'm sorry. Like 3D said, it's not God's fault. Death is much a part of life as living it is. Remember that 27 is very old for a cat, and that cats don't live forever, though you would've liked yours to. I'm really sorry for you, I had a cat once that was killed and I couldn't get over it either. I feel for you, I really do.

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I know how it feels to lose a pet. Especially a cat. I have 6 cats of my own. So far, the 5 I remember from before, and were like, my best friends, were Elly, Sydni (small main-coon), Dawg (the stupid, lovable, dog-like one) Calista (Dawg's "wife"), and Winkey (that loveable old fart). God I miss the troupe.

You're not alone. Noone is. Sure, Yes, I'm being hypocritical to my cynical sense, but fuck, this is our pets we're talking about. If we don't have them, what do we have? Some lousy humans? (THERE's my cynical side :P)

Edit: For some odd reason, I feel I must sing "Dust in the Wind" now...

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Ouch dude, Sorry you had to expereince that, but hey, life is a process that cannot be denied, for the cats passing may be sad and mourned, but go knowing this, The cat proceeded in this ravaged existance and lived in such, only to succed and fullfill its dutys on this planet. For, Dont be sad thats its done its time on this planet but feel satisfaction that it fullfilled its needs and dutys on this planet and did them well, and that it lived a long enjoyable life that will always be remembered and loved, and that you were there to help her expereince it, and the same for her. :)

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/me pats Mac on the back :)
Don't worry dude, somewhere down the line is that elusive Twinkles Number Two :)

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That sucks dude. Heh, I have two cats, one is like...7 I think and one is 20, Sonya (7) and Elizibeth (20).

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ravage said:

For some odd reason, I feel I must sing "Dust in the Wind" now...

I have the same feeling. well, mac, I greive for your loss and hope you can find another cat that makes you feel as happy as she did. I to have lost pets before. dog, parakeets(one in my hands. my first, favorite, and oldest one) finches, the damn coolest catfish in the world (outlived every fish I ever owned, once he died I was done with fish) and my turtle aint looking too healthy right now.

My neighbor also had a dog that died. I was close to it in life and I greived her death. the owner ended up finding a dog of similar breed at a shelter and took it in. the dog was a problem dog, one that they said could never be good, and she turned him around. in many ways the spirit of gigi lives on in mr. g. when your done mourning see about finding a twinkles II.

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I understand your pain. Losing a cat really hurts; I have suffered the loss of two much-loved cats - among the most upsetting things I have experienced.

May Twinkles rest in peace.

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That's terrible dude. Like said above, it's not God's fault. Just remember the good times, and be happy that she is someplace happy, and at peace.

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It died happy, be assured of that.

BTW, was your cat an indoors only cat?

I've heard that cats try to get away from company when they feel they are dying.

We have yet to have a cat die of old age.

One cat ran away, another went postal, a third one got senile when she was 15, a fourth one we had get rid of because it was untamable (it was a stray cat), it's first kitten was eaten up on the inside with pus (and untamable too) and one of two kittens it got before we disposed of it was hit by a car while still a big kitten.

The other one lives happily, though he was involved in a car accident where his hip was crushed (it regenerated though).

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My dog died of an aneurysm a couple of months ago.
I saw him shaking violently on the floor while piss and slime flew right out of his body. He was screaming pretty hard and it wasn't a pretty sight. After that his body was a mess, he could hardly control it and he kept moaning. He couldn't sleep of the pain and so we decided to end his life by an injection. Otherwise he would've just suffered needlessly.. I sometimes still miss that dog.

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Sadness doesn't exist. They wouldn't want it. o_-

Little Faith said:

I've heard that cats try to get away from company when they feel they are dying.

Yes, cats do. My cats all hid right before they died, so that they wouldn't be in the way. . .

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cats and dogs are cute and you can never love them too much. sorry for your loss, man. I have two little schnautzers,snautchers,snautzers,snautsers or whatever they are called (still they're dogs) and if they died I couldn't take it.

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Fredrik said:
I don't want to think about what it'll be like when my dog dies :(

I'll say. My dog has been far better company then any human I've Been around over the years. I always feel sorry when I hear of a dog getting injured or killed. And it brings me to the point of murderous rage when I hear of any form of cruelty to any animal, espically a dog. People are fucking sick.

MaCvILeWhOrE: That must suck. I can only imagine what I would be like to witness that.

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something about pets, much different than human friends. Usually you don't get too annoyed or tired of pets, unlike some friends.

I don't know, I can't say what I am thinking.

You can be mad at pets, and they will come back in minutes acting like nothing happened, while people could go away for several days or more.

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KoRn said:

something about pets, much different than human friends. Usually you don't get too annoyed or tired of pets, unlike some friends.

I don't know, I can't say what I am thinking.

You can be mad at pets, and they will come back in minutes acting like nothing happened, while people could go away for several days or more.

It's because they actually have feelings, and they care for you. Look for a genuinely careing human being. Aside from Jesus, you won't find one, whereas animals, they know no hate. Can't get any better than that. :|

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My dog Molly is 8 years old. I really don't want to think about my little girl dying, I love her too much. I've had her since she was 6 weeks old (I got her when I was in fourth grade, back in 94 or so), and I don't know if I could bear it if she were to die.
Believe me, you can get attached to animals every bit as much as you can humans :)

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Ever moreso. At least we have good memories.

(I may have to leave becaouse of mush-that and working on something :P)

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Sorry about the loss Mac, but at least she lived a long, full life and you obviously gave her all the attention she deserved.

I've never had anything besides some budgies and a rabbit die in my house (Budgies pretty violently...if i told you it'd just sicken everyone) Now we have a lovebird (bigger and brighter than a budgie) named Birdo who actually shows quite a bit of intelligence and affection at times. He always flies over to perch on your shoulder to watch you during whatever you're doing. He also lets you rub his head and he communicates. I guess it would be pretty bad for him to die, but i have to admit it wouldn't be as heavy as if a cat or dog i'd come to know died.

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MaCvILeWhOrE said:

I fucking hate life, and if there is a god hs a fucking asshole, cause if there was a god something like this WOULD NOT HAPPEN.

Dude, she was twenty fucking seven

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27 years huh?

Guinness World Records said:

Oldest Living Cat
The oldest living cat in the world is 'Kataleena Lady', a Burmese born on March 11, 1977. Owned by Mrs V. Hayward of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, the mature moggy was 25 years old in April 2002.

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