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File Reviews posted by printz

  1. The Keep


    Annoying gameplay with lots of darkness, no torches to use and nitrogolem/ghost knight overuse while you can mostly only use the crossbow. Most confrontations are monotonously ahead of you with little variation. There are also a couple of obscure puzzles (hint: there's a bird texture to shoot at!)
  2. Fragland


    Pretty cool. First level is a classic castle map which you have to break into. It gets creepy as you get inside. The second level is surreal and has some very interesting vertical design. The third level is the strangest and has some cool special effects just like in the description.

  3. Quite a challenging level. Funny that he said that those "three stooges" are harmless, well they're not at all so on skill 5. Saving is recommended since there are several death traps and tough ambushes. The level is huge and has cool challenges. 4/5