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Does ANYONE have the 8Megs version of AUFERSTEHUNG?

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I need to see
what my mistakes
were in making
and Id like to see
HOW I should have made it in the first
so now do ANY of you have the 8 Megs version?

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I don't
but why
do you
hit return
every few words?

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Catoptromancy said:

There were about 500 maps in that wad.

Holy Hell, are you serious?

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I suspect here our friend is pressing the
carriage return key before his cursor
reaches the edge of the text box, as I
have attempted to demonstrate. He does not
realise that the text will wrap automatic-

Hey Lüt, you're an admin, how about this?
Edit the reply screen template so that the
text box is wider. Say, 80 characters.
It would be much easier to write posts,
especially those with long URLs in them,
that cause the box to gain a horizontal
scrollbar. I doubt many people browse at
640x480 any more.

Just a thought :)

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  • I hate sf.net
  • and its programmers
  • for this reason
  • They does not know
  • nothing
  • about automatical wraping
  • or know more
  • than it is necessary

  • I hate they
  • always
  • when I post there.

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RjY said:
I suspect here our friend is pressing the
carriage return key before his cursor
reaches the edge of the text box, as I
have attempted to demonstrate. He does not
realise that the text will wrap automatic-

It only seem to be that way for Firefox. The text box in Internet Explorer is twice as big.

Edit: Hey they fixed it! W00tels!

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RjY said:

I suspect here our friend is pressing the
carriage return key before his cursor
reaches the edge of the text box, as I
have attempted to demonstrate. He does not
realise that the text will wrap automatic-

Hey Lüt, you're an admin, how about this?
Edit the reply screen template so that the
text box is wider. Say, 80 characters.
It would be much easier to write posts,
especially those with long URLs in them,
that cause the box to gain a horizontal
scrollbar. I doubt many people browse at
640x480 any more.

Just a thought :)

Among the 2 million basic things FireFox can't display correctly, a text entry box is one of them. Use IE/Opera/anything else that can display a page properly.

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Lüt said:

Among the 2 million basic things FireFox can't display correctly, a text entry box is one of them. Use IE/Opera/anything else that can display a page properly.

Haha quoted for funny. IE displaying a page properly, lut you crack me up!

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Please do not type _ like you're some scop
So stop pressing _ the return key
every four or _ five goddamn words
Else you sound like _ A complete mong
It's like you try _ to act like this
For attention _ but you should stop
because you won't _ get it from us
anytime soon _ so stop trying.


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No it really is an annoying thing about firefix. The text boxes it displays do tend to be just way too small, regardless of resolution. I've grown used to it for the most part.

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Personally, I really couldn't care less if the text box is to the full size of the window or not. I type into it, text comes out. I am happy.

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What kristus said. I really couldn't give two shits less if its a narrow or wide input box.

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Catoptromancy said:

I made the 8 meg version.
Use WadMerge so you have 1 wad and work from there. You will need to adjust the Texture1 lmp to make it work right.

Um HOW do I adjust Texture 1 from there?

I havent even opened the wadmerge yet, but I wanted
to know is it like XWE? or is it harder to use, like
the text version of a Dehacked file

can you tell me the difficulty, scale of 1-10
10 the hardest? and is it text based, or GUI(image based)

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christ, why on earth are you trying to fix this turd
start over the experiment didn't work
delete the piece of shit change your username
and never, ever admit that you made it
smash your head with a hammer until
you forget about the piece of shit
that you made

start over the experiment didn't work
start over the experiment didn't work
start over the experiment didn't work
start over the experiment didn't work
start over the experiment didn't work
flood the earth
destroy it
start over

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I have an upcoming Call of Cthulu TC
so yea
I gots to learns


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darkexodus said:

"All your base is belong to us"

and right now Im on my meds
doom rocks

Jesus dude, what the heck are they making you take?
I don't think that you need the 8meg version to see what your mistakes were buddy.
1st mistake: Nobody expects your first map to be a masterpiece. Nobodies going to say "OMFGF UR MAP SUX I HAYT U4 LIFE!!!11" because your first map didn't look like Gothic 99. But they will be extremely disappointed and angry if you claim 32 levels of SLIGE GENERATED LEVELS as your own.
Second mistake: useless sprites. A lot of the sprites you added seemed to have been thrown in for the heck of it. They didn't serve any real purpose and some had nothing to do with the actual wad.
3rd mistake: You know how you put "Authors MAY NOT use this as a base for modification" in your text file? Other people put that in THEIR text files too. Try to be a bit more careful about which wads you rip resources from.
4th mistake: This is your biggest mistake that got you in a truck load of problems. You somehow managed to include FOUR DOOM2 IWADS in your wad, which was basically illegal. I still have no idea how you managed to do that, and STILL find someone willing to host your wad.
5th mistake: Your fifth and probably one of the least but still annoying mistakes was adding all those extra text files. There is NO NEED to add a whole text file that tells EVERY single cheat in Doom 2. Everyone on this site is a Doom Fanatic, and really loves Doom. We all know the cheats.


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No its not that

I want to play it with the DOOMSDAY engine

and it crashes evertime I use AUFERSTEHUNG

thats sorta emabarrassing SINCE I MADE IT

and yea

so I just want to see what AUFERSTEHUNG looks like
full 3d
and NOT Doom 3d

cus the DOOMSDAY engine is FULL 3D

heres the link for the beta 1.9 it works fine
as long as you dont add Descripter's music to DOOM2:

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