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Remilia Scarlet

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About Remilia Scarlet

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  1. Last weekend, I kinda had an unfortunate event happen with my DDR pad (or, if you prefer, you may read that line: "Andrew can't bridge a DDR pad worth crap"). So, since it would no longer work, I had to go buy a new one. I went over and got a Mad Catz pad instead, and so far I like it better. However, since I had to trash my old pad, and the vinyl covering holding it in place on the ply wood, I no longer have a hard pad. So, I guess I need to go get some more plywood (larger, this time), more vinyl covering, some foam (since the plywood, I found out, was shredding my pad), some tape, and some ice cream (for afterwards).

    Even if I am using a soft pad, which I normally am horribe with, I was able to get some real good practice in with Paranoia Rebirth (190bpm) on maniac. I can nearly pass it with a C, now that I've figured out a few tricks on the song, like the foot switch around measure 30. I expect to pass it, at full speed, within a few weeks.

    Also, got WarCraft II Battle.net Edition and C&C Renegade. WC2 BNE is great! I've been playing a little online, using a few StarCraft strategies. So far my record is like 3-0-0 or 4-0-0. Soon...those will increase :)

    Speaking of StarCraft, I'm defintely getting better at that game on Battle.net. I've been playing $$$Fastest Map Possible V5$$$ a lot, and find it very enjoying. My friend Viet (who goes by likuid_killer or likuid_kid on Bnet) has been working with me, teaching me stuff.

    Btw, I'm known as "Misato_K" on Bnet.

    Renegade is also a pretty cool game. Runs just a tad bit sluggish on my computer, but I think it's mainly due to a bad CD-Rom, messed up chip somewhere inside, and the fact that it's on a firewire HD. As soon as I get my new Alienware, however (which will be Tuesday!), I'll definitely be playing this one more. Graphics aren't too good, and it pisses me off that I can't assign "attack" to ctrl, but oh well.

    Also, why is it that when I start trying to loose weight by eating less, excercising (lots of DDR), and drinking less pop, I gain five pounds rather than loose five?

    1. AndrewB


      A housefire.

    2. Sharessa


      TeamKill said:

      Speaking of StarCraft, I'm defintely getting better at that game on Battle.net. I've been playing $$$Fastest Map Possible V5$$$ a lot, and find it very enjoying.

      Thats the only map anyone ever plays anymore. It gets old pretty quick.

    3. Epyo




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