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Amalgoom: Mixing Doom and Doom 2 [Special announcement on page 8!]

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6 minutes ago, DankMetal said:

Shit, i think i should've asked before.

We can talk about that with whoever wants to do those songs.

Club Doom could probably work for MAP34 to be honest. It would be nice to see a nod to the intermission theme though as that plays on MAP34 in the vanilla game.

7 minutes ago, DankMetal said:

And i can't wait to play your maps, The Mansion is such an underrated level, and i don't know why midway did such effort of making a whole new level just to not put nazi imagery on the game

They already put in a few other new maps, and they were also working on Doom 64 at the time, so I think it was more of a case of "why not".

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Just to let y'all know: I am alive and I am working on Slough-acombs (as I'm calling it), though it's in early stages of development. You can put down my map as "In progress" at this point.



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Just now, Logamuffin said:

Just to let y'all know: I am alive and I am working on Slough-acombs (as I'm calling it), though it's in early stages of development. You can put down my map as "In progress" at this point.



Looking good so far! Try to make some light variations tho, and i would try to keep it as compact as possible, slough of despair feels big, but is actually really short, and the catacombs is also really short, just like any Mcgee level.

This are just suggestions, as i said, it looks good as it is now

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On 12/12/2023 at 11:17 PM, Individualised said:

I actually had ideas of my own for what the two song combinations could be for MAP33 and MAP34, but I wanted to wait until I had posted the maps before I discussed that. I don't really know how combining Wolfenstein 3D songs with an ambient track and a gabber(?) track would work to be honest, especially in MIDI.


How about Read Me While Listening to This (from Doom 2) combined with Wondering About My Loved Ones (from Wolf 3D) for MAP33, as the former plays on MAP33 by default, and both songs are similar in theme? MAP34 could be a mix of the Doom 2 intermission theme (which usually plays on MAP34) and another Wolf 3D theme of whoever decides to do that MIDI's choice.


Speaking of my maps; both will be done by the 20th. Had some IRL/non-Doom stuff taking up my time and energy but I should be mostly free to work on this now.

Here's an idea I had the other day. Not sure how well it'd work, since I'm assuming people would be sick of hearing "Running From Evil" three times in a row, but why not combine it with "Get Them Before They Get You" from Wolfenstein 3D? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAXUaaSEp7w


I got the idea from MyHouse.WAD, because it seems they did the same thing there, as both tracks play during the first level of each respective game. https://youtu.be/X3zrtIIbEpc?t=355
And I think it'd fit the Mansion map, because what is a mansion if not a big house? So it'd be referencing Doom, Wolfenstein, and even MyHouse.



I dunno, I thought it'd be cute.

Edited by GermanPeter

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On 12/14/2023 at 9:58 PM, Logamuffin said:

Just to let y'all know: I am alive and I am working on Slough-acombs (as I'm calling it), though it's in early stages of development. You can put down my map as "In progress" at this point.



That looks a bit too big for a combination of catacombs and slough of despair, which are both really tight maps. I'm curious to see what you'll make but my first suggestion for now would be to decrease the scale of the map a bit.

Edited by DoomGappy

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On 12/12/2023 at 10:35 PM, Individualised said:

Club Doom could probably work for MAP34 to be honest. It would be nice to see a nod to the intermission theme though as that plays on MAP34 in the vanilla game.

They already put in a few other new maps, and they were also working on Doom 64 at the time, so I think it was more of a case of "why not".

Apparently MAP34 uses the Doom 2 title theme by default anyway, so what I said doesn't make much sense. GermanPeter's idea is good.

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[Amalgoom Episode 1 - The Red Valley of Death is finally here!]


We are proud to announce that Amalgoom Episode 1 is here! Featuring 10 new exclusive levels, new songs and much more! This version has been tested and retested, but bugs may have still lingered, so please report any if you find them. Some maps are still a work in progress and may change in the final version of the project according to players’ feedback. That’s why we emphasize: please give us honest and constructive feedback and criticism. It’s essential for us to improve the maps and make the project much better. 


The project was conceived by Johnny Cruelty, who handed the project over to DoomGappy and a team of members. These members were vital for the project to work and it wouldn't be possible to do it without them. Their participation is detailed below, but each one did more than just these general functions.

Team members

@DoomGappy: Lead, playtester mapping feedback, DoomWorld  announcements.
@The Royal We: Co-lead, playtaster, organizer, titlepic artist for PrBoom based source ports.

@Cutman: Tracking song and map submissions, playtesting, level name logos, general guidance.
@SpaceCat_2001: Playtester, skyboxes, coolest dude ever.

@tamara mochaccina: Build compiling, intermission texts, level graphics.

@DankMetal: OST manager, playtester.

@Astro X: Playtester.
@HEXWALKERPlayester and CREDIT image.

Timolotl (artist who’s not in DoomWorld): Titlepic artist for ZDoom based source ports.


Without further ado, here is the download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_Izqbe56b0qshvtSY1ELGZSbBZUEVlRz/view?usp=sharing


Map01 (e1m1 and map01) - Clearance Zone - @Johnny Cruelty

Map02 (e1m2 and map02) - Water Plant - @DoomGappy and  @The Royal We

Map03 (e1m3 and map03) - The Toktogul Dam - @SpaceCat_2001

Map04 (e1m4 and map04) - Checkpoint - @EagerBeaver

Map05 (e1m5 and map05) - The Phobos Catch Basin - @tamara mochaccina and @The Royal We

Map06 (e1m6 and map06) - Scrap Compactor - @SpaceCat_2001

Map07 (e1m7 and map07) - User Friendly - @Kasgen

Map08 (e1m8 and map08) - Paranormals N' Illusions - @DankMetal and @Cutman

Map09 (e1m9 and map09) - The Dungeon - @Rorix

Map10 (e1m10 (sewers) and map10) - Magnetic Fuel - @SpaceCat_2001


D_DM2INT - Intermission from DOOM + Intermission (Doom 2) = Intermission from AmalGoom - @tamara mochaccina

D_READ_M - Victory music + Endgame  = Read Deez - @DankMetal

D_RUNNIN - At Doom's Gate + Running from evil = The Mighty Gates of Evil - @DankMetal

D_STALKS - The imp's song + The Healer Stalks = The Stalking Troops - @tamara mochaccina

D_COUNTD - Dark Halls + Countdown to death = Darkest Hour - @DankMetal

D_BETWEE - Kitchen ace + Between levels = Still Kicking - @tamara mochaccina

D_DOOM - Suspense + DOOM = DoomSpense - @Proxy-MIDI

D_THE_DA - On the Hunt + In the Dark = In the Hunt - @Rus

D_SHAWN - Demons on the Prey + Shawn's got the Shotgun = Shawn's on the Prey - @DankMetal

D_DDTBLU -  Sign of Evl + The Dave D. Taylor Blues = Signs of Blues - @wumbo

D_IN_CIT - Hiding the Secrets + Into Sandy's City = Sandy's Hiding the Secrets - @tsocheff

D_DEAD - I Sawed the Demons + The Demon's Dead = Whispers of the Dead - @DankMetal

A discord server was also created when the project was passed into my hands. It was meant only for the project, but it grew to be a very cool little space to have fun with fellow doomers. For now, the major focus is still the project. Thus, I’m opening the server invitation here, though there is still a little screening process before people are accepted there. You can join us there through the following link: https://discord.gg/ab9Asv7F

Edited by DoomGappy

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5 minutes ago, tamara mochaccina said:

i won! i won i won i won, i won~

I can't stress enough how this young lady is awesome. She's done a lot to see this project through and also made KICKASS songs. I had to gush out about it in public for a bit because it would feel unfair otherwise. 

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C O O L ! ! !


However, I seem unable to get all secrets in MAP01. Is the tunnel that leads to the Chainsaw supposed to count as a secret?


Also, are you saving the diorama for the full release?

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3 minutes ago, plums said:



Boom format, right? It doesn't say that explicitly in this thread.

Fuck, we forgot to put that

Yeah, it is boom format, to make different episodes with the magic of umapinfo

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23 minutes ago, plums said:



Boom format, right? It doesn't say that explicitly in this thread.

It is boom format, but it has two different titlescreens depending on the port it's played. I hope you have fun, plums.




Boom based ports:


Zdoom based ports: 



22 minutes ago, Rudolph said:

C O O L ! ! !


However, I seem unable to get all secrets in MAP01. Is the tunnel that leads to the Chainsaw supposed to count as a secret?


Also, are you saving the diorama for the full release?


Hmm, there might be some sort of bug with a secret tag in there. I'll take a look at it. This map hasn't been altered in a long time. Secret with a spoiler tag:



There is a very thin sector with a secret tag inside the hallway to the right of the entryway-like imp lift. It's almost unnoticeable, but I don't know if that's a a bug or intended. Can you do some passovers there? Coordinates: 480, 1184.



Edited by DoomGappy

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Map 05 was the last of the maps to be made, in a hurry, and so there are still some parts to be fixed. We welcome all criticism and feedback! It was a pleasure to work with @tamara mochaccina on this map, and I say the same for @DoomGappy on map 02 and map 11 (wait for it!).


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@DoomGappy Ah yes, I got it. Thank you.


MAP02 seems to be causing me a similar problem: I got 7 out of 8 secrets, but there are several locations that feel like they could be considered a secret (e.g. the Computer Map, the Quake E1M2 homage area, etc.), but when I get to them, nothing happens.


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2 minutes ago, Rudolph said:

Ah yes, I got it. Thank you.


MAP02 seems to be causing me a similar problem: I got 7 out of 8 secrets, but there are several locations that feel like they could be considered a secret (e.g. the Computer Map, the Quake E1M2 homage area, etc.), but when I get to them, nothing happens.


We’ll search and fix the secrets! Thank you!

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9 minutes ago, Rudolph said:

@DoomGappy Ah yes, I got it. Thank you.


MAP02 seems to be causing me a similar problem: I got 7 out of 8 secrets, but there are several locations that feel like they could be considered a secret (e.g. the Computer Map, the Quake E1M2 homage area, etc.), but when I get to them, nothing happens.


Just like tnt, huh.

[I tagged the wrong person, lol]

Edited by DankMetal : Lol

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32 minutes ago, Rudolph said:

@DoomGappy Ah yes, I got it. Thank you.


MAP02 seems to be causing me a similar problem: I got 7 out of 8 secrets, but there are several locations that feel like they could be considered a secret (e.g. the Computer Map, the Quake E1M2 homage area, etc.), but when I get to them, nothing happens.


I just did a run and also couldn't get all secrets, and I made the map, ahahaahaha. I'll look into it. I'll post some videos of my runs, I was dying to record stuff again, specially for this project. Here is map01:


Edited by DoomGappy : Fixed link

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2 minutes ago, DoomGappy said:

I just did a run and also couldn't get all secrets, and I made the map, ahahaahaha. I'll look into it. I'll post some videos of my runs, I was dying to record stuff again, specially for this project. Here is map01:


Uhhh... this video is 10 seconds long. Grungo confused

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4 minutes ago, Grungo said:

Uhhh... this video is 10 seconds long. Grungo confused

Fixed it, should be up soon.

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Last one of the night. It felt good playing these without looking for stuff to tweak or fix, and just to admire a job well done and relax. Hope everyone has fun with these little things we made!


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