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Embryo: where each map is smaller than the last

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On 4/6/2024 at 5:01 PM, solidago said:

Oh, January me, you couldn't be more wrong.

Anyway, here's my map, finally. It's Chasm-like aesthetically, and difficulty wise I think that it's pretty reasonable for level 6.


MAP06: Cesspit
Music: Let The Wicked Be No More by Lippeth
Sky: Default Doom 2 SKY1 texture
Tested with: DSDA-Doom at complevel 9 and GZDoom

Download link


A couple more screenshots just in case

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Really good map. Though the switch that lowers the berserk secret as a HOM.



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Posted (edited)

@whybmonotacrab Alright, finally got some time to record a demo of Deluge: emb18fda.lmp


I think it's a pretty fun arena. The water raising throughout the map was novel, and kept me on my toes. This map really picks up when the arch-viles come out and doubly so when the cybie appears. Not too challenging, but still pretty exciting. I enjoyed the texturing and midi as well. As a challenge focused map with no secrets, this feels similar in spirit to Realm of Sargentia later on in the wad.


One thing that might have cheesed the fight a little was that these cacos/PEs were not eager to come out of this area. They seemed to all stagger in at the end, as you can see in the demo:


Edited by Moustachio

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1 hour ago, Moustachio said:

@whybmonotacrab Alright, finally got some time to record a demo of Deluge: emb18fda.lmp


I think it's a pretty fun arena. The water raising throughout the map was novel, and kept me on my toes. This map really picks up when the arch-viles come out and doubly so when the cybie appears. Not too challenging, but still pretty exciting. I enjoyed the texturing and midi as well. As a challenge focused map with no secrets, this feels similar in spirit to Realm of Sargentia later on in the wad.


One thing that might have cheesed the fight a little was that these cacos/PEs were not eager to come out of this area. They seemed to all stagger in at the end, as you can see in the demo:


Thanks for the feedback! I'll have to tinker with that area when I get a chance. It's really inconsistent. I also need to work out a way to not have the player get zapped out of bounds.

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Playing in DSDA-Doom 0.25.6, on UV with saves, I don't consider myself a particularly good Doom player. Version I'm going through is the April 22 version of the resource pack.

Moment of Conception
On this go-around, I'm appreciating that the map introduces almost the entire roster, defanged by the wide open playground of a layout. The midi and mix of indoor and outdoor areas make it pleasant to inhabit, which I'm sure I've already mentioned, but bears repeating. The platform with 4 medikits not triggering an ambush of some kind was the only thing that felt a bit odd. Looking back, pain elementals would introduce too much urgency in a map that's otherwise a fine-tuned opener.

Getting Smaller
The technical stuff has been mentioned, so I'll stick to gameplay. The deadliest things in this map are the hitscan ambushes, particularly the two chaingunner ambush at the start. Hitscanner galleries will deny any space they have line of sight to, which means in the fights that had them I felt boxed into corners, or running back and forth clearing out the hitscan while hoping I don't get chipped too much. The heavier demons spawn in infighting pairs, which makes them easy to deal with. Feeling like the map's boxing you into a corner of a big area makes it feel stretched out, rather than large. I'd suggest replacing a good chunk of the hitscanners with projectile monsters, or giving the player more cover to work with. Turret arch-viles with pockets of cover the player can run through also work well as area denial without feeling constricting, since running between cover won't get you shot. I'd also suggest using pinkies, lost souls or revenants to flush the player out of cover, especially in the fight after the elevator lowers.

The Fallen Citadel

The first fight kind of boils down to herding and SSGing down a clump of monsters. Breaking it up into smaller fights or leaning more on turret enemies would help. The map progression feels like it could use 2-3 more small fights, maybe ones that repopulate an area, like the arachno/manc one. I liked the map, and the vanilla citadel looks smashing.


This definitely feels like Chasm. I'm rather ambivalent on that map, so that's neither here nor there. My main takeaways are that while there's a lack of signposting, and playing it felt a bit uneven, I liked it overall. Varying up the ceiling and lighting levels more would go a long way aesthetically and for not getting the player lost, though I'm also a scatterbrain. I liked the indoor areas other than the red key one, but I'm just not a fan of mazes. The yellow key and ending are good setpiece fights, but felt a bit out of tune with how the blue and red keys go down. It needs some tightening up I think, but this is solid stuff. 

Silvershine Station

The silver and compblu visuals are slick and the midi is fresh. I'll admit to shameless bias toward run and gun, but if the combat were more free-associative - removing doors, ambushes directly pushing the player into more ambushes, tweaking the layout so there's no good place to stand your ground - it'd be a ripper, I think. Ammo felt a little tight, but I'd attribute that to how I played.


Cozy map. Ammo still felt a little tight, even when using the turret monsters to clear chaff.

Derelict Compound

Knockout, no notes

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Silvershine Station Version 2:

- Added some more ammo to the map (mainly bullets and rockets)

- replaced the cell ammo in the plasma rifle room traps to cell charge packs so that it's easier to go down the other path rather than being stuck with no ammo and too many enemies to reasonably punch (especially without berserk)

- Added several 1-time teleporter linedefs for enemies so that if you try to back up, you've got a few extra enemies to worry about!

- Added a couple extra ambush closets to spice things up a little bit

- Added a few extra health items here and there to alleviate the new higher monster count

- Fixed a door having the wrong flat texture underneath it (yes I AM that annoying to myself about texture usage/consistency XD)



Yeah so the map is already fairly cramp in design so it wasn't easy to implement ambushes however after playing this again, so many encounters felt linear so, I improved them! I think having some of the enemies now teleport behind you at least makes retreating tougher. I fully aware you can still loop the main area of the map and that's kinda by design. I wanted to make the map slightly non-linear.



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3 hours ago, Lina said:

Getting Smaller
The technical stuff has been mentioned, so I'll stick to gameplay. The deadliest things in this map are the hitscan ambushes, particularly the two chaingunner ambush at the start. Hitscanner galleries will deny any space they have line of sight to, which means in the fights that had them I felt boxed into corners, or running back and forth clearing out the hitscan while hoping I don't get chipped too much. The heavier demons spawn in infighting pairs, which makes them easy to deal with. Feeling like the map's boxing you into a corner of a big area makes it feel stretched out, rather than large. I'd suggest replacing a good chunk of the hitscanners with projectile monsters, or giving the player more cover to work with. Turret arch-viles with pockets of cover the player can run through also work well as area denial without feeling constricting, since running between cover won't get you shot. I'd also suggest using pinkies, lost souls or revenants to flush the player out of cover, especially in the fight after the elevator lowers.


Thanks for the feedback! For hitscan ambushes, I only really consider there to be 2 dangerous ones: the one you mentioned paired with the ones in the wall in the beginning, and the one before the elevator. I really liked how they came out (especially the one on the way to the elevator, since a manc appears if you try to run ahead to hide behind the star column, and some floaters approach from behind as well), so I hesitate to change them too much. I like the idea of added cover to these fights tho, so that's worth looking in to. Some cover in the first indoor room could make the room feel less empty as well. I don't really consider any other hitscan placement to be an ambush and more just incidental combat, but are there any other examples you could think of that gave you the same feeling of being boxed in to corners? Just so I can look into those more as well. I also used them considerably less once you grab the red key and you hit the ground.


As for an arch-vile turret, I purposefully only used archies at the very end of the map, so I don't really want to add more. It is only map 2, and while I know that doesn't really mean anything nowadays in terms of dangerous monsters early on in WADs, I still wanted this map to be only a tad challenging. I was originally not going to use arch-viles at all, but once I decided to make the big imp swarm on the ground, I thought throwing in a couple of them at the end to revive the imps would be a nice touch.


I do like your final suggestion of using monsters to flush people out of cover, so I'll look into seeing what fights outside of the elevator one could use them. Shouldn't be too hard to implement.

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I was already making some changes to the map and this is really helpful feedback, thank you!

7 hours ago, Lina said:

My main takeaways are that while there's a lack of signposting, and playing it felt a bit uneven, I liked it overall.

I'd like to ask which specific parts of the map you think could use more signposting and which parts confused you/you got stuck at due to the lack of it.

As for the general unevenness of it, I get what you mean but I still feel like the contrast between different sections in terms of pace and intensity is a good thing to have. There are some specific parts where it could be smoothed out a bit more, though. I'm not sure what to do concretely yet to achieve that but I can still try.

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On 4/27/2024 at 1:30 AM, solidago said:

The Fallen Citadel
What a lovely amount of detail! Really great job on the natural terrain and lighting. I liked the progression in this map and the combat was fun as well, I found the final arena to be particularly enjoyable. Pretty great stuff!
Once again, a few texture alignment nitpicks. There are some walls that could use the horizontal auto-align shortcut, the lower unpegged flag or just manual re-alignment. Here are just a couple.

Thanks for the feedback and the examples of texture alignment issues! I will do a double check on texture alignment.


On 5/3/2024 at 7:48 PM, Lina said:

The Fallen Citadel

The first fight kind of boils down to herding and SSGing down a clump of monsters. Breaking it up into smaller fights or leaning more on turret enemies would help. The map progression feels like it could use 2-3 more small fights, maybe ones that repopulate an area, like the arachno/manc one. I liked the map, and the vanilla citadel looks smashing.

That's some great feedback, thanks!

Regarding the first fight, I intentionally wanted the map to start off with a large set piece involving a big, chaotic fight, to contrast with the close quarters combat in the later levels. But I recognize that turret enemies could make the fight more interesting. For that purpose I had some imps positioned high upon the citadel wall, but they currently do not pose much of a threat. I will try to spice it up a little by adding more turret enemies and creating an extra platform for them to stand on. I will also check if some enemies can be added to rooms that are a bit empty now.

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17 hours ago, solidago said:

I was already making some changes to the map and this is really helpful feedback, thank you!

I'd like to ask which specific parts of the map you think could use more signposting and which parts confused you/you got stuck at due to the lack of it.

As for the general unevenness of it, I get what you mean but I still feel like the contrast between different sections in terms of pace and intensity is a good thing to have. There are some specific parts where it could be smoothed out a bit more, though. I'm not sure what to do concretely yet to achieve that but I can still try.

On checking, both of the times I got stuck were in the same area.
The first was here. The passage is essentially brown on brown and easy to miss. I went off to the SSG fight, and then it didn't grab my eye until I started really combing through the area. Lighting differences would help, either around the passage or on the opposite side.
The second was here. The floor lowers quickly and gets masked by the switch press sound (for reference, I heard the one at the start of the map right away on my first playthrough, so it wasn't a volume issue on my end), and doesn't obviously look lowered from the switch platform, especially since the player might grab the rocket launcher and turn around. I went around the entire map a couple of times until I got onto the opposite ledge again, from where it was clear I could now jump across. Making it go down slower, having it reveal something bright behind it, or splitting the ledge into a raised and lower section to make it clear there was a change could all help.
In terms of the unevenness, if it's intentional, disregard what I said. I figured it was on purpouse but wasn't sure. Any suggestions I'd give would just make the design more rigid.


2 hours ago, Arno said:

Thanks for the feedback and the examples of texture alignment issues! I will do a double check on texture alignment.


That's some great feedback, thanks!

Regarding the first fight, I intentionally wanted the map to start off with a large set piece involving a big, chaotic fight, to contrast with the close quarters combat in the later levels. But I recognize that turret enemies could make the fight more interesting. For that purpose I had some imps positioned high upon the citadel wall, but they currently do not pose much of a threat. I will try to spice it up a little by adding more turret enemies and creating an extra platform for them to stand on. I will also check if some enemies can be added to rooms that are a bit empty now.

The idea is good, the issue is just that it's all pinkies and fireballers in a continuous area, which means that the player deals with all of them in pretty much the same way; the couple of imps on a far away platform don't really affect the fight much, since they don't have a view of the whole fight and their projectiles are very slow. Breaking up the roles monsters have in a fight becomes more important the bigger it is. More small encounters in the citadel will be good for the pacing, I'm looking forward to replaying it.


On 5/3/2024 at 11:21 PM, TJG1289 said:


Thanks for the feedback! For hitscan ambushes, I only really consider there to be 2 dangerous ones: the one you mentioned paired with the ones in the wall in the beginning, and the one before the elevator. I really liked how they came out (especially the one on the way to the elevator, since a manc appears if you try to run ahead to hide behind the star column, and some floaters approach from behind as well), so I hesitate to change them too much. I like the idea of added cover to these fights tho, so that's worth looking in to. Some cover in the first indoor room could make the room feel less empty as well. I don't really consider any other hitscan placement to be an ambush and more just incidental combat, but are there any other examples you could think of that gave you the same feeling of being boxed in to corners? Just so I can look into those more as well. I also used them considerably less once you grab the red key and you hit the ground.


As for an arch-vile turret, I purposefully only used archies at the very end of the map, so I don't really want to add more. It is only map 2, and while I know that doesn't really mean anything nowadays in terms of dangerous monsters early on in WADs, I still wanted this map to be only a tad challenging. I was originally not going to use arch-viles at all, but once I decided to make the big imp swarm on the ground, I thought throwing in a couple of them at the end to revive the imps would be a nice touch.


I do like your final suggestion of using monsters to flush people out of cover, so I'll look into seeing what fights outside of the elevator one could use them. Shouldn't be too hard to implement.

It's those two that I was thinking of, yeah. Map01 is very open and traversible, so the contrast with that amplified the feeling of being cornered by hitscan. Map01 also uses an archvile turret, almost as a statement on how non-threatening it is given the right room shape, availability of cover and freedom of player movement. It's a suggestion, but it might not be the best one in retrospect. The archies in the last fight work well, it's a big enough arena with prominent cover that they aren't really threatening by themselves, and they only have imps (and jumbo imps), and maybe some revenants to resurrect.

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Here's an updated version of my map.


-Added more detail, realigned textures in certain places, fixed the missing texture that Raith138 pointed out
-Made a couple areas visually clearer and generally more intuitive (I hope!) based on Lina's feedback
-Simplified the BFG secret and removed those harmless spectres/demons lol
-Other minor gameplay changes

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Posted (edited)

Hello, anybody there?

I know I'm several hours over the deadline, but I would still like to submit my map. I literally finished this a few minutes ago. Sorry for taking so long, uni's draining as always.


The map is a puzzle oriented map, and it's a bit hard for newcomers. There is one secret, but it's not marked, since voodoo dolls cannot trigger secrets. Sadly.




MAP23: Cramped Conveyor City Conundrum

Music: "Escape" - Necros / FM, aka SONG0.S3M from In Pursuit of Greed

Sky: SKY2 from Doom 2

Tested with: Woof -cl 9


Images below:






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50 minutes ago, Jakub Majewski said:

The map is a puzzle oriented map, and it's a bit hard for newcomers.


Map looks really nice and smart ! But, yeah, you're right about that, the puzzle to get blue key is... tight (especially, I imagine, for (non that good) keyboards only players) !

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Continuing my playthrough; I'll finish going through the resource pack before playing map updates.

A World of Ichor

Sharply drawn and well-calibrated combat puzzle map, the layering of the visuals is particularly effective. The only issues I've run into are the rocket boxes in the HK/imp fight that don't seem to be accessible in any way, and that the last fight can be subject to RNG; I've had lost souls sneak through the opening while I'm firing rockets, not get hit by imp/HK projectiles, and then make me face rocket myself to death. It might just be a skill issue, though.

Because All That You Are Is That What You Are Not

Creative, got a good atmosphere going, flows well. I liked the constantly reshaping arena. The only issues I had were at the SSG platform. If you fall off before reaching the next section, it seems to be a softlock. After the SSG fight is done, the elevator platform keeps moving, which can stick out as a bit goofy given the atmosphere of the map. 

Ain't Big Enough

I think this map works particularly well for where it is in the megawad. It's not too out there, it's not very hard (though the cyberdemon can be nasty), it's an anchor and a palate cleanser. An enjoyable romp. 

The Wailing Fields

Good, solid map. I don't think anything particularly stood out to me as an issue beyond the fight that teleports archviles on both pillars. I haven't found a good way to avoid both getting zapped and eating a revenant rocket, but then again I'm not the best doom player.


Plays like a kick to the teeth. Tightly wound, just enough ammo, demands situational awareness, cathartic fight that looks harder than it is at the end, it's as up my alley as a genre of map gets. I made sure to finish it saveless. The only issue is infighting and targeting RNG. The first archvile and arachnotron in particular made a pretty big difference; archie targeting you before stuff's started infighting or the arachnotron not getting distracted can both screw a run. Cybie also sometimes threads the needle. Thankfully the more impactful ones are at the start of the map and it's a short one; this kind of map is worth going for regardless. Great choice of midi.

Hell Can't Wait

Nicely lit and textured, though it could use some height variation in the floor and ceiling. The main issue with the map is that it's all doors and hallways; this means combat reduces to enemies having to single-file walk toward a chokepoint, where only a few of them can attack the player at a time, all from the same direction. The type of fight like the one with the archvile plays out better (if the player doesn't walk back out the door); their attention is split between chaff enemies and the archvile, and they have to prioritise which monsters to go for while dodging attacks from both.


After going through Ichor and Deluge, I think this could stand to be tighter on health and cells. I'll upload a rev 4.

Cruel Sea

The first fight is the meanest, until the player gets comfortable with walking on fire. I died at the start a few times, but after that I cleared the map without dying; though I've played the map before, and generally knew what to expect. Whether or not you'd like to make the map harder is your call; if so, I think some more monsters outside the playable area in the later fights would be the way to go. The sea of lava stretching outward is a good look, though I think some terrain poking out to break up the horizon might work better with how Doom's terrain is.

Empty Machine

It looks as ominous as it should. I think this is the most effective use of shotgunners in the wad (that I've gotten to. I'm nervously glancing at Sargentia). Forcing the player to lean on rockets in a map this tight is devious. My only gripes are that the shotgunner teleporters can randomly sputter one of them out significantly later and pop the player for 3x3d5 damage; and that the arachnotrons/barons in the last fight are a bit much. Though that too might be a skill issue.

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Posted (edited)

@Jakub Majewski Demo for MAP23: emb23fda-moust.zip


The first two demos are just instant deaths. The third demo is a full, blind completion.


I think the puzzles were very well designed in this map. The intro room sort of teaches you the language of the wad. Although, I agree with @apichatpong that the timing of the blue key puzzle was too strict. But using the different puzzles around the map to award the player with new weapons and progression was really fun. I liked watching my prize float toward me after figuring out a certain button sequence or finding a hidden switch. It's a certain type of reward that one doesn't initially associate with Doom.


Aesthetically, the map is perfectly fine. Looks good, switches are easy enough to spot, and puzzles all have adequate hints. The tracker music is a first for the project, and I dig the sound of this one. Took me about 10-20 minutes to blind clear this, but I won't blame folks for missing a hint or two and taking longer. Or spotting them all and finishing super quickly.


Overall, I really admire how this map goes about challenging players' minds versus their close-quarters combat skills. It's a neat way to work around the space limitation, and I imagine this will be an interesting breather in the wad for many players.


One super minor complaint:


The combo lock buttons at the end all have the same texturing issue where the lever on the switch texture seems to appear and disappear as you're hitting the buttons. Could be solved by either using a different switch texture or a bit of adjustment on the texture alignment.




No worries about the deadline right now, I'm keeping the project open so that authors can have more time to finish awesome maps like this one.

Edited by Moustachio

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Here's an updated version (V4) of the Fallen Citadel.


I've aligned a number of textures and fixed some walls that needed the lower unpegged flag, as @solidago pointed out.

Based on feedback from @Lina, I added two revenants on a platform to the first battle. I did some test runs and they do seem to change the dynamic of the battle. I also added a few enemies in other places.




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Here's the unfinished MAP29. It's full of bugs, and I'm simply tired of working on it.

If somebody else wants to finish it, go ahead.

Name: "A Room With A View"

Music: "Path of Destruction" by Mark Klem (from Requiem)


Screenshot 2024-05-12 230628.png


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@Hydrus That's a shame. This was so good (until it broke and I couldn't progress). I guess I could try picking up where you left off, but I'm not making any promises.

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57 minutes ago, Hydrus said:

Here's the unfinished MAP29. It's full of bugs, and I'm simply tired of working on it.

If somebody else wants to finish it, go ahead.

I agree with BeachThunder, it is a shame. This is a great start, but I understand getting mapping fatigue. 


Regardless, I'll do my usual demo schtick and give some feedback on what is here: the start eases you in with some turret fodder. I liked how the first encounter after pressing the switch kept pressure on by rapidly trickling in low-tier enemies. Getting the automagic berserk pack after hitting the second switch was a nice rush, and encourages Tyson play, which is also a plus in such a small space. And that's where the map comes to a premature close.


I think there's quite a bit of potential here, especially after exploring the unseen geometry outside via noclipping. @BeachThunder, if you want to take a swing at it go ahead. I'm confident you can create some interesting stuff, and it's a cool opportunity to follow up your own MAP28. Otherwise, I could take a crack at it myself.


And I know I set a one map per mapper rule, but I think collaborations can be an exception as long as it's a unique pairing.


Something I would try if there were a spiritual sequel to this project: starting smaller and shrinking map size every few maps instead.

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Posted (edited)

I played some more maps with dsdadoom on ITYTD.


Getting Smaller
Nice mix of outdoor and indoor combat. I like how the rooftops are depicted. I had no problems navigating around. The fights were pretty easy, but fitting for the MAP02 slot.

Cesspit (v2)
I like the organic shapes in the map, as they manage to hide the space restriction quite well. Only when opening up the automap it becomes clear that the entire level is confined to a square, but while playing it feels like a big space to explore. I had no issue in finding my way around. I had plenty of ammo at the start of the final battle, but it was still a pretty hectic and fun fight.

The fight is chaotic and can appear intimidating at times, but very doable and actually quite entertaining in ITYTD. It's crowded, but there's plenty of space to maneuver, lots of health to pick up and sufficient cover for the rockets from the cyberdemon.

I noticed that at one specific sector the regular Doom 2 sky can be seen through the customized sky.





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Some stuff I forgot to mention about MAP29:

Sky: OSKY7 from OTEX

Tested with: dsda-doom with default compatibility (except I took the patch table/texturex lumps out of the wad; you'll need to put them back in for it to work)


The main reason why I actually stopped working on it was that I couldn't get Sector 51 to lower after pressing the fourth switch, no matter what I tried. This is where the map breaks; I haven't playtested anything after this part, but the general design is still there.



Getting the automagic berserk pack after hitting the second switch was a nice rush, and encourages Tyson play, which is also a plus in such a small space. And that's where the map comes to a premature close.

I think you might have to wait until the switch opens, which should be just over 30 seconds after the last one. (In retrospect, maybe this wait is too long?)

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41 minutes ago, Hydrus said:

Some stuff I forgot to mention about MAP29:

Sky: OSKY7 from OTEX

Tested with: dsda-doom with default compatibility (except I took the patch table/texturex lumps out of the wad; you'll need to put them back in for it to work)


The main reason why I actually stopped working on it was that I couldn't get Sector 51 to lower after pressing the fourth switch, no matter what I tried. This is where the map breaks; I haven't playtested anything after this part, but the general design is still there.


I think you might have to wait until the switch opens, which should be just over 30 seconds after the last one. (In retrospect, maybe this wait is too long?)

Yeah, it can be a bit finicky. I think a lot of issues are because other stuff is moving at the same time.

I'm still working on it, it's a bit of a mess at the moment, and I haven't really tested it with enemies on, but I did change around some timings for switch openings - i.e. having the ceiling lowered waaaaay below the ground, so you can set a more specific time interval by how long it takes for the ceiling to raise upwards.



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I actually continued to work on it earlier today. I got totally burned out on doom and didn't touch it for like a half a year. I have a two week gap between jobs right now, so I should be able to finish it. I'm currently missing couple of fights and detail. Here's a screenshot:





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4 hours ago, Moustachio said:

Pinging mappers who haven't submitted yet. Are you still working on your maps?


Nah probably not, sorry for not saying anything earlier. I couldn't really think of anything to do.

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14 hours ago, Moustachio said:

Pinging mappers who haven't submitted yet. Are you still working on your maps?

I wasn't pinged, but I am still in progress. Real life things are only continuing to rev up over the next month and a half, so I am having trouble making any promises before then. If you decide you want to get the wad out sooner rather than later, I'll do what I can to make this top priority.

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23 hours ago, Moustachio said:

Sorry for the delayed response but I'm going to be dropping my slot due to a lack of mapping interest as of the last few months. I've somehow just completely burnt myself on mapping and God knows when the motivation will return. I wouldn't want to slow down the development of this project by holding this slot any longer. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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