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Deviant Force

Most Hated Map

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boris said:

Is there actually one single Doom2 map that makes sense?

Now that you mention it, and now that I actually think about it, no. I mean that. There's not one map out of the 32 in Doom2 that actually makes any kind of sense, unless it's nonsense.
At least in Doom you have some of sense of where you are.

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As for DOOMBoy's post about DOON II's lack of sense of place, he is right. None of the DOOM levels really tie into each other and deliver a real atmosphere. In Refueling Base, shouldn't there be fuel lines and pumps and hangars for ships to refuel in? And then there's Nirvana. What the hell is Nirvana supposed to be? Mines in hell (Map26)? Military hases in hell (Map24)? APARTMENTS in hell (map28)? Volatile waste barrels in hell? None of it makes any goddamn sense!

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Woolie Wool said:

No shit.

Well considering that you've not been here in quite some time I thought I would say, Hey, it's Woolie Wool!

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Woolie Wool said:

Yes I could. And DooMBrat over there could use a new brain.

Ohhhh, Burn on DooMBoy, geeze, Woolie Wool, that was harsh, There are younglings here, geeze. :P

Woolie Wool said:

I'll omit the quote this time. Don't state the obvious again, or I WILL recite the famous four words.

Hmmm.. Woolie Wool eats ass.....? :D

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Ultimate DooMer said:

That shouldn't be too difficult - I've just done it in 0:13...

I think the fastest that level can be cleared in is 12 seconds, because I just went through it six times in a row and couldn't get any less than that. Anyone got lower than 12? Anyone?

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ravage said:

Beat 0:10. Heh. :)

I had a demo of 0:09 somewhere, but some freakshow beat me with 0:07 >:|

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Lüt said:

I had a demo of 0:09 somewhere, but some freakshow beat me with 0:07 >:|

...ahem.. I preffer to be addressed by A No-life Loser-Doomer Thank you very much :D :P

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E1M1? In 0:07? That's insane...more importantly, I'd wonder if it bends the rules of Physics.

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The long-standing compet-n record is 0:09 (00:09.91 to be precise), so a 0:07 would be interesting indeed. It's very hard to believe that those guys could really have missed a potential 2-second improvement.

EDIT: Jonathan Rimmer built a 0:08.97 demo "with full SR50 usage".

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Maybe Lüt means map01, which has a record of 5 seconds, and 6 seconds is the best for many skilled speedrunners on it.

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That might explain it, but surely Lüt could do better than 9 seconds on map01? I mean, 0:07 is very easy. BTW, you probably know this, but Cameron Prosser built a 0:04 run for map01.

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0:08 is the optimum time for E1M1, and it can only be done with a built demo (it pretty much requires perfection). The Compet-N UV record is 0:09. However, Ocelot did in fact make a non-cheat nomonsters demo of E1M1, in 0:08 (see Public DANG). Quite an awesome achievement, but certainly impossible for a human to do with monsters around.

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Hmmm... I must be the onl person who thinks the chasm is't that bad of a map....oh well

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You're not alone.

I think the contrast between the dark cavern and the bright tech-style niches make a great effect. The side room where the lights go out was actually scary the first time through.

The only part I really disliked about it was the bridge in the final area because it was possible to get stuck in a slow-working acid pool.

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Quast said:

Hmmm... I must be the onl person who thinks the chasm is't that bad of a map....oh well

In the text-file accompanying the demo I linked to earlier in this thread, Sedlo (one of the very best players on the planet) described it as "my fav level". That should count for something.

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personally, I hate the map I am trying to make. I barely work on it, and when I do, I get frustrated because I can only do crap things. Then I play a wad made by a good mapper, and see the details and such.

there is a DM level that I hate. I don't know the name of it, but it has a center area that has narrow ledges and lava on each side..

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