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About Gusta

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  1. Gusta

    Kama Sutra demos [-complevel 2]

    No :-) This idea is all new for me :-D And that map is wierd.
  2. Ok, you're welcome :-) I am adding MAP12 UV Pacifist in 0:34 m212p034.zip
  3. Damn, I recorded a demo... how did that happen!? :-) MAP12 UV Speed in 0:31 m212-031.zip
  4. Gusta

    Kama Sutra demos [-complevel 2]

    Great demos, excellent times, huge improvements! Thank you very much, Ancalagon, and doomadict82! :-) (I hope that some later, harder maps will catch your attention as well :-))
  5. I have checked my mailbox and it looks like that I forgot to send this demo. And I don't have it anywhere, so sorry, this piece of history is lost.
  6. Gusta

    LAN in Prague

    Well, I strated to work on some polishing here and there... but don't expect miracles, I have to learn all the stuff again, because I forgot almost everything about it :-)
  7. Gusta

    LAN in Prague

    Do you really want it? :-) Those maps are not so good. :-) Funny thing, when this LAN was happening, I had some 28 maps already :-)
  8. Gusta

    LAN in Prague

    VCLP3066.mp4: Grazza is holding the camera, so from his right hand counter clockwise around the table to his left hand: Radeg, Opulent, Titan, x-jack, Draza_jr, Tomsa-x, Erik Alm, Belial, Method, Gusta VLCP3073.mp4: Radeg, Opulent, Titan, Bubušák, Draza_jr, Tomsa-x, Erik Alm, Damned, Method, Nikki, Gusta, Raiderr (only his hands are visible :-)
  9. Gusta

    LAN in Prague

    That's legendary :-D I can identify all the people on those 2 videos from pub, if you need :-)
  10. I think that all ksutra maps have berserk (+ lot of power up) but I am afraid that it's too much of luxury and those maps are way too easy for these crazy guys :-)
  11. Gusta

    Alien Vendetta demos [-complevel 2]

    Wow, you are crazy :-) Congratulations! I have to take vacation just to watch this run :-)
  12. Excellent run, pretty aggresive and flawless, congratulations, man! (and Map 22 was breathtaking :-))
  13. Gusta

    Kama Sutra demos [-complevel 2]

    Excellent! Are you (or someone else) willing to put this run on youtube? For Mr. Method, please! :-)