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what was the firsrt doom game you played

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If we're talking about proper Doom games, then it was Doom 2 sometime in the mid-2000s. If I want to be specific, the first Doom related thing I played was SRB2 Final Demo 1.01 back in 2003.

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I played doom 64 in 2010 on my mom's old Nintendo 64. I didn't know how the password system worked, so i just played the first 3 or so levels on repeat. That pinky trap on the first level was pure nightmare fuel.

23 minutes ago, Roebloz said:

Doom 2 GBA, then Doom 32x before figuring out that Doom is a PC game. (Yes, I'm a dumbass)

Oh, so that's why you're so passionate about old console ports of doom? That's interesting.

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10 minutes ago, DankMetal said:

I played doom 64 in 2010 on my mom's old Nintendo 64. I didn't know how the password system worked, so i just played the first 3 or so levels on repeat. That pinky trap on the first level was pure nightmare fuel.

Oh, so that's why you're so passionate about old console ports of doom? That's interesting.

Yes. Though I also think they're neat.

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My first experience playing Doom was through the leftover Doom 1 maps in Chex Quest. My dad had the WAD file and didn't know it needed it's own executable with special behavior, so we ran it through DOOM.EXE. It didn't stop after the first 5 maps of E1, so after that it was Doom 1 but with corrupted textures and some invisible sprites.

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shareware at Villanova University May of 94... in my Dad's office in the Engineering Department...


all the facility were computer geeks as well as Civil Engineers... they'd been playing with computers since IBM printing card punches... so the tech savvy dweebs were on that demon killing shit for DOS like stink on ohjeeze..


it was the 90's... you don't know man.. you might not know, you might even could have been there... man...

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The shareware of the first Doom at a Christmas party in 1993, there's even a photo of me playing it for the first time, and I've been hooked ever since!

On 6/30/2022 at 7:37 AM, Lippeth said:


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2 hours ago, Lippeth said:

The shareware of the first Doom at a Christmas party in 1993, there's even a photo of me playing it for the first time, and I've been hooked ever since!


I love how we can still make out the HUD and the pistol from the display :)


1 hour ago, Lonespacemarine said:

Doom 64. I hope it explains my profile photo


Ah yes, the last Doom I didn't played until Eternal was released. At first, I thought it was a mix of Doom enemies with Quake atmosphere. I got used to it, and loved it progressively towards the end :) .


On PC: I never played Doom actively as a kid, I mostly watched my brother to play instead. Also, I remember vividly some things from the first two games:


> The two barons in E1M8. I remember my brother used exclusively the rocket launcher against them.
> Eye switch in E3M1. The first thing you see when you start the episode.
> The four red switches in E2M8, before the Cyberdemon.


> The first sight at Entryway :) .
> Dead Simple platforms. The ones with Mancubi.
> The Crusher.


>I used to think the pistol was a lighter. I was a kid, don't ask me why.


> When I "suddenly gained self-consciousness" as a kid, the regular demons sounds used to scare me, not before, lol.


So, all those memories were stuck in my mind until I decided to try and complete them all in my firsts years of high school, the rest is history :) .

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3 hours ago, JustHeziel said:


I love how we can still make out the HUD and the pistol from the display :)



Ah yes, the last Doom I didn't played until Eternal was released. At first, I thought it was a mix of Doom enemies with Quake atmosphere. I got used to it, and loved it progressively towards the end :) .


On PC: I never played Doom actively as a kid, I mostly watched my brother to play instead. Also, I remember vividly some things from the first two games:


> The two barons in E1M8. I remember my brother used exclusively the rocket launcher against them.
> Eye switch in E3M1. The first thing you see when you start the episode.
> The four red switches in E2M8, before the Cyberdemon.


> The first sight at Entryway :) .
> Dead Simple platforms. The ones with Mancubi.
> The Crusher.


>I used to think the pistol was a lighter. I was a kid, don't ask me why.


> When I "suddenly gained self-consciousness" as a kid, the regular demons sounds used to scare me, not before, lol.


So, all those memories were stuck in my mind until I decided to try and complete them all in my firsts years of high school, the rest is history :) .

I agree. doom 64 was kind of quake-y I think be it released one year after quake and tried inspirations from quake

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Doom II on my mom's Mac back in 1998. I was a kid and it scared me, so I played with cheats (iddqd)


I remember we also had Wolfenstein, Lemmings, Hellcats and others but none could compete with Doom, I got hooked since then.

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Just the first Doom on the DOS on some Shareware disk on my Windows 95 in the early 2000's.


And played with just PC Speaker sounds.

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Chex Quest, if that counts :p


If not, then it was Ultimate Doom on pc in 2018-ish?

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Οriginal, on a 486, early 1994. State of the art at the time, no other game impressed me as much since then.

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The game I saw someone playing was Doom (probably shareware) on DOS. I can't remember if I played it myself at some point, but of course those memories remained burned in my retina for years. The first shooter I played myself was Apogee's release of Blake Stone on DOS.


The first Doom game I remember properly playing was Doom 3 on PC. Source ports came a bit later for me, in sort of a nostalgia trip.

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