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Plutonia Revisited Community Project: Released!

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that lava is toxic and fills the air in those sectors with deadly poison

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Yeah, but in that case, shouldn't every sector that is next to any red lava have a damaging floor then? It just seems a little random to try to do that just in the one place. And most players, I think, are going to see a stone floor, and assume it is a mistake to have any damage in those sectors.

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it is magical hell poison that only affects air above its assigned sectors. :)
interesting that this didn't come up in playtesting... everyone probably stepped on those sectors geared up in radsuits. also what version are we talking about? the previous release that had to be quick-updated has 339 and 341 corrosive, but 336 and 337 are normal.

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Magical hell poison. Hmmm. I see. :S

Yeah, sorry dew, you were right. I checked again and 336 and 337 are actually normal, but 339 and 341 are corrosive. I must have just assumed those other two sectors were damaging as well. Oops.

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KiiiYiiiKiiiA said:

Also, I don't know if this is the place to report bugs, n' sorry if someone has already reported this, but on map 19, Sectors 336, 337, 339 and 341 have Effect 7 (Damage -2 or 5% health), where they all have a stone floor and not the damaging red lava that is next to them, so this effect should be removed. Have a look and you will see what I mean.
-Same map, linedefs 5600 and 5605 and several surrounding linedefs could use a little neatening up in terms of alignment.

You're right, sector 339 and 341 indeed has this bug, it wasn't intended ;P Nice spotting of you. I think Joshy has already released the final version of the megawad though, if there'll be a re-release, I can fix this bug.

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Yeah I actually found this KiiiYiiiKiiiA too before the release but too late.

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Just realised (after clicking submit review) that I've implied there are 33 maps in that .WAD - obviously missed my 1 key :(

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Well done by all involved. If there is to be a bug fixed version, I did notice that an error previously reported for map 11 is still present.

Lines 5561 and 2662 need their front-sidedefs to have a Y offset of 8, not 0. If using either Risen3D or (g)zdoom, go into fly mode and fly over those a-rail textures. You will clearly see the height difference.

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Isn't it technically a megawad? It's a full 32 levels, and I think you have to have 12 or more.

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Probably safer to assume its a bit limit-removing or boom compatible I'd have thought - chocolate doom is a port after all :P

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It shouldn't be in /ports. The project's aim was always to be vanilla-compatible, and the final product achieved that goal (give or take a few VPO's on a certain twisty map ;).

I'd leave a message for Ty -- hopefully he won't mind moving it.

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I'm playing through the megawad, am at map11 right now, this is a really nice project indeed! By the way, I noticed two bugs in the otherwise great map10. First, it seems that it's easy to skip the linedef near the yellow key, that's triggering the monster teleports at the other side of the bridge, the one with an Arch-Vile amongst others.

And secondly, in the red key room, where you walk upon a platform and then run over another small platform to reach the plasma, it's possible to get stuck if you manage to wallrun over the linedef that lowers that small platform just before the plasma gun.

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CacoCaddy said:

Great wad! Was the Icon of Sin art unique to this project?

Yes. It would be boring if using the normal Icon of Sin.

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valkiriforce's map04 of rejects.wad is also prcp overflow.

it's a solid, challenging map, but it got axed for a few reasons. it's a pl28 homage, but quite a mean one. the combination of corrosive floors and shortage of radsuits is unforgiving, so slow exploration doesn't work and you have to press forward, but taking a wrong path will leave you surrounded by, like, mancos and other strong monsters with ZERO ammo. it was frustrating even with save&load and made you restart the map a lot. this could've been balanced, of course, but the map was submitted near the deadline, valkiriforce had another map in ep3 and last but not least, joshy's poison ivy 3 already had the same pl28-style circular arena. :)

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dew said:

it's a solid, challenging map, but it got axed for a few reasons. it's a pl28 homage, but quite a mean one. the combination of corrosive floors and shortage of radsuits is unforgiving, so slow exploration doesn't work and you have to press forward, but taking a wrong path will leave you surrounded by, like, mancos and other strong monsters with ZERO ammo. it was frustrating even with save&load and made you restart the map a lot. this could've been balanced, of course, but the map was submitted near the deadline, valkiriforce had another map in ep3 and last but not least, joshy's poison ivy 3 already had the same pl28-style circular arena. :)

You could have posted this on the REJECTS.WAD thread, it's a good thing I checked this thread. Anyway, thanks for the feedback. ;)

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Phew, got through in one-many pieces.
Proper Plutonia vibe. The levels are a mixed bag in terms of construction quality/detail, but in the end they all do their part well. Very challenging and many fun situations, and, as with most modern megawads, also numerous asshole ambushes that seemed to require prior knowledge to get through alive or at least without taking heavy damage. And as so often, I had to godmode through the boss map... But always enough items, good balance here.
A couple of cool secrets in places, some of which made me feel real clever, but I still found only few in total this time, maybe around 40% average in each map.
There's a good number of very nicely designed areas - too bad I forgot to pick favorites (forgot most of the early maps due to playing the pack with long pauses). However, one particular map I do remember is Wicked Gardens. Very cool theme, the outside areas looked awesome with the rocks, bloodfalls and barbwire fences; and the before/after ruinous hall was pure genius.

So thanks for this enjoyable release, great community effort as usual.

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Just a little thing: map32 plays no music (even with latest chocolate-doom) and map21 has no number at automap, only new name.

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GBT3 said:

Just a little thing: map32 plays no music (even with latest chocolate-doom) and map21 has no number at automap, only new name.

Map32 music has been known for awhile...I can't figure out a way to fix it and I don't think anyone else found a way yet, either.

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I had a lot of fun with this megawad - if anything - the triple savegame buffer from MAP18-20 bothered me. I had to really make sure I could make it through those three big maps alive. Sure enough, I died at the spider mastermind at the end of MAP20, dandy.

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Yes, second "episode" is unique.

Btw in terms of storyline, the story happens after Plutonia, but before Plutonia 2? So it's basically interquel like Thy Flesh Consumed for Ultimate Doom been?

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I don't think that PL2 and PRCP are connected... PL2 is a sequel while PRCP is more like a remake. And they both are unofficial anyway.

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valkiriforce said:

I had a lot of fun with this megawad - if anything - the triple savegame buffer from MAP18-20 bothered me. I had to really make sure I could make it through those three big maps alive. Sure enough, I died at the spider mastermind at the end of MAP20, dandy.

I made map19, I hadn't made any vanilla-compatible maps in many years and I unfortunately didn't think of the savegame buffer while making the map.

I also wish I didn't write in the text file that my map will function "perfectly", while not intended that way, it sounded decidedly elitist :P

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PRCP is awesome! The levels are really detailed and there are great challenges in UV! Unfortunately I have a problem: I am playing it under Vanilla Final Doom, I've reached Map15: Helix; I know I can't save 'cause of savegame buffer limits, as you've stated in the readme... But I can't finish the level at all! I grabbed the yellow skullkey at the top of the spiral stairs, then I high-jumped on that bridge. After killing various monsters, I went back to those spiral stairs, I got a bad VPO and lost my progress. :-(
Is there a way to increase the limits in Vanilla Final Doom, like in Vanilla Doom and Vanilla Doom2 with Doom Plus and Doom2 Plus? Thanks in advance!

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