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M.E.G.A. Project: Making EDGE Get Active

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So, I've been getting back into Doom again and am going to be releasing some EDGE related stuff. That's when I hit upon the name: M.E.G.A. (Make EDGE Great Again edit: too offensive apparently!?) though it should probably be called TYTL (Ten Years Too Late) ;)

Anyway, first off we have these 2 releases:

1. MEGA Pack:

It's a pack designed to run on EDGE 1.35 which includes:

  • High Resolution Textures and Flats for Doom, Doom2, Plutonia and TNT
  • Replacement of most sprites with MD2 models (everything except monsters and HUD weapons)
  • EDGE 1.35 with Timidity stuff set up for music
  • Pretty launcher program to do all the hard work



Currently weighing in at 280Mb, so have to host it externally: grab it from Mediafire

DoomShack Mirror.

Shout out to Liberation for beta testing it.


2. DoomPAL:

It is a simple to use graphical front end (launcher) for use with the DOOM Source port EDGE. The purpose of this launcher is to set the command-line options for EDGE by simply clicking what you want and then launching the game, instead of repeatedly typing commands or making multiple shortcuts. It *should* work with most other source ports, albeit in a more limited fashion than with EDGE, but can't garantee it.

More info and Download from my site http://firstgen.no-ip.com/programs/doompal.htm



More EDGE related goodness to follow later....

Edited by Lobo

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M.E.G.A. pack credits:

To the following resource creators. What I did was package it all together and tweak in a way that EDGE could swallow.

  • Textures/Flats from AltDHTPv1.3 (https://zandronum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6132)
  • Skyboxes from Sitters site (http://www.md2.sitters-electronics.nl/skyboxen.htm)
  • MD2 models from an old version of Vavoom (https://www.vavoomengine.com/downloads/)

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Here are a couple of updated config files for DoomBuilderX 2019.1:

Edge.cfg needs to be placed in \doombuilderx-2019.1\Configurations\

Edge_sectors.cfg needs to be placed in \doombuilderx-2019.1\Configurations\Includes\


Edge.cfg simple allows mixing textures and flats in the editor.

Edge_sector.cfg has been updated to show the new/changed sector types for EDGE 1.35.

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32 minutes ago, fraggle said:

You might be better off picking a name that doesn't have unpleasant political connotations. Just a thought though.


Agree, this was basically my first thought upon seeing the title a few days ago, so that might not be a rare view and you might not want that to overshadow your work. 

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2 hours ago, fraggle said:

You might be better off picking a name that doesn't have unpleasant political connotations. Just a thought though.

What are you talking about? Is this some american thing?

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11 minutes ago, Lobo said:

What are you talking about? Is this some american thing?

Yes, it is.  MEGA by itself is not, but the subtitle: Make Edge Great Again is a pun on the MAGA slogan by President Trump. MAGA stands for Make America Great Again, a slogan he used in the 2016 elections onward.


That said:

How nice to mention the DoomPal Package It! feature for the MiniLauncher! It also works on non-EDGE source ports and its great little tool to give a WAD/MOD release a little identity.

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58 minutes ago, Redneckerz said:

Yes, it is.  MEGA by itself is not, but the subtitle: Make Edge Great Again is a pun on the MAGA slogan by President Trump. MAGA stands for Make America Great Again, a slogan he used in the 2016 elections onward.


Aha! Good old trans-temporal plagiarism it is then. Time-travelling bugger.

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1 hour ago, Redneckerz said:

How nice to mention the DoomPal Package It! feature for the MiniLauncher! It also works on non-EDGE source ports and its great little tool to give a WAD/MOD release a little identity.

Glad you liked it!

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1 hour ago, Nevander said:

What are you saying?

Apparently he is frustrated by the fact that America is not Great. :D    

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I think the name is quite good. No need to get upset over it, it's still Doom and not some political mod... I find it a funny name even given the situation of Edge.

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"Political connotations" are only unpleasant when they don't lign up with MY ideas!


Cool project and cool name.

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ELI5 why do so many people in US call him a racist and sexist? I couldn't find any of his words that are racist or sexist.

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This has gone off-topic real fast


In summary: regardless of your political views, naming a mod this way is a bad idea because it causes discussion about politics to dominate rather than discussion about your mod.

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37 minutes ago, Horus said:

This has gone off-topic real fast 

Has it though? When you name your project that, isn't stirring shit perfectly on topic? Just a thought.

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I'm not American, I don't follow your politics, and perhaps surprisingly the rest of the world doesn't care too much who you people voted for.

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3 hours ago, dmslr said:

ELI5 why do so many people in US call him a racist and sexist? I couldn't find any of his words that are racist or sexist.

Let's not do this here alright.

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11 minutes ago, Korozive said:

Let's not do this here alright.


4 hours ago, Scuba Steve said:

President donald trump is objectively the worst president in American history. He is boorish, ignorant, lazy and incompetent—an amalgam of the worst qualities of humanity in a single person. He is misogynistic and racist and exhibits all the telltale signs of a sociopath. These are not opinions. This is why "Make X Great Again" will forever be tainted; in the same way you can't draw a swastika and say "other cultures used it before the nazis" you can not use the "MAGA" slogan without tying yourself to the abject failure that is donald trump and his racist, sexist campaign for president of the United States.


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4 hours ago, Scuba Steve said:

President donald trump is objectively the worst president in American history. He is boorish, ignorant, lazy and incompetent—an amalgam of the worst qualities of humanity in a single person. He is misogynistic and racist and exhibits all the telltale signs of a sociopath. These are not opinions. This is why "Make X Great Again" will forever be tainted; in the same way you can't draw a swastika and say "other cultures used it before the nazis" you can not use the "MAGA" slogan without tying yourself to the abject failure that is donald trump and his racist, sexist campaign for president of the United States.


There it is. Discussion over. Case closed.

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Whole lotta children in this thread.


I’m unfamiliar with EDGE, what differentiates it from other source ports?

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I was able to get the mod to run but I guess I'm not sure what to say. Like you said, the goal is to make EDGE get active, but you'll need a killer app to entice people to use the port and I don't know if packaged resources seen in other projects is going to do that. Correct me if I'm wrong, but all the resources here are pre-existing, correct? I think anything short of a big project with new weapons, art assets, and maps just isn't going to encourage people to use EDGE.

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1 hour ago, Faceman2000 said:

I’m unfamiliar with EDGE, what differentiates it from other source ports?

It's my favorite port ;)

Personal preference I guess: the same can be said for most source ports, they've all got their good things and their bad things.

Back in the day EDGE was by far the easiest to mod for: DDF for defining things and RTS for scripting is powerful stuff. My TCs are for EDGE and I've no intention of switching engines now.

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53 minutes ago, Scuba Steve said:

I was able to get the mod to run but I guess I'm not sure what to say. Like you said, the goal is to make EDGE get active, but you'll need a killer app to entice people to use the port and I don't know if packaged resources seen in other projects is going to do that. Correct me if I'm wrong, but all the resources here are pre-existing, correct? I think anything short of a big project with new weapons, art assets, and maps just isn't going to encourage people to use EDGE.

Yep, all resources are pre-existing. All the other ports have had packs with HiRes graphics and 3D models for ages now, but they weren't usable for EDGE. Wanted to level the playing field a bit.


Awhile back someone ported EDGE 1.35 to the Open Pandora game console(which I own).
That prompted me to try out my old TCs on it. They had some annoying bugs, which prompted me to boot up EMUS and DoomPAL...
EMUS and DoomPAL also had some bugs as well as many half-completed features...
That prompted me to start fixing them up, so that I could use them to fix up my TCs...
Unfortunately, to really complete the EMUS v2 release, I need to update the RTS editor commands and DDF docs to EDGE v1.35 compliance.


So basically I started generating a lot of resources which I thought other people could also take advantage of.

And that's what I've been putting out there.


Still more good stuff to come like EMUS v2:




After that I can finally get back to my own TCs. Did I mention I get sidetracked easily ;)


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I think the challenge for EDGE is that, once upon a time, it had unique features no other ports were capable of reproducing. DDF allowed you to completely customize weapons and items in interesting and unique ways without using the limited features of dehacked. When ZDoom added similar support in 2002, it took all the wind out of EDGE's sails and now, 15 years later, ZDoom has continued to expand the scope of what's capable with the internal scripting engine, while EDGE languished.


Like I said, I just don't see how anything can bring people back to EDGE short of some must-play, magnum opus EDGE-only project.

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Then I'll have to make sure I release at least one Magnum Opus when I finally get EMUS v2 done and dusted. ;)


Like I said, I'm doing this for me, but sharing the stuff with anyone who wants it.

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Looks cool man. Lots of amusing comments in this thread. Don't get disenchanted.

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