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Plutonia Revisited Community Project: Released!

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I'm tempted just to send my map to the testers as-is, then add the difficulty levels while waiting for feedback. It's Plutonia-UV level difficulty right now, though, so it's likely to drive one or two of them through the roof in anger or something. ;)

Also, I hope nobody's allergic to chocolate and strawberry, because those are the only flavours of color that Enigma Helices come in.

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Xaser said:

I'm tempted just to send my map to the testers as-is, then add the difficulty levels while waiting for feedback. It's Plutonia-UV level difficulty right now, though, so it's likely to drive one or two of them through the roof in anger or something. ;)

Heh, try them. :P

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I'm just waiting on feedback from one more tester before I go ahead and make all of my necessary changes. I can probably get everything all ready to go in an hour or so though so once I get that last bit of feedback, I'll send it your way :)

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I need to drop out. I don't have time to test and i gotta lot of projects for school that need to be done.

No time for doom especially with football taking up my afterschool time.

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Mechadon said:

I'm just waiting on feedback from one more tester before I go ahead and make all of my necessary changes. I can probably get everything all ready to go in an hour or so though so once I get that last bit of feedback, I'll send it your way :)

Aaaaand check you PM's :)

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Well, foot. I went and sent the map off for testing anyway. Joshy made me do it.

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Xaser said:

Well, foot. I went and sent the map off for testing anyway. Joshy made me do it.

Heh you make me sound like your older brother or a bully. :P

And pity to hear that Tendamonsta, although real life > doom any day. ;)

Keep up the good work folks.

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Got it Snakes! Thank you sir :]

So I can probably do my tweaks sometime tomorrow and then I'll send in the final-ish map to ya then Joshy.

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hey, but are you doing great stuff!?
I'm reading the posts on the site, to find the contact with the reality of today's Doom.
you will organize and create collective missions?! fantastic!
been revising a mission called Plutonia?
I hope with the consent of autor.

I too would like to be part of a collective project,
but I have to re-establish contact with this world
to enter must be recommended or is there some tophic organization?

layers that I created years ago, are being released from prison in DOS
I hope I will soon be available for all.

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If I want to make a map for the project, what sould I do? I need anything new file, or I have to use original textures only?

And an important question: how many map slots are free now?

Sorry, if my English is bad...

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The resource wad should be in the first post of the thread.

You will need to use a source port like Chocolate Doom in order to ensure that your submission is runnable under regular Doom 2 (PLUTONIA.EXE).

The first post should also show what isn't taken, and we haven't heard from some of the mappers that haven't finished a map. If you could make something before the deadline (December) and it passes testing, it is possible that it will be included.

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Mista_T said:

The first post should also show what isn't taken, and we haven't heard from some of the mappers that haven't finished a map. If you could make something before the deadline (December) and it passes testing, it is possible that it will be included.

Ok, I almost finished my map, (approximately 80 %) I shall send it by mp in the end of the week (this map shall have to be situated between slots 8 - 11 rather, if possible)

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Pretty good map Tatsurd ;-)

Am looking forward to that map of yours Franck!

Keep up the good work. Although it is near the so-called deadline, it is looking like it'll have to be extended by a month or two.. no rush. I am pretty busy this month myself.. urgh.

I'd like to announce to those who are still mapping that MegaDoomer is one of the testers now, do send your maps to him and the other testers as usual. Thanks.

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Joshy said:

Keep up the good work. Although it is near the so-called deadline, it is looking like it'll have to be extended by a month or two../B]


I've had a ton of school work this month that has been keeping me away from basically everything online.

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I've done work based on feedback, but I'm a lazy git and still haven't responded to you or dew's PMs. :(

I should probably do so seeing how I appear to be on a roll today on the correspondence front.

As for the map: It's basically as done as it's going to get aside from adding difficulty levels (and any feedback from the other testers -- haven't heard back from a couple of them).

If it's a consolation, I've been semi-obsessively checking this thread for activity just about daily. I may or may not have become a zealot.


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xaser, it's because you created a MONSTER! i felt urges to light up a havana after finishing the feedback post. i spent DAYS studying the map, testing routes... i think at one point you misheard 'plutonia' for 'morrowind'. :)

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Belial said:

The deadline extension killed all activity it seems.

I hope not... I've got my last exam on next Wednesday, afterwards, I shall be more than available to stick this cattle-prod of mine where the sun don't shine!!

Heh, seriously though, I'll be making sure we are making progress. We don't want the curse of the Community chest thrust upon us when we've got several maps to go..

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I've fixed/tweaked everything that was wrong in my map. Testers should expect my revised map sometime during Thanksgiving break.

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Is it too late to get back in on this? What the hell happened to the thread? I used to receive a bunch of updates on this thread when I checked my email, and now I get nothing.

Btw way I'll go back to MAP20 slot. I've actually thought about this mapper block curse I had while I was "away". I should draw the map on some paper or something and then start mapping.

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TendaMonsta said:

Is it too late to get back in on this? What the hell happened to the thread? I used to receive a bunch of updates on this thread when I checked my email, and now I get nothing.

Btw way I'll go back to MAP20 slot. I've actually thought about this mapper block curse I had while I was "away". I should draw the map on some paper or something and then start mapping.

Not exactly late, no, so you've time to get working on that map of yours. ;-)

Basically, I'll be waiting until most have finished their maps (which may be like within 2 months :/), pick the top 32 maps, hopefully encourage the remaining maps to be fixed and donated to Community Chest 4 or else.

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As I'm going to be having a massive revamp of my site - will anybody mind if the link to my map submission for this project goes dead? As in, does everybody who'd need the .wad file already have it?

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phobus, i believe testers have enough copies to pass around if needed.

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Will there be a possibility of not reaching 32 maps before the deadline?

I'll lend a hand with creating more maps if we come up short.

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Just to let it be known, I'm assigning difficulties to my map now, as its the last thing that's really preventing submission.

Dew, I have addressed most of the things you mentioned but need to get around to responding... well, shoot. I guess I see what you mean about writing monster responses. Thanks for the massive input though-- a few shortcuts are indeed surviving.

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can I help with this project? after all, it will be my first gig at a big community happening, I can fill up a slot and I have some good idea's for some maps, currently I have an old Plutonia map that I can work on, I tried to get it just like good ol' Plutonia.

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