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Request for Repose

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24. Clandestine Complex by Lee Szymanski and Anthony Soto

"I have got no idea why they chose this to be AV's new level - it really isn't as good as the others. Hell, it isn't as good as the one they replaced. (Ouch.)"

:( no christmas card for you

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Hey, thats the first bad feedback I heard. This guy has a very different way of looking at things from what I've heard. (Didn't
read the review yet, but I've heard he didn't like Plutonia to give you an idea). Anyways f*ck it...

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Swedish Fish said:

This guy has a very different way of looking at things from what I've heard. (Didn't read the review yet, but I've heard he didn't like Plutonia to give you an idea).

Yes, check out his Plutonia and HR reviews (esp. his reasons for disliking them) - I doubt you'll be too bothered by what he says about your maps then.

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Exactly. At least the nopoet (poetry rocks) guy gave credit and (more) attention to an awesome WAD; even if his personal viewpoint is weird.

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From his review of Ultimate Doom:

"E3M9. Warrens: When I try to play this wad, I get looped back to Hell Keep (E3M1). I don't care. It's probably bollocks anyway."

So yeah, I wouldn't pay too much attention to what he says.

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Yup, those 'reviews' are half-hearted at best. It sounds like he didn't even play most of the levels.

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'E3M9. Warrens: When I try to play this wad, I get looped back to Hell Keep (E3M1). I don't care. It's probably bollocks anyway.'

Oh dear... He really needs to play the levels before knocking them.

EDIT: And I should also pay attention to what has already been said...

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On his site Nopoet writes: "I want to bring fully-rounded reviews to the Doom community. I hate reading reviews that are three lines long and talk about how "good" or "bad" something is without going into relevant details (Sergeant Baldy)."

Here is Nopoet's review of BFThud Map 14:
"Faugh! Whose anus broke loose?"


It's a shame he has taken down his "About Doom" section, since it was highly entertaining. EDIT: Oh no, it's still there. Quick, take a peek.

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Oh my. He actually wrote that?

/me goes back to read the rest of the stuff...

btw claiming it's bad to support skill levels for people with higher skill than the average doomer isn't bad. It's GOOD. Specially since the wad was made mostly by such people.

Edit: apparently he have a thing about reviewing for people who aren't very good at playing doom. However, he shouldn't drop the points of a Doom wad because it's hard, only if it don't have skill levels. Thinking that you HAVE to play a map in UV is just pigheaded..

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Yeah, hmm. And let's share his wise words and meditate in silence:

The "About Doom" section of NoPoet's site states:
LMP: Demos, or recorded games of DOOM, are stored in the .lmp file format. They tend to showcase the so-called 'talents' of people who can't play DOOM for the life of them! Most are very dull, but it can be quite funny watching people who 'play' using the keyboard only.

I also like the part (in "The Armory") where he dismisses the BFG FAQ as mistaken... and many other things, of course (you can take a peek as Grazza said, that'll be enough for nearly anyone.)

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It's tempting to e-mail NoPoet a big zip file containing lots of fabulous Nightmare ("Nobody except weirdos play to win on this difficulty level") LMPs by one of the best keyboarders (e.g. Ryback). Especially ones where the BFG is used to kill monsters that the player can't see at the time.

Sorry, myk, that meditation wasn't very silent, was it?

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E3M8. Dis: The term 'bring your own ammo' was invented for this level. You need to kill a Spider Demon, but don't get anything like enough ammo if you're starting this level from scratch.


Overall, this guy is way too negative.

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This guy obviously has very strange review criteria, nocking off points if a wad if it's too hard for him on UV etc (note that he made an exception for AV, othervise it would have gotten a lower score). His plutonia review is utter bullshit, it looks like boss gave him him an assignment to put it down no matter how good it is.

Reviewing wads for "the normal doomer" is an admirable idea, but just because of that one shouldn't assume that UV should be easy enough for that "normal doomer". What about the hardcore doomers? should they be forced to play UV -fast just to take some damage once in a while?

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heh, as myk said, this little piece of "information" can be found on the site:

"Ignore the infamous BFG frequently asked questions guide; there is no 'cone of damage', it's a line-of-sight weapon. If you can't see them, you CAN'T hurt them, unless the energy bolt physically strikes them."

Obviously he didn't understand the BFG faq at all.

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Ryback said:

The No Poet: The George Fiffy of level reviewers.

At the risk of opening up a festering can of worms, what exactly did George Fiffy do to piss on so many people's picnics? I've played a few of his levels and had good fun doing so.

Is it levels?

Is it attitude?

Is it something darker?

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Grazza said:

Ryback might have meant it as a compliment, you know.

Hmmm, possibly so. But for years now I've seen people taking swipes at him. Now I don't know the guy (which may explain why I don't understand) but he must have done something to fit so perfectly up so many people's noses, like a nose vole, so I just wondered what it was.

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Well, in fact G-Fiffy wasn't that bad a level author. Sure some of his levels sucked, but he also made some minor classics.

What eventually led him to being such an unsavoury name was his attitude. Just look at the text files accompanying his wads.

If that fails try to lookup some of his posts on the Doomcenter and Newdoom forums (if they are still available). Try to think Fredrik without the flair and irony.

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Personally I think people give Fiffy more credit for his maps thatn they deserve.. but maybe that's just me.. and yes if you've read his posts or txt files and whatnot, you'll get an idea why he get so much "bad press".

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Erik said:

heh, as myk said, this little piece of "information" can be found on the site:

"Ignore the infamous BFG frequently asked questions guide; there is no 'cone of damage', it's a line-of-sight weapon. If you can't see them, you CAN'T hurt them, unless the energy bolt physically strikes them."

Obviously he didn't understand the BFG faq at all.

haha... NOW that is funny

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Personally I don't have anything against George Fiffy. Or the No Poet. I was just struck by the similarity between the two after browsing through his site for ten minutes. Both have a strong ego (My reviews tell the truth, and I won't change them no matter what anyone says!), unusual priorities (writing for an audience of newbie Doom players that doesn't exist, spending heaps of time complaining about how difficult a wad is but neglecting to tell us what it's like on easier skill levels), bad website design (well, it's under redesign at the moment, so give him a pass here), and lots of bewildering errors all over the place. But it's at least as entertaining as any other Doom review site. More power to the No Poet, I say.

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Not to mention the bias towards certain types of map (gothic, hellish) and against others (sewers, techbases). But that's his personal preferences in styles of map, so no grudges there. (even though my preferences are just about the opposite - although I wouldn't let those into my reviews)

However, did anyone notice the huge criticism given to nukage bases in DSV4, HR and Fragport, but huge praise for the ones in AV? And also huge slating of HR for being too hard and huge praise/high ratings for AV maps of similar difficulty? Sounds like double standards to me.

(btw, I think that AV is one of the best wads ever, but looking at all the megawad reviews it's clear to spot the double standards)

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Another interesting 'consistency' is that in his review of Ultimate DooM, he comments how he likes the fact that the theme of E4M7 changes from a 'large wooden base which turns into a palace of hell which turns into a tech base, built over a river of lava.'

He then bashes E4M9 because there is a wooden section that 'doesn't fit in with the rest of the level'.

One minute he likes levels to vary in design the next he doesn't.

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