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About 40oz

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  1. I know Doomworld knows a good bit about cooking stuff so I figured I'd ask.

    Whenever I go to the grocery store and pick up condiments and sauces to add to my meals, I usually always end up with a ton of leftover sauces and dips and they end up stinking up my refrigerator for weeks. Well it doesn't stink that bad, but it's very annoying to open up the refrigerator after I haven't gone grocery shopping in a while, and find all I have left are bottles of ketchup, mustard, barbecue sauce, french union nacho dip, salsa, sour cream, maple syrup, horseradish sauce, relish, buffalo sauce, and nacho spinach dip, and nothing else edible.

    I'll get one bottle of this stuff and it will last FOREVER. Sometimes I just wanna throw it away but a lot of it I've only used once and the bottles are almost totally full. Are there any good meals I can cook or prepare that will make good use of this stuff? Preferably not millions of hot dogs and hamburgers and giant bowls of nachos please.

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Jodwin


      Danarchy said:

      Just throw some cooked ramen, veg, and optionally meat into a wok with sesame oil and shoyu and you'll have yourself some yaki soba.

      Yakisoba with wheat noodles? That's news to me. ;)

    3. Mr. T

      Mr. T

      Eh, the dish exists. Yakiramen (really) is a popular food in Fukuoka. Cup varieties also exist, but they are something of a novelty.

    4. Blastfrog


      Technician said:

      You speak as if that were dangerous.

      All I was saying is that it was in poor taste. Speaking of crappy food ideas I had as a kid, I also used to take those ramen noodle flavor packets, throw out the noodles, and make a drink out of the flavor packet. I remember this one time I had a friend over, and we were fucking around and tried to make a cake, but without a recipe. It ended up turning purple and tasting like starch and bad artificial sugar.

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