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RAMP - Rabbit's All-Comers Mapping project [DONE!!]

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Sounds interesting. I think I'll make a map for this.

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I am already mapping for the Doom Maximum Project 2021, but I'm already willing to participate in this as well, Count me in!

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Sweet. I've watched a lot of your videos and really want to have a try at mapping.
I'd be down to try to put something together for this. I'll go through the videos and resources and give it my best shot.

Also... that hub map look dope af.

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Thanks :) I'm glad to have all of you, and I hope you find Doom mapping as fun as I do!

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I want to give a like, but I'm all outta likes.. (at least I have gum though)


Also, I love the name + logo combination, it's really clever. In some alternate universe this project is called DAMP, which makes me think of some rank old sewer map or something..


I'm looking forward to seeing how this shapes up!

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Your content's been really helpful for me getting started with mapping, and I'd love to contribute to this! I know it's probably not a good idea to be juggling multiple community maps at once, but, in the words of Postal Dude: "This can't be good for me, but I feel great!"

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1 hour ago, Doomkid said:

Also, I love the name + logo combination, it's really clever. In some alternate universe this project is called DAMP, which makes me think of some rank old sewer map or something..

Funnily enough, this was indeed called DAMP for a while (as another nod to its inspiration DUMP which isn’t a pleasant word either!) but I knew I desperately needed a different name :) In the end, RAMP was perfect in symbolizing a way to “help people up” and get started.

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Hm, I anyway wanted to try out UDMF specifics and texture packs. Maybe I overhaul my very first map which I posted quite a while ago. Or maybe I can start new one. You didn’t set any limits on gameplay, monsters or weapons. But would there be things you prefer?

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i may participate 
rn im working on another project but still i may have some time after finishing it

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This project sounds promising - the uploader/compiler is very impressive. While I'm not quite in the newcomer bracket the brief is targeting, I hope to be able to contribute a map. Like KubaloBlackMT I've got a DMP21 map underway at the moment, but hopefully I can get to this next.

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You're definitely very welcome to join in no matter how many maps you've made before :) Maps don't have to be in UDMF format - vanilla and Boom are equally applicable - but trying new things is definitely encouraged!


One thing I realized just this morning, though, is that I can't support DEHACKED, because changes made by it would also affect other people's levels.

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just tried to upload aztek.wad (set to slot 14) but it seems to be stuck at the 'working...' message?





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My first upload went smooth, but each additional update I've uploaded seems to take longer before it starts the upload. I'm now stuck on 'working...' myself.

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It looks like it might be a browser session cache lock.

I closed all my browser windows in Chrome, which is what I was using to upload.

I opened Firefox and it uploaded almost instantly.


So to resolve this:

1. close all browser windows

2. open fresh browser window

3. submit wad

4. profit

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I think I see the problem, several people were using it at once which I didn't anticipate (and I was unwisely updating the form at the same time!) You maps are safe in the compiled PK3 :)

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I'm loving the maps so far!



Small, moody little map with relatively straight-forward navigation for the most part. Excellent enemy placement and the pickup scarcity make what would have been a snooze into a desperate fight for survival.

The regular surprise shotgunners and scarce health pickups kept me in a constant state of nearly-dead. The primary loop was 'can i stay alive long enough to make it to the exit?'... which was a delicious change to 'where's the key for this and now I'm lost.' which is what I normally end up making.

I was on the defensive at every corner. Great example of how to put the player on the backfoot with a very limited set of monsters and excellent encounter design. I particularly liked the long, narrow lava culverts with imps at the ends. excellent use of slow projectile turrets


Dead on Arrival

I won't spoil this one, but I do want to say that this endeavor could have been so sloppy and lazily done. BUT the execution of the waves, the volume and variety of enemies, and mercifully not letting any of them open doors made this an homage to remember. Short and very sweet.

* I was half-expecting the finale. Maybe double the enemy count there keep the surprise level at max?



This one was a doozy. I LOATHED it on my first go-around. Everything was too claustrophobic, and there wasn't enough ammo and there wasn't enough health and there were too many Revenants and no room to move and waaah waaah.

I wrote all that out here and then thought, 'maybe I'm just not getting it. I should try it again before I post.'

I'm really glad I did, because the tight corridors filled with Revenants push you all the way back. the drip-feeding ammo and health allow you to advance and get a little but further, before more Revenants drive you back again.

Once I saw what the author (CBM) was doing I really got into the push and pull attrition of it all... a couple of times I ran out of ammo and had to strategically  armor up so that I could last long enough to kill a straggling Revenant with only punches who stood between me and some shells.

Aesthetically speaking I adore the locale and the execution of the theme. Delicious vibe. Really dug the flame ball trap in the first room. There's a lot of 3d sector action used throughout, and executed in subtle ways - very classy... Oh shit - also doors as 3d objects that swing open like normal doors - That was unexpected and a delight to see. Great use of water sections... and a reflection trick I haven't seen before that I'm guessing is a spoof raytracing effect on some floors. That was awesome.


I actually wanted more of this map. I'd love to see a variation of it that mixes more big set piece rooms and generally more open areas with those close sweaty hallway  sections. Spread that love out more. There were a lot of hallways ending in nothing - which  is in keeping with pyramid interiors, but felt like missed opportunities here.


A great focused experience, very challenging but very rewarding. Great way to push the player into a distinct playstyle to make it through the level.


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Seems like a lot of fun but i think i'm going to pass. It's not the fact that i'm not good at mapping, it's the fact that i don't really have a map that's worth showing off or making from scratch. Besides i'm already knee deep in a map i'm doing so i'm sorry maybe next time. 

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55 minutes ago, Lazlo Panaflex said:


This one was a doozy. I LOATHED it on my first go-around. Everything was too claustrophobic, and there wasn't enough ammo and there wasn't enough health and there were too many Revenants and no room to move and waaah waaah.

I wrote all that out here and then thought, 'maybe I'm just not getting it. I should try it again before I post.'

I'm really glad I did, because the tight corridors filled with Revenants push you all the way back. the drip-feeding ammo and health allow you to advance and get a little but further, before more Revenants drive you back again.

Once I saw what the author (CBM) was doing I really got into the push and pull attrition of it all... a couple of times I ran out of ammo and had to strategically  armor up so that I could last long enough to kill a straggling Revenant with only punches who stood between me and some shells.

Aesthetically speaking I adore the locale and the execution of the theme. Delicious vibe. Really dug the flame ball trap in the first room. There's a lot of 3d sector action used throughout, and executed in subtle ways - very classy... Oh shit - also doors as 3d objects that swing open like normal doors - That was unexpected and a delight to see. Great use of water sections... and a reflection trick I haven't seen before that I'm guessing is a spoof raytracing effect on some floors. That was awesome.


I actually wanted more of this map. I'd love to see a variation of it that mixes more big set piece rooms and generally more open areas with those close sweaty hallway  sections. Spread that love out more. There were a lot of hallways ending in nothing - which  is in keeping with pyramid interiors, but felt like missed opportunities here.


A great focused experience, very challenging but very rewarding. Great way to push the player into a distinct playstyle to make it through the level.


Thanks for the kind words :D


the difficulty level changes the type and amount of monsters, ammo and other pickups... so each difficulty has its own playstyle... for example the very first difficulty setting is a walk in the park in the aztek pyramid level :D


but since you met revenants then you must have been playing on one of the higher difficulty settings :)


Did you find the secret(s) ? :)

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I am intrigued.


1. Are difficulty levels required?

2. How difficult can I make my maps?

3. How resource intensive can my map(s) be?

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