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Plutonia Revisited Community Project: Released!

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Hmm, I suppose I should've PM'd him first to see what his status was. The graphics are in the same style as the menu graphics, though, so they match seamlessly with what TV's done thus far. I tried not to botch that part. :P

@Phobus: I've got you down as James "Phobus" Cresswell. Sounds catchy that way. ;)

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Thanks for making me in!!!
Well the maps which were rejected can be all gathered into a single project or in CC4, what you do think?

Love the graphics Xaser!

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Thanks for using my map.
It's great to see this nearing completion.

Assuming vanilla compatibility, 3 of the names from the list are too long for dehacked:

"level 3: aztec" = 14, "escape from ghost town" = 22
"level 8: realm" = 14, "UAC garden facility" = 19
"level 11: hunted" = 16, "will you be my NME?" = 19

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4mer said:

Thanks for using my map.
It's great to see this nearing completion.

Assuming vanilla compatibility, 3 of the names from the list are too long for dehacked:

"level 3: aztec" = 14, "escape from ghost town" = 22
"level 8: realm" = 14, "UAC garden facility" = 19
"level 11: hunted" = 16, "will you be my NME?" = 19

Never you mind! I've sorted them out and also included a new storyline thingy (with the help of dew). It's corny as hell! :D

I've abbreviated them as 'ghost town 2', 'uac garden', 'be my NME?'. Asmodeus' circle is also abbreviated into 'slayer 2'... however the mapinfo and the cwil graphics, txt info will say otherwise, the actual map names.

I strongly encouraged that the works that were cut is to be worked on for CC4. It would be a pity to see them go into waste.

And yes, a release is certainly imminent! :-) Firstly however is to wait until FrankFRAG's finished his map.. then we'll compile all the maps together and test them thoroughly. I'll announce when the compiled version is ready for testing, and I'll send to the mappers of the project who would like to test it out, apart from the testers. Release should be within a month! Almost as short as Plutonia and much shorter than Plutonia 2; a good achievement I think!

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Joshy said:

'ghost town 2' ... 'slayer 2'

I dunno about these... the former is okay, I suppose, but the latter's name is really far off from that, inspiration aside. The space issue is certainly a pain, but labeling them as 'sequels' feels odd -- Plutonia 2 already happened. :P

DeHackEd would sometimes allow a couple of extra characters beyond the original's map names, though I suppose if dehacked.exe was involved, you've likely already taken advantage of that.

[EDIT] Wait a second...

level 21: slayer
asmodeus' circle

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Hmm, you forgot 21: before the level name :P

True with that sequel naming thing... I'll see what I can do with the names. I think it's important to have the level number in it at least (or not?). I'll see if I change slayer 2 into hell's circle or something, or get rid of 21:... eh I'm messed up, I'll go to bed and fix it up first thing. :P

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Joshy said:

Infested Compound, The Gutterway, Schlachthause and Pitfalls had to be unfortunately cut out (Not because they were bad, mind you!).

Maybe you can include these levels as MAP33, MAP34, MAP35 and so on. Playable in Zdoom only, etc.

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pcorf said:

Maybe you can include these levels as MAP33, MAP34, MAP35 and so on. Playable in Zdoom only, etc.

Hmmm, I'm thinking releasing these levels as an extra maps wad with this porject. Or alone than this project.

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I'd like to be credited as, "Michael Jan Krizik" on the intermission screen. The text file could just include Michael Jan Krizik (valkiriforce).

Also, I've already included my level in my megawad, bringing it closer to completion. :)

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Joshy said:

This is a rough maplist but however, the most likely final maplist. There is still one more map in the works by FranckFRAG. Hypothetically, if it makes the list, it'll possibly replace either Escape from Ghost Town or UAC Garden Facility (it depends on the map itself) but most likely UAC Garden Facility to be fair.

I send you my map this evening Joshy ;)

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Joshy, you put my map, "escape from the ghost town" in slot 3. this is ok, but please is it possible to have the music from level 5 with it? the map was designed to be for level 5(as the original ghost town).

If name is too long, you can use as alternatives "Abandoned Town" or "Urban Decay".


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[WH]-Wilou84 said:

Oh well, you could still try a map for CC4, Mechadon... :)

Hey ya never know :D

I'd love to help test too! So feel free to add me to that list if you need me :)

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Joshy said:

Infested Compound, The Gutterway, Schlachthause and Pitfalls had to be unfortunately cut out (Not because they were bad, mind you!).

Well I guess I'll upload my map to idgames later on. Still I had fun making "Infested Compound" which personally I think is one of the best maps I've ever made.

Anyway, looking forward to the complete megawad :)

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TendaMonsta said:

I give up.

If I were you, I'd keep working on that map of yours and turn it in for CC4. You're still testing right? :-)

And, Philnemba, good idea. :-) I enjoyed playing it so I'm glad it isn't going into waste.

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I can't wait to download this project and play the complete set.

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Look. I'd love to test these maps but I can't. I'm 17 and I can still get grounded. There is no computer I can use to test these maps or even make them. I'm very upset that I don't have a computer that cannot be taken from me, and there is no way I feel like finding where my laptop is and use it then put it back in the spot I found it. Besides my map wouldn't have come close to being finished because I don't have high self esteem when it comes to this kind of stuff and I get pissed very easily. I've only ever made one map before and I deleted it within a week after I made it.

It probably be better if I stick to just speedrunning than making maps because I cannot grasp the concept properly. I think I should keep trying, butnow that I have no computer I can't do anything doom productive. I wish I had weed so I could show my creative side and finish the map but I have no money.

It was fun testing the maps that were sent but because of my situation I cannot contribute to the community and for that I apologize. If I somehow get ungrounded within a month or so I'll make a post requesting to test this badboy out.

Sorry for the wall of text(I'm complaining too much)

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TendaMonsta said:

I wish I had weed so I could show my creative side and finish the map but I have no money.

hahaha, you won my heart at this point. best of luck in breaking the status quo!

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Sorry if the bump gets some hopes up, but what is the current status of PR? Is it in the testing stage?

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Speaking of, I think it might be worth a public beta release before uploading to /idgames (a la pccp), so more can play and comment on it. Private testing is always good, but opening the audience up a bit always allows for more bug reports and feedbackness. Just a thought.

Either way, if testing is currently going on, I know nothing about it -- haven't gotten a PM from anyone since I submitted my last map. More likely it's t.v. working on the last couple of bits of art, not that I blame him for probably being busy. :P

A status report is always nice, though. I can always come up with more text graphics if needed.

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Yup and still waiting on FranckFRAG's updated map. Most of the maps have been compiled together and stuff (all the tedious stuff), so once t.v. sends in his updated graphics which should be a week or so, and FranckFRAG sends in his map, the testing version will be released very very shortly.

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I'm really hoping that I can get my computer back soon so I could at least help with testing. Send me testing version anyway (I'm just trying to think positive for once).

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Joshy said:

Yup and still waiting on FranckFRAG's updated map. Most of the maps have been compiled together and stuff (all the tedious stuff), so once t.v. sends in his updated graphics which should be a week or so, and FranckFRAG sends in his map, the testing version will be released very very shortly.

I send my map this evening.

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