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Doom Pictures Thread 2024

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9 hours ago, lizzieshinkickr said:

...Make my own little sub-game where everything in the level is worth a weighted amount of points...

This looks incredible, do you plan on releasing this as something people can put into their own mods?

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9 hours ago, lizzieshinkickr said:

My ultimate dream is to figure out a way to Stash this information on disk automatically so I can end up making a little Spyro The Dragon 2/3-like Atlas/Guidebook for megaWADs (kinda like a more detailed Level Table from a sourceport like DSDA-doom) ... but I hear that's nigh-impossible when it comes to Zdoom-scripting. Maybe someday. 

I think that's possible; look at the high score table implemented by @AFADoomer in the Wolfenstein 3D TC:


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4 hours ago, Lone2401 said:

This looks incredible, do you plan on releasing this as something people can put into their own mods?


Thank you! I guess I can release it to the public after I quash some bugs (I didn't think anyone would actually -want- to give into their Hopeless Completionist urges...). It was my first foray into ZScript, so it's very amateurish in its code and tends to crash if you do something like TNTEM/"kill monsters" on rather large maps. I'll try doing a refactor and releasing it.


4 hours ago, Gez said:

I think that's possible; look at the high score table implemented by @AFADoomer in the Wolfenstein 3D TC:



That's the problem with ZScript! Everytime something seems out of reach, someone managed to figure out how to implement it and your best shot at documentation is ripping open another project! Ugh! Now I know it's possible...


Because it's the Pictures ThreadFor anyone interested in some weird cases, here's MAP30 of Sunlust. They blow up a whole lotta barrels right at the start, it makes MIBS totally skyrocket.




Much more reasonably, another fun super-long map is MAP32:Anagnorisis from Eviternity. A much more comfortable score of 6800.



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5 hours ago, DRON12261 said:

Just a simple remake of E3M1


Yeah that's very simple. Like, put in some effort man, jeez.


53 minutes ago, Omniarch said:

Back at it again with the whole TPH-inspired purple-Japan schtick. After years of procrastination interspersed with the occasional bout of fiddling, I finally decided to sit down and make an actual map for once:


That is one sexy sky.

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Found this nice looking wad.  Scorching Earth (32Level Megawad)

Only works in GZDOOM.  The main menu picture really caught my eye, I know what im playing after I beat Scythe 2.






Edited by vanilla_d00m

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Man I was going to post my WIP temple themed map but honestly it isn't even close to the level of quality you talented folks have produced. 

Love the purple palette in Doom, always preferred the more regal purple of Stardate20x7 to the Magenta palette used in 20x6. Keep up the amazing work! 

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11 minutes ago, Omniarch said:


It would benefit from a rock texture that tiles less visibly. The pattern here is very noticeable.

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15 minutes ago, Gez said:

It would benefit from a rock texture that tiles less visibly. The pattern here is very noticeable.

Good point. There's quite a few changes I intend to make to the set-to-be's resources, and utilising more theme-appropriate natural textures is one of them.


Incidentally, are you aware of any highly-saturated grass / foliage textures that are available for general use? I've been wanting to integrate the red foliage into the texture scheme, but all the stuff I've attempted to palette-swap has come out too dark.

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19 minutes ago, Omniarch said:

Incidentally, are you aware of any highly-saturated grass / foliage textures that are available for general use? I've been wanting to integrate the red foliage into the texture scheme, but all the stuff I've attempted to palette-swap has come out too dark.

Maybe @elend's trees would fit?

There's also @jval's tree generation tool:


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2 hours ago, Omniarch said:

Good point. There's quite a few changes I intend to make to the set-to-be's resources, and utilising more theme-appropriate natural textures is one of them.


Incidentally, are you aware of any highly-saturated grass / foliage textures that are available for general use? I've been wanting to integrate the red foliage into the texture scheme, but all the stuff I've attempted to palette-swap has come out too dark.

Semi-related, but I have my cliff textures here, that you can recolor as you wish:


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NUTS3.wad 640x480 Resolution.




No lag, its perfect.  I been told to use this port for large and monster heavy levels, I didn't know it would be that HUGE of a difference.  It runs like there isn't anything in the screen at all!



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