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[Community Project] Thirty Monsters Challenge [See you in the other thread!]

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Updated my map! Should be final release but I'll keep an eye on bugs and other stuff.


- Made the main area less of a sore on the eyes

- Fixed all the switches so they don't get randomly activated

- Changed the exit (previous one was so easy to activate; even accidentally)

- Implemented all difficulties!

- Touched up on details and such. (also one secret cuz why not)




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Map notionally complete; posting for feedback.


Map Name: Microcosmic Malice

Author: jerrysheppy

Theme: Brick and stone with hellish influence and sky

Music: No new music at this time.  Finding and choosing music is by far the thing I'm worst at.  Feel free to toss a random MIDI in there or just let it be the default music for whatever slot it ends up in.  In the meantime, enjoy the dulcet tones of D_RUNNIN.

Difficulty Settings: Implemented.

Ports Tested: Primarily tested in GZDoom, with dsda-doom runthroughs to check for gamebreaking bugs.

Description: Just a small infernal compound that's the result of me experimenting with a texture theme and a few concepts for encounters. Seems like it should be somewhat more laid-back than a few of the submissions I've seen playtested so far, the presence of some heavy hitters notwithstanding.

Notes: dsda-doom has a couple of non-gamebreaking oddities:

  • The switch that gives yellow key access must sometimes be pressed twice to raise things fully.
  • At 200/200 health and armor, the death exit (which I made the old-fashioned way with barrels and a crusher) "kills" the player while still showing some remaining life and a living status bar face.  The level still exits normally and MAP02 is a pistol start as intended.  I literally only downloaded dsda-doom because it was requested for this project so I don't know if this is the usual behavior in this port.

Neither of these crops up in GZDoom.


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Thank you kindly for the video @Biodegradable!   Based on your experience I'll probably add at least a few more rockets and cells to the cyber arena; I'd rather have it be a little too easy than make the player feel like they have to use that sort of hiding and sniping approach to the last Arch-Vile wave.  I'll also play around a bit with the secret you didn't find. :)

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Finally, I've managed at least a beta version of a map. I imagine it will receive some additional detailing, but I'd like a version to be out there in case anyone would like to give it a try. I'd love to hear about what does or doesn't work or is or isn't fun; any thoughts on the map are welcome and appreciated. It's my third map, and matching the quality of work I've seen in this wad might be beyond my skill, but hopefully I still have something of quality to offer.




Map Name: Schism

Author: Large Cat

Theme: Started as Church, but is mostly just a red-blue juxtaposition.

Music: An original track I wrote, which I am also willing to workshop.

Difficulty Settings: Implemented, though possibly too similar in intensity.

Ports Tested: DSDA Doom 0.22.5, with a quick look in GZDoom 4.2.0 (which doesn't seem to support MBF21)

Description: This map seems small even by 30mc standards; do a couple loops around a room with overwatch from some turrets and heavies. The revenant is the weakest monster you'll meet here. Difficulty-wise, I think this map qualifies as "Taxing".

Notes: I included a CWILV for the map, if that's alright; I tried to format it the same way as the beta, but with my own coloration to reflect the map. I tried my best to put in some good detailing, but I have no visual chops to speak of, so I don't know how successful I was. I also don't know anything about music composition, but decided to try my hand at writing the MIDI for this map. The death exit seemed to work well enough, but I've never implemented one before, so it would be good to know whether I overlooked anything.


Some screenshots:




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14 hours ago, Large Cat said:

Finally, I've managed at least a beta version of a map. I imagine it will receive some additional detailing, but I'd like a version to be out there in case anyone would like to give it a try. I'd love to hear about what does or doesn't work or is or isn't fun; any thoughts on the map are welcome and appreciated. It's my third map, and matching the quality of work I've seen in this wad might be beyond my skill, but hopefully I still have something of quality to offer.




Map Name: Schism

Author: Large Cat

Theme: Started as Church, but is mostly just a red-blue juxtaposition.

Music: An original track I wrote, which I am also willing to workshop.

Difficulty Settings: Implemented, though possibly too similar in intensity.

Ports Tested: DSDA Doom 0.22.5, with a quick look in GZDoom 4.2.0 (which doesn't seem to support MBF21)

Description: This map seems small even by 30mc standards; do a couple loops around a room with overwatch from some turrets and heavies. The revenant is the weakest monster you'll meet here. Difficulty-wise, I think this map qualifies as "Taxing".

Notes: I included a CWILV for the map, if that's alright; I tried to format it the same way as the beta, but with my own coloration to reflect the map. I tried my best to put in some good detailing, but I have no visual chops to speak of, so I don't know how successful I was. I also don't know anything about music composition, but decided to try my hand at writing the MIDI for this map. The death exit seemed to work well enough, but I've never implemented one before, so it would be good to know whether I overlooked anything.


Some screenshots:

  Reveal hidden contents




Frankly, I really dig the visuals - and this is why I think they really deserve a larger playground, with more room to maneuver and chances to strategize. The map right now, at least to me, feels really in-your-face in an antagonistic kind of way, as if it was designed to 'gotcha!' the player. If that's what you were going for, then it's definitely on point. I'm personally not a huge fan of openly player-hostile maps, but they have their place. It's a matter of choice, really. 

On the other hand, not sure how I feel about including the custom CWILV - it's a community project, intermission stuff should be exactly the same for every map in my opinion. 

Edited by Thelokk

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Got a little playtest feedback, and I cleaned up the experience a little bit.





  • Staggered arrival of initial monsters to make it more manageable.
  • Made baron lift less annoying to deal with.
  • Teleporting armor bonuses less likely to rupture eardrums.
  • Added more shells to make sure 100% kills is manageable.
  • Improved flow and signage for exit.

Unfortunately, making the map larger would be a bear to implement, as I would really need to alter the flow of combat. However, if the combat reception is consistently negative, I can look into it. I'd still guess the difficulty sits somewhere in the Taxing/Mayhem border. HMP and HNTR naturally offer some additional help, but I'd like to know if I should widen the gap further between skill levels (or any other feedback people might have). Thanks to those of you who have already played the map!


About the CWILV: I thought it could be neat, but I of course defer to dac's judgement on whether it stays or is replaced with something more form-fitting.

Edited by Large Cat : added note about CWILV

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I played this map, yet I really, really don't understand why people don't like Large Cat's map.


7 hours ago, Thelokk said:

with more room to maneuver and chances to strategize. The map right now, at least to me, feels really in-your-face in an antagonistic kind of way, as if it was designed to 'gotcha!' the player. If that's what you were going for, then it's definitely on point. I'm personally not a huge fan of openly player-hostile maps, but they have their place. It's a matter of choice, really. 


Personally I found it really fun, only real thing I don't like is the baron at the lift because he is just a waste of your shells, and the 2 archviles at the start are more annoying than anything.


The other fights I find to be good enough, but easier than the hot start this map goes with.



On the other hand, not sure how I feel about including the custom CWILV - it's a community project, intermission stuff should be exactly the same for every map in my opinion. 


Personally I couldn't care any less that Large Cat's map has a CWILV that's just one side is red and the other is blue.

If MY own submission has a custom CWILV (it's literally just the map name but light blue) then I think he can have his own CWILV in his submission where the map name uses colors that aren't gray and white.


Then again that's just my opinion, I find the map to be fun even if it has a problem or two.


I've had feedback sent to me about my map as well, so I decided to make a Version 4.


So like you should click on this and download it if you care.


Changes include:




-Fixed texturing errors

-Deleted some useless sectors

-Replaced a monster or two

-Removed Red key decoration for distracting players

-Did a small change to the yellow key teleporter



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Howdy :)
They're finished! lol 😎


Marble Techbase changelog for v2
Swapped out the 2 Barons for Hell Knights
Added block land monsters flag to the chairs so monsters keep their feet off the seats
Added 2 short blue torches next to the switch that opens the blue key area to help show what it does
(I still can't come up with a better name for it lol) EDIT: I just did, "Make Peace Not War". I will make another version update soon.🤘


Marble Techbase changelog for v3

Changed the maps name to "Make Peace Not War"

Map Name: Make Peace Not War
Author: JaySmithen "Russell Bowtell"
Theme: Blue/Techbase
Music: Broken Mirror by Tristan Clark
Difficulty Settings: Implemented (same items with different monsters)
Ports Tested: DSDA-Doom, GZDoom
Description: Um, stairbuilder tool go brrr? No cybers or masterminds but there is also no rockets or plasma and the only big armor bonus is in the secret room. It should be pretty easy to spot though.



Map Name: Slightly Shaken
Author: JaySmithen "Russell Bowtell"
Theme: Concrete Techbase
Music: "Dread Factory" by MFG38, references "The Imp's Song" by Bobby Prince
Difficulty Settings: Not implemented yet
Ports Tested: DSDA-Doom
Description: A little bit of arch-vile action with a touch of platforming.
Notes: I bet this is still too easy for ya'll 😅




Edited by JaySmithen : Added description of Make Peace Not War (Both maps are final versions)

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I'm having hard time focusing on mapping right now, but I have a fairly solid idea. It's 50:50 if I'm able to make it before deadline.

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8 hours ago, Biodegradable said:

@JaySmithen The WAD you linked for Slightly Shaken is just Marble Techbase again, mate.

@Biodegradable Thank you for telling me, I can not believe I did that. I'm gonna go ahead and blame google :) I fixed the link above cheers 🤣


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On 3/14/2022 at 10:31 AM, LordEntr0py said:


I'd teetered on the verge of not doing this (I have non-community, mostly-OTEX UDMF project I've been hard at work on), but I really like mapping in MBF with CC4 (and family) texture packs, and I'd like a quick break in style.


Inspiration just hit me, so I'm giving myself a week to get a working first-version of what I'm tentatively naming Contamination Station.

I gave myself a week, and I've nearly delivered in that time...

Layout and detailing are complete. I'm pretty happy with both. I just need to balance the existing gameplay and, uh, add a few more monsters in.

Teaser shot:

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@JaySmithen Great stuff, fam. Bit of a ball-buster at the get-go, but still very enjoyable. I love the use of good ol' Duke3D textures.



Edited by Biodegradable

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On 2/16/2022 at 12:49 AM, El Inferno said:

Neter Khertet v2


- Added death exit

- Hopefully made the second ressurection sequence more reliable

- Removed bfg from UV since it felt unnecessary, removed 40 cells from HMP

Pretty fun, surprisingly easier than I thought it would be. Some questions.

-How are you supposed to kill the 2 revs and 1 hk at the chaingun secret, doesn't seem to hold enough ammo for that.

-I actually wish there is a finale where you release all the hidden arch-viles, like a extremely dickish arena or something, otherwise it's a bit anti-climatic.

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12 minutes ago, Nefelibeta said:

-How are you supposed to kill the 2 revs and 1 hk at the chaingun secret, doesn't seem to hold enough ammo for that.


I always had enough bullets to clear them in testing. You need to infight one rev with HK, rev always wins and gets pretty low on health.


Idk about viles, I've seen enough vile spam in other maps for this project. I'm not even very happy about having the cyber in the final fight, since so many other maps use them... 

But you can make a dickish vile arena yourself, there's still a whole week for mapping :)

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2 minutes ago, El Inferno said:

But you can make a dickish vile arena yourself, there's still a whole week for mapping :)

Just right up to my alley. I'm considering using some ribbiks boom magic too.

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4 minutes ago, Roebloz said:

Is it too late to apply @dac?


On 3/15/2022 at 9:48 PM, dac said:

as another reminder I accept new maps up until April 1st, and just to make sure that's when the entire planet is on April 1st, not just New Zealand.


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4 minutes ago, Nefelibeta said:

Decided to make something inspired by struggle, hopefully it won't end up way too obnoxious.


As the great Vinesauce Joel would say: IT'S BLUE!

I'm excited to play these maps not gonna lie!

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24 minutes ago, Nefelibeta said:

Decided to make something inspired by struggle, hopefully it won't end up way too obnoxious.


Love this!

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Map Name: Contamination Station

Author: LordEntr0py

Theme: Toxic Techbase

Music: Ripsaw, by James Paddock

Difficulty Settings: Not implemented, yet (I'm assuming we still need to have 30 monsters at all difficulty levels? Assuming so, I'll change a few monsters down and provide more ammo/earlier weapons at non UV difficulties

Ports Tested: DSDA, GZDoom, ZDoom (for backwards-compatibility, I included an "old-school" death exit which will trigger if the the newer DSDA insta-death level-end sector effect isn't recognised)

Description: Fairly fast-paced, interconnected little toxic techbase level.


  • I spent a good 20 minutes agonising over where to put the 30th monster. I could have just dropped an extra imp in, but wanted it to add some meaningful, gentle pressure without just banging another Revenant in there. In the end, I added the sole pinkie and I think it's well-placed.
  • If you find what looks like a minor sequence-break (deliberately being cryptic here), it was unintentional at first, but I decided it was extremely minor and I kinda liked it as a strategy, so it remains in place.


Edited by LordEntr0py

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On 3/4/2022 at 10:02 AM, Biodegradable said:




This might be the funniest map and playthrough I've ever seen.


"I don't get it." - Biodegradable, March 2021

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