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Vanilla Doom: EXE Downloads, Utilities, Wads & More

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I've always wanted something like this!

Thank you very much for compiling this :)

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Ooh, I appreciate the pin


4 hours ago, Redneckerz said:

A Vanilla Encyclopedia? How wonderful @Doomkid :)


Thank you! I've added these 3 to the list above, and cleaned up the url links a bit in the OP so they look a tad less ugly.

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16 hours ago, Doomkid said:

Ooh, I appreciate the pin



Thank you! I've added these 3 to the list above, and cleaned up the url links a bit in the OP so they look a tad less ugly.

No probs :)

nitpickings, but the Ling Archive is also Nine Inch Heels contribution.


Would you also prefer some demonstration wads that exploit Vanilla features, like Mcfearsm?

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It may be worthwhile to make a “vandacts but for tricks rather than standard actions” type of wad for the sake of demonstration. In the mean time though I’ll link Mcfearsm here for anyone curious to check out the interesting tricks employed:



Another old wad which shows off some interesting effects would be TRUCK, unfortunately a 35 FPS cap is required for the effects to work as intended:


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57 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

It may be worthwhile to make a “vandacts but for tricks rather than standard actions” type of wad for the sake of demonstration. In the mean time though I’ll link Mcfearsm here for anyone curious to check out the interesting tricks employed:



Another old wad which shows off some interesting effects would be TRUCK, unfortunately a 35 FPS cap is required for the effects to work as intended:


Nice special effects!!!


Here is some trick that i discovered (mikoscrollers, vanilla vertical scrolling walls using mikoportals)


Edited by URROVA

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This is kick-ass, thank you so much. Something I will note though about Final Doom-plus, it doesn't actually work completely properly, so I'm not sure it would be a good idea to keep this on the list as it's not exactly complete.


Also nice vanilla logo ;)

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I'm pretty late, but some people may be interested by the Doom patcher.


It's a patching program that makes it easy to activate and deactivate many different hacks such as random sound pitch, deathmatch 3.0, increased mouse sensitivity, doom-plus, etc. without having to keep many different Doom EXEs in your Doom folder.


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Was just thinking of starting mapping and this is a massive help....... thanks so much Doomkid :>


3 questions tho:


1. Which Doom Builder (or rather, which software) should I use to start building/editing maps? Typically I tend to play maps on GZDoom. but I hear mapping using PRBoom+/DSDA is largely preferred. If I wanna make a map, I'd prefer it being playable for at least the 4 main sourceports (GZDoom, PRBoom+, DSDA, Eternity)....would I have to then remake the map in its associated engine, or would I be able to play it as it is? Any guidance in this regard would be really appreciated. 


2. Very minor Q, but is DeHacked a different program from Doom Builder? 


3. How does texturing differ amongst all the different Doom Builder software? I'd prefer being able to use all available textures including Vanilla, Doom64, OTEX, or whatever custom textures could be available (tho dont mind graduating if I'm out of my depth lol).


Thanks in advance :>

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2 hours ago, i suck at nicknames said:

1. Which Doom Builder (or rather, which software) should I use to start building/editing maps? Typically I tend to play maps on GZDoom. but I hear mapping using PRBoom+/DSDA is largely preferred. If I wanna make a map, I'd prefer it being playable for at least the 4 main sourceports (GZDoom, PRBoom+, DSDA, Eternity)....would I have to then remake the map in its associated engine, or would I be able to play it as it is? Any guidance in this regard would be really appreciated

Wich sourceport will be able to play your map is determined by the map format you choose on the Doombuilder.
-Doom/Doom2 format is the map  format use for vanilla and limit removing.

-Boom is the map format use for Boom/MBF compatible source-ports, it has more features than Doom format, but also is only compatible with those source-ports that are Boom compatible, so you can't play it on Chocolate Doom or Crispy Doom for example, almost everything else will play them.

-Hexen Format/UDMF are only compatible with GZDoom and a few other sourceports. They offer a lot of features, but only playable on a few sourceports.


If you want to make maps playable on all the source ports, go with Doom format and aim for something limit removing, that is, don't caring at all of the vanilla limits.
That way who ever download your map will be able to play it regardless of the sourceport they use.


About the builder:

If you have a good 64 bits computer, go with UltimateDoomBuilder as is the one that has constant updates by now.

If you don't have a potent PC of 64 bits, use GZDoomBuilder latest bugfix version, as is the one most up to date.


3 hours ago, i suck at nicknames said:

2. Very minor Q, but is DeHacked a different program from Doom Builder? 

It is a different program.

The modern OS equivalent of the old DOS only Dehacked is called WhackEd4, and it practically works the same way as the old one.


3 hours ago, i suck at nicknames said:

3. How does texturing differ amongst all the different Doom Builder software? I'd prefer being able to use all available textures including Vanilla, Doom64, OTEX, or whatever custom textures could be available (tho dont mind graduating if I'm out of my depth lol).

Doombuilders don't offer texture sets.

WADs has the textures in them, and you can load them as resource packs on the Doombuilder to make use of their textures.

The most usual resource packs are the IWADs, but other mapset that have their own set of textures can be use, too.


Do take note that some texture sets has their own set of rules, for example, OTEX textures are mostly hd textures, very detailed, so mixing them with other textures will make them highlight a lot from the others.

So in short, there is no difference on how texturing differs between different DoomBuilders.
What makes it different is the wad you downladed and use as resource pack.


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14 hours ago, P41R47 said:

OTEX textures are mostly hd textures


No, they are all vanilla resolution. HD, short for high definition, is generally used as a term for resolutions higher than default. So HD TV means higher resolution than traditional PAL or NTSC broadcast signals, and so on. If you feel OTEX textures generally contain more detail than vanilla textures that is a different question, although I would personally disagree.

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5 hours ago, ukiro said:


No, they are all vanilla resolution. HD, short for high definition, is generally used as a term for resolutions higher than default. So HD TV means higher resolution than traditional PAL or NTSC broadcast signals, and so on. If you feel OTEX textures generally contain more detail than vanilla textures that is a different question, although I would personally disagree.

yes sorry.

For some reason i tought they were png patches. Like some other texture patches for gzdoom.

Then i remembered that it was PrBoom+ compatible, but i didn't come back to edit the post.


Sorry for the mistake.


And thanks for the clarification.


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@Doomkid bumping this for the following:


People surely know that you can *replay* a demo in stock Doom2.exe (And Strife1.exe) using the *-control* command, so you can *re-record* a demo. Because that's what Fraggle did.


But did you also know that:

Might be useful to have. These are additional uses by Linguica of the External Control API, were posted before, but deserve to be included.

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Thanks for bringing these to my attention, Red. Bizarrely coincidental too - I was just asking myself yesterday if it was possible to play/record longtic demos in vanilla, but didn't get around to searching for it, something else must have come up and distracted me. Thanks!

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@Doomkid Going over your tools, you use DoomNew.


I went ahead and asked @Gibbon to make a compile of the latest, 2015 build (and not the 2013 you have) before realizing that Maraakate made a download himself, here.


Also includes VR goggles support. List of changes is here. but the changes.txt in the download is more recent.


There is also an updated Heretic build with wHeretic limits.


DoomNew wiki page is here.

Edited by Redneckerz

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@Doomkid, @Redneckerz

Since it's been a while, do you guys happen to know by any chance if somebody has managed to make a ctrlapi version capable of recording longtic demos by now? Also were there any attempts to make dehacked128 yet?

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19 hours ago, PKr said:

@Doomkid, @Redneckerz

Since it's been a while, do you guys happen to know by any chance if somebody has managed to make a ctrlapi version capable of recording longtic demos by now?

What would you mean by ctrlapi version of recording longtic demos? Something using the External Control API or?

19 hours ago, PKr said:

Also were there any attempts to make dehacked128 yet?

I had some talk with Gib over it but nothing so far yet. It would be nice if DeHacked recognizes higher limits, but i think a DeHacked128 is better off supporting DEHEXTRA, so you have that kind of feature in DOS. That would be neat and a rather hefty extension to DeHacked.


Its use in Vanilla would have to be figured out however.

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52 minutes ago, Redneckerz said:

What would you mean by ctrlapi version of recording longtic demos? Something using the External Control API or?

I had some talk with Gib over it but nothing so far yet. It would be nice if DeHacked recognizes higher limits, but i think a DeHacked128 is better off supporting DEHEXTRA, so you have that kind of feature in DOS. That would be neat and a rather hefty extension to DeHacked.


Its use in Vanilla would have to be figured out however.

Well, I mean @Linguica called "longtics" tool a "minor edit of fraggle's ctrlapi", so I guess it's fair to call it a "ctrlapi version" to some extent? Also, he said that he thinks it would be possible to write a similar program capable of recording longtics demos - that's what I was referring to.

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6 minutes ago, PKr said:

Well, I mean @Linguica called "longtics" tool a "minor edit of fraggle's ctrlapi", so I guess it's fair to call it a "ctrlapi version" to some extent? Also, he said that he thinks it would be possible to write a similar program capable of recording longtics demos - that's what I was referring to.

Thanks for refreshing my memory and i recall it now. Yes, Longtics is basically a Ctrlapi hack, but you could make that into a native program. I am not sure if Ling pursued this further in private, certainly Fraggle didn't.


Then again despite the External Control API now existing, surprisingly little use has been done with it. Yet DOS Doom is still very much a big thing with Doom ACE or the recent Doom-in-Doom port. One would think that a native feature of stock Doom would lead to all kinds of hacks, but no. Perhaps it is still a tad too obscure.


I'd imagine Gib could make one, as do a few others. But how far its usefulness will be, i am not sure. Proper longtics support in stock would be a powerful tool for purist speedrunners, but i have to be honest - I don't know people who still record this way. If any, most use DSDA and Prboom+ based engines.

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41 minutes ago, Redneckerz said:

I'd imagine Gib could make one, as do a few others. But how far its usefulness will be, i am not sure. Proper longtics support in stock would be a powerful tool for purist speedrunners, but i have to be honest - I don't know people who still record this way. If any, most use DSDA and Prboom+ based engines.

I guess longtics support in vanilla Doom could become a paradigm shift regarding the longtics usage in a speedrunning community. After all longtics demos are being disdained by speedrunners mostly because vanilla Doom "can't do it". Yet. I am not a speedrunner though. From my casual-Doom-enthusiast point of view longtics is simply a QoL feature that makes the process of making gameplay demos more enjoyable. Or rather makes the process of recording demos possible at all (no idea how non-speedrunners could stomach playing the game with shorttics).


On a completely irrelevant note, could you possibly tell Gib that DOOM128 19042022 Ultimate Doom won't launch in DosBox 0.74-3. All other binaries in 19042022 (and previous versions of UD) work fine, but the novert version of UD gives a bunch of "Illegal write to f0001060, CS:IP      168:  1c591a" errors.

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To be completely honest, I already thought longtics support had been shoehorned into vanilla Doom somehow by now, and was surprised by Red's post in mid January which sort of confirmed that recording in vanilla is definitely possible, but that there's no simple patch/exe allowing it as of yet. Hopefully that gets changed soon, even as fringe of a case as it is.

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Longtics can easily be used for demos, but it makes some tricks way harder to pull off. The added precision makes it much harder to get the correct angles and alignments etc. In short tic your player orientation might be straight north (up on auto map). If you turn your next, the next angle is f.ex 1 degree different, and fairly easy to see visually. It's easy to align correctly since the precision is lower. It can only be one of a few hundred, not one of several tens of thousands.

With long tics you might be off by 0.01 degree because of added precision. It might look ok visually, but it will lead to things not working. If you do a jump that involves 320 game units of running before crossing a 192 unit gap and you are off by 0.01 degrees you have lower speed in your desired direction and you won't make the jump. Doom is slightly more complex than this, but that is the gist of it.

When doing a glide, when you go between two walls in a 32 unit wide passage, you have to face the center of the gap and be exactly axis aligned and move forward slowly. With added precision this becomes incredibly hard to pull off.

There might be a undiscovered tricks that require angles not easily possible in short tics demos.

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