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Mock Statistics

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Leader of the project and resident insane asylum commitee Hyena notified me on IRC that he has updated the Mock 2 Paig with a release date (!) and some interesting statistics. For what it's worth, the project has a 205:1 monster to map ratio.

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702 cyberdemons in one single map! O_O

Hopefully there's also one huge crusher on that map.

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Arno said:

702 cyberdemons in one single map! O_O

Hopefully there's also one huge crusher on that map.

These maps aren't meant to be played.

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I'm confused... Aren't these supposed to be satirical maps? As in, "throw together a bunch of trash in five minutes and call it a day"? Why is that taking so long to do? Have you guys become so good at map editing that you've forgotten how to make bad maps and doing so is a chore? That'd be a good excuse. :]

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Damon said:

I'm confused... Aren't these supposed to be satirical maps? As in, "throw together a bunch of trash in five minutes and call it a day"? Why is that taking so long to do? Have you guys become so good at map editing that you've forgotten how to make bad maps and doing so is a chore? That'd be a good excuse. :]

They're designed to be funny and silly (generally they're called joke wads). Usually this means intentionally crap detail, layout and monster placement, but the real beauty of this wad is the abuse of ZDoom features to create really daft, silly and funny effects. (as you'll see throughout)

Besides, if you're a chellenge seeker you'll enjoy it, as it's nearly all playable without cheating. (only 2 areas aren't)

(btw, they take longer than you think - one of my maps in there took 4 days to make...)

Grazza said:

Yes, it's not difficult to run past all those cybers.

You'll be surprised at how difficult it can be...

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The Ultimate DooMer said:

You'll be surprised at how difficult it can be...

I was referring to map06 (the one mentioned, with 702 cybers), which is dead easy.

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The Ultimate DooMer said:

You'll be surprised at how difficult it can be...

It's actually easy to run past the cybers, I always finish it without dying.

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Damon said:

I'm confused... Aren't these supposed to be satirical maps? As in, "throw together a bunch of trash in five minutes and call it a day"? Why is that taking so long to do? Have you guys become so good at map editing that you've forgotten how to make bad maps and doing so is a chore? That'd be a good excuse. :]

wellz0r, yuo knowz0r taht thiz wadz0r have a lo t of H4rD WorK beh1nde ite. And wez0r ara b3c0m3 goodie at mapp edditinging and u knowz0r that tish wad willz0r (4nd isa) re4lllyh geat. AND BRW Tish is not Carsh mapz but really goodie mapz with good det4ilz and a l o t ofe acTion and c00n3zzz. H0|/\|3var that hyana did teh zd00km editing in my meps, c4us3 I d0nno about zd00|\/ feartures.- Welæ iot were a r4llyu fun t1m3 we had with Mcock2. SERIOSUSluy IT were. EV3rypme PLAY IT!

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Trasher][ said:
"Cyber-Cyberdemons"? Do I really WANT to know?

teh sekit

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sargebaldy said:

please download from here instead until hyena uploads up an updated copy into /newstuff.

Which maps are most affected? I've already played pretty much all the maps, and don't especially want to have to replay them all again just to see what has changed before writing my review.

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Grazza said:

Which maps are most affected? I've already played pretty much all the maps, and don't especially want to have to replay them all again just to see what has changed before writing my review.

Why not? mock2 is great. :P

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Grazza said:

Which maps are most affected? I've already played pretty much all the maps, and don't especially want to have to replay them all again just to see what has changed before writing my review.

the main issue was that you can't get to map37-40 because the secret exit in map36 returns you to map36. map 22, map36, and map38 are the only maps with changes. other than that one bug i don't know the extent of the fixes.

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Grazza said:

Which maps are most affected? I've already played pretty much all the maps, and don't especially want to have to replay them all again just to see what has changed before writing my review.

22, 36, and 38. Don't worry, you probably didn't notice any of the errors, but they really needed to be fixed. Just make sure the fixed version gets into newstuff if you can. =)

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Thanks. The secret levels did appear to be connected rather oddly, but I didn't give it too much thought since I'd been idcleving to each map to ensure a pistol start anyway. I wasn't sure if it was a deliberate "feature", to be honest.

Nanami: Thanks; I'd certainly noticed something odd about 22; I'll replay those maps.

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Mock2 is teh awesome, but I do have a few questions:

What were the errors in 22 and 38? Also, on map36, when I try to get past all the Cybers, the level ends and kicks me back to map12. Has this been fixed? Is there any exit on the last level (41), or are you supposed to die or something? Also, what are the 2 areas that can't be finished without cheating?

Heh, another thing I want to add:
In Map06, I was playing with one of my weapon sets (Sniper Of Insanity) which changes monster infighting to on, so most of the cybers killed each other and I finished off the rest.

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